The project will provide state-of-the-art computational tools for the development of novel 2D materials and their potential application to ultra-fast electronic, opto-electronic, and magnetic devices; unconventional optical and photonic devices; communication devices; and quantum computing applications. The project will address interconnected challenges in emerging areas of quantum science, computational mathematics and computer science by effectively merging highly domain-specific techniques with general machine learning techniques, thus informing and motivating analogous research on model order reduction across the sciences and engineering. 2D materials research is an ideal platform to motivate new mathematics training and curricula in the analysis, modeling, and computation of electronic structure, mechanical and topological properties of materials, and analysis of experimental data. The project’s outreach to female and underrepresented student populations will broaden the diversity of the mathematical research community, and the project provides research training opportunities for graduate students. <br/><br/>Many quantum phenomena of scientific and technological interest emerge naturally at the moiré length scales of layered 2D materials which makes those materials an exciting platform to explore quantum materials properties and to prototype quantum devices. For example, correlated electronic phases such as superconductivity have been recently observed in twisted bilayer graphene (tBLG). Such pioneering results have opened up a new era in the investigation and exploitation of quantum phenomena. Despite the continuing increase in computational resources, high-fidelity modeling and simulation of many quantum materials systems remains out of reach. The limitation is particularly serious in 2D heterostructures due to the large scales at which the quantum phenomena of interest emerge. The objective of this NSF-NSERC Alliance project is to develop an advanced computational modeling workflow, merging state-of-the-art quantum modeling and machine-learning methods to enable rapid, automated, high-fidelity exploration of mechanical and electronic properties of 2D quantum materials. This award is jointly supported by the Division of Mathematical Sciences, the Division of Materials Research and the Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.