9416314 McLaughlin This research is to use 3-D computer simulations to investigate the interaction of the 1994 Northridge, California, earthquake source with the three-dimensional geologic structure of the San Fernando Valley and surrounding region. The project will be a collaboration between San Diego State University and S-CUBED Division of Maxwell Laboratories. The San Fernando valley is an extensive, low seismic velocity sedimentary basin. A central objective is to assess the role played by this geometry in controlling the frequency content, duration, and intensity of horizontal and vertical strong ground motions. In order to draw the correct engineering lessons from the earthquake, we need to understand what characteristics of the ground motion arose from the specifics of this event versus which characteristics of the ground response are likely to be repeated in future earthquakes. This project is a contribution to the National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program and is supported by the Northridge Earthquake Emergency Appropriation. ***