Part 1<br/>The intersection of environmental sciences and culture is a core element of environmental sustainability. Understanding the geographical context of a particular society also provides insights into that society's position on international borders and cross border issues such as large-scale environmental issues. Engaging students in viewing science through a societal and multicultural lens is a critical part of workforce development and more specifically, important in creating student leaders in global environmental science. This workshop will help address needed approaches for communication upskilling and generate opportunities for students to work in multicultural and multi-institutional teams with an eye towards broadening their views on the application of environmental science to local communities and cultures. Presenting research in an international context also provides students with cross-cultural experiences as they move into professional careers.<br/><br/>Part 2<br/>Communicating science to decision makers is a critical part of preparing graduate students and early career researchers. This proposal outlines a unique learning experience for students, and particularly students interested in multicultural perspectives on global environmental issues with a background in environmental science and are interested in the intersection of environmental science and decision-making. While there is strong interest in experiential and multidisciplinary learning, it is more difficult to institute in practice for environmental research in international negotiations due to lack of suitable opportunities, especially for students from smaller institutions or without the economic means to travel to international settings. The proposed workshop focuses on: (1) building a sense of community for diverse students and others in advance of international professional experiences; (2) providing a platform for students to actively participate through their presentations to a global audience on environmental issues; (3) generating student-led posters and presentations at professional societies such as American Geological Union (AGU) and Ecological Society of America (ESA) as part of the student professional development; and (4) providing a social cohort and shared experience for diversity and first-generation students to experience international professional meetings. Importantly, workshop will address a common issue among institutions that students attending international science meetings are ill-prepared to grasp the complexity of fast-paced negotiations. Students will benefit greatly from advanced guidance and shared experiences through multi-institutional teams.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.