Discipline: Mathematical Sciences (21)<br/><br/>This CCLI Phase 2 collaborative research project, "Online Statistics Education: An Interactive Multimedia Course of Study II," is updating, expanding, and enhancing one of the most used free websites for teaching introductory-level statistics. In particular, the project team is making the materials compatible with learning management systems (such as Blackboard) and developing a large bank of test items to assist students with mastery learning. Based on the American Statistical Association supported Guidelines for the Assessment and Instruction of Statistics Education (GAISE), the project team is revising and improving selected content, developing additional case studies, improving the usability, and increasing the production value of the multimedia components. Furthermore, this collaborative team is also optimizing the materials to run on mobile devices to provide students with easy and constant access to learning materials. The effectiveness of the materials across a range of educational institutions is being assessed by independent evaluators. The product and the evaluation results are being disseminated to the statistics education communities through the statistics education digital library, CAUSEweb, and through other publication and presentation venues.