Combination of a bottle and a snap-on adapter and/or a sealing cap

The invention relates to a combination of a bottle (1) comprising a bottle neck (3) and a snap-on adapter (6) and/or a sealing cap (7) that is/are held on the bottle neck (3). The aim of the invention is to produce a structural shape of great mechanical strength that is easy to assemble. To achieve this, both a snap-on projection (8) and an alignment projection (9) are configured on the bottle neck (3).

[0001] The invention relates to a combination of a bottle having a bottle neck and an adapter, which is held latched on the bottle neck, and/or a-closure cap.

[0002] It is an object of the invention to form a unit or combination of the generic type with a high mechanical strength which is advantageous in terms of assembly, including with regard to reliable precentering.

[0003] This object is achieved first of all and substantially with a combination having the features described in claim 1, in which it is provided that both a latching projection and an orientation projection are formed on the bottle neck.

[0004] A configuration of this type creates a good precondition for excellent connection of adapter elements on bottles, for example on preform bottle sleeves with a PET bottle neck. Taking account of the requirements of fully automated large-scale production, the result is accurate precentering and threading in. The orientation projection predominantly brings about the correct orientation for the latching projection. Furthermore, for this purpose it is provided for the latching projection and the orientation projection to be formed next to one another. The corresponding spatial proximity avoids relatively long bridges of material and therefore occurrence of false starts caused by buckling. In this case, a latching recess and an orientation recess are formed on the adapter. This represents, as it were, the female joining partner for the male joining partners, i.e. latching projection and orientation projection. The latching recess is formed as a window. To achieve good anchoring of the parts to one another, it is provided that a lower edge of the window, running in the circumferential direction, is formed so as to run obliquely radially inward and vertically upward. This leads to engagement beneath the latching projection in the manner of a cutting edge and, at the same time, to moderate latching forces during association. On the side of the latching projection, a generous insertion slope which, by comparison, can be moved over easily, results from the fact that an upper edge of the latching projection runs in the circumferential direction and runs obliquely radially outward and vertically downward. This allows assembly to be fully automated with short cycles. A configuration in which at least one peripheral end face of the latching projection is oriented on a vertical plane which incorporates a center axis of the bottle neck is favorable in terms of demolding. On the other hand, in this case one end face is beveled in such a way that its vertical projection line is part of a secant which intersects the bottle neck or is part of a tangent on the bottle neck. This makes it possible to dispense with complex side slides during the production by injection molding of both the adapter part and the bottle neck. In terms of material, the demolding direction is kept virtually without undercuts. To ensure the primary centering of the parts which are to be docked by being knocked together, the procedure is such that at least an upper part of the orientation projection lies above the latching projection, as seen in the vertical direction. The orientation is concluded before latching occurs. It is then accurate. Furthermore, in this context it is advantageous if a plurality of latching projections and a plurality of orientation projections are provided in the circumferential direction. This additionally promotes the directing action and also allows the retaining to occur securely even if the incoming element is oriented at a slight tilt. It is preferable for three such docking/centering points to be produced, distributed at regular angular intervals. The orientation projections are formed as button-like disks. This results in a catch-free guiding-in action through this practically roll-like structure. Another advantageous configuration of a male joining partner of this type consists in the fact that the orientation projections are formed as wedge-shaped protuberances. The upwardly pointing wedge tip is expediently rounded convexly in the manner of the button-like disk. It is also advantageous with regard to demolding if the orientation projections lie in a diametral of the bottle neck, which is circular in cross section. The demolding join is expediently also oriented at this plane.

[0005] The invention furthermore relates to a combination of a bottle having a bottle neck and an adapter, which is held latched on the bottle neck, and/or a closure cap, a single or multiple screw thread being formed on the bottle neck, and the closure cap or the adapter having a corresponding mating screw thread, and with regard to the docking means proposes that the mating screw thread is formed by template-like openings in a cap connection piece. Instead of creating an irreversible latching connection, the latching projections are now simply inclined so as to form a screw thread. The openings in this case form the mating screw thread. The cap connection piece itself is of cylindrical configuration. A configuration which is even of independent importance consists in the fact that an opening which is associated with a thread turn of the bottle neck comprises two partial openings which are separated from one another by a dividing web left in the wall of the cap connection piece. The dividing web functions as a means for preventing unscrewing. This means can only be overcome deliberately. The thread turn has a matching entry groove for the dividing web. The dividing web runs vertically. The opposite partial opening in the cap connection piece is open, thus creating a thread entry. If association with the adapter or the like by screwing is desired, this is useful. Otherwise, the closure cap or the adapter can also be mounted by being knocked on. To achieve the short-term stretching stock which is in this case required, the dividing web has an undulation transversely with respect to its extent. This does not obstruct the widening of the wall. However, a function indicating first use can also be formed by the fact that the dividing web can be stretched in the vertical direction. This is embodied by the fact that the dividing web can be torn off so as to act as a tamperproofing means. To promote the stretchability of the supporting wall, a measure is taken according to which the thickness of the supporting wall in the radially outward direction corresponds to only a fraction of the projecting extent of a thread projection on the bottle neck. The thickness is, for example, in the millimeter range. The wall, which in practice forms a ring, can be widened excellently during the knocking-on operation. It then springs back again powerfully. Nevertheless, it has a high mechanical strength and allows assembly which reduces the knocking force. The mechanical anchoring strength, however, is high, since the cap connection piece, in the closed state, engages so tightly around the bottle neck that the screw thread projects outward through the opening.

[0006] The invention also relates to a combination of closure cap and adapter for fitting onto a bottle neck, and to achieve a solution which is also advantageous with regard to handling, the invention proposes that the adapter has a latching button which engages in an associated through-opening in an outer lateral wall of the closure cap. In this way, the closed position can be secured in such a manner as to protect the product. The adapter is of double-walled form; the latching button is cut free in a radially outer wall thereof. It therefore acts as a rocker button. Apart from the connecting section, which is similar to an integral hinge, the outer contour of the latching button can remain connected by a thin skin, so that in this way a structurally simple tamperproofing means is achieved by simple means. Furthermore, it is provided that the latching button has a lower stop face which runs horizontally or faces radially inward by means of a diverting slope. Advantageously, the lower stop face is formed as a peripheral-edge surface of the latching button. In this case, the closure cap has a blocking face which is associated with the stop face at a corresponding point. The blocking face is part of a boundary face of the inner edge of the through-opening. To achieve a sufficient penetration depth of the latching button, it is provided that the closure cap, in a surrounding position with respect to the through-opening, has an inclined face which falls away toward the edge of the through-opening. In this way, the area surrounding the through-opening is practically formed as a dish. In this context, it has also proven advantageous that the latching button is part of a tongue, the thickened end of which, passing through the through-opening, projects into the indentation which is achieved as a result of the inclined face.

[0007] Furthermore, the invention relates to a bottle, in particular a plastic bottle, preferably blow-molded from a preform, having a bottle neck and an adapter which is produced on the bottle neck by means of a latching formation, and/or a closure cap, and proposes that both a latching projection and an orientation projection are formed on the bottle neck. This leads to the advantages which have been explained in connection with claim 1, but also utilizing the practically finished form of the PET bottle neck. In a bottle of this type, the procedure is also such that the latching projection and the orientation projection are formed next to one another. Moreover, the bottle is characterized by one or more features from claims 6 to 13.

[0008] Furthermore, the invention relates to a closure cap or an adapter which is characterized by a latching recess and an orientation recess. The invention also relates to a closure cap or an adapter according to claim 35 or in particular according thereto, the closure cap and/or the adapter having a single or multiple mating screw thread for a screw thread on a bottle neck on which the closure cap or the adapter is to be secured, to refine which it is proposed that the mating screw thread is formed by template-like openings in a cap connection piece. An article of this type is furthermore characterized by one or more features from claims 15 to 23.

[0009] Furthermore, the invention relates to a closure on a closure cap or an adapter for fitting to a bottle neck, which closure is characterized in that it has a latching button which engages in an associated through-opening in an outer lateral wall of the closure cap. This closure is furthermore characterized by one or more features from claims 25 to 31. A closure of this type is furthermore characterized in that the latching button, which is produced as a rocker button, is formed into a tamperproofing means by means of a thin-skinned connection. The changed position of the rocker button which is brought about by the button being pressed in is immediately obvious. Moreover, the torn skin provides an optical-visual indication. To keep the corresponding actuating forces to a moderate level, the thin-skinned connection may be reduced to a web remote from the tilting point. A relatively small material bridge of this type tears easily. The further configuration of the closure is such that the latching button of the tongue, when it is first used, becomes trapped on a stationary blocking bar of the adapter or of the closure cap. The indication of first use therefore in practice cannot be “covered up”. A solution which is particularly stable in use results if the blocking bar is in a paired arrangement.

[0010] Preferably, the blocking bars are seated on the rear side of the outer wall of the closure cap. They exhibit a barb-like function if it is further provided that the blocking bars converge away from the latching button. Accordingly, when it is attempted to manipulate them by pivoting the rocker button back, they merely become more deeply embedded into the latching button. The anchoring action is further reinforced if the direct distance between the parallel ends of the blocking bars is less than the width of the latching lug measured in this direction. A similarly acting and optimized engagement results if the latching button has a round basic outline and tapers frustoconically toward the outside. The indicated anchoring or embedding is further promoted if the ends of the bars are configured so as to taper to a cutting edge, as seen in cross section.

[0011] The subject matter of the invention is explained in more detail below with reference to an exemplary embodiment illustrated in the drawing, in which:

FIG. 1 shows a diagrammatic plan view of the bottle neck of a bottle,

FIG. 2 shows a perspective side view of the bottle with closure cap,

FIG. 3 shows a diagrammatic side view of the closure cap, specifically in the form of a detail illustration,

FIG. 4 shows the bottle neck which is to be fitted with the closure cap, in the same form of illustration,

FIG. 5 shows an excerpt of a modified part of an orientation recess on the closure cap,

FIG. 6 shows a vertical section through the bottle neck with a closure cap associated in a latched arrangement,

FIG. 7 shows a side view of the bottle neck, showing a modified configuration of an orientation projection,

FIG. 8 shows a plan view of the bottle neck,

FIG. 9 shows a perspective illustration of the bottle neck,

FIG. 10 shows a side view of a modified form of the latching means between bottle neck and closure cap, in which the latching recess has a dividing web,

FIG. 11 shows an illustration corresponding to that shown in FIG. 10, but seen from a different viewing angle,

FIG. 12 shows a perspective illustration of the article shown in FIG. 11,

FIG. 13 shows a modified form of the closure cap in vertical section,

FIG. 14 shows a perspective illustration of the closure,

FIG. 15 shows a section through the region of the dividing web, kept in a basic version in terms of thickness, approximately corresponding to the thickness of the cap connection piece,

FIG. 16 shows a variant with a dividing web of reduced wall thickness,

FIG. 17 shows a further variant with an undulating dividing web,

FIG. 18 shows a side view of the closure,

FIG. 19 shows a plan view of the closure,

FIG. 20 shows the closure in vertical section, dealing with the particular configuration of a latching button,

FIG. 21 shows an enlargement in this respect,

FIG. 22 shows a further variant of the closure, without a hinged lid,

FIG. 23 shows the same closure with a hinged lid which covers over a pouring spout,

FIG. 24 shows a bird's-eye view of this closure,

FIG. 25 shows a side view of the closure,

FIG. 26 shows a front view of the closure,

FIG. 27 shows the closure in an enlarged illustration compared to FIG. 24, and

FIG. 28 shows a diagrammatic plan view of the closure,

FIG. 29 shows a final variant of the closure cap, seen in plan view and with the hinged lid hinged open,

FIG. 30 shows the section on-line XXX-XXX in FIG. 29,

FIG. 31 shows a view of the closure cap from below, and

FIG. 32 shows an enlarged view of a lateral-wall part of the closure cap with an unbroken tamperproofing means, as seen in the direction of the arrow XXXII in FIG. 29.

[0044] The drawing illustrates a bottle 1 which, above a shoulder 2, merges into a bottle neck 3.

[0045] The bottle neck 3 is of stepped cylindrical form. A centering projection 5 of an adapter 6 or of a closure cap 7, which simultaneously acts as a hollow stopper, engages in a sealing manner into the opening 4 of the bottle neck.

[0046] The adapter 6 or the closure cap 7 is held latched on the bottle neck 3.

[0047] For this purpose, the lateral wall of the bottle neck 3 has a latching projection 8 in a supporting section. In addition, an orientation projection 9 is produced on the lateral-wall side. Latching projection 8 and orientation projection 9 are formed next to one another. They project.

[0048] Exposed to their area of action, on the adapter 6 or on the closure cap 7 there is a corresponding latching recess 10 and, moreover, an orientation recess 11 which has a trapping action.

[0049] These features can be used to effect the mechanically fixed docking of the parts of the bottle/adapter etc. combination. The result is that the latching recess 10 is oriented on the latching projection 8 in a manner which is suitable for latching. The correspondingly steered precentering of the joining partners 8/10, 9/11 takes place as part of the turning/plugging precentering which begins even at an early stage. Accordingly, an upper part of the orientation projection 9 is located, in a vertical direction, above the latching projection 8. The vertical direction is defined by a center axis x-x of the bottle neck 3.

[0050] The latching recess 10 is formed as a window. The latching projection 8, which is configured as an elongate rib or protuberance, runs transversely to the center axis x-x, as does the latching recess 10, which provides the contour-matching window. In this way, it is possible to produce an unreleasable connection in the combination.

[0051] The anchoring between latching projection 8 and latching recess 10 is effected by one hooking beneath the other. For this purpose, the lower edge 12 of the window has a contour which resembles a cutting edge. This, as it were, provides the window with a windowsill which is inclined so as to fall away outward. This has, as a consequence, that the lower edge 12 of the window, running in the circumferential direction of the cylindrical bottle neck 3, is formed so as to extend obliquely radially inward and vertically upward. By contrast, an upper edge 13 of the latching projection 8 has an inclination which extends in the circumferential direction and falls away in the radially outward direction. This inclination is generous, so that only moderate knocking forces are required to fit the neck.

[0052] As can be seen from the drawings, with regard to the further configuration of the latching projection 8 the procedure is such that at least one peripheral end face 14 of the latching projection 8 is oriented on the intersecting vertical plane which incorporates the center axis x-x of the bottle neck 3. The demolding plane of the injection mold which is used to produce the bottle neck 3 can be oriented onto this plane. The same applies to the other peripheral end face 15 of the latching projection 8. This peripheral end face 15 is beveled. The form of the bevel is such that the vertical projection line of this peripheral end face 15 is part of a secant which intersects the bottle neck 3 or part of a tangent on the bottle neck 3. This allows demolding without the use of transverse slides.

[0053] Moreover, the inclined position of the lower edge 12 of the window which has been explained above promotes demolding in the axial direction. It is preferable for there to be a plurality of latching projections 8 and a plurality of orientation projections 12 in the circumferential direction, taking account, of course, of the corresponding female receiving parts on the other element which is to be attached, i.e. adapter 6 or closure cap 7, in the form of the latching recess 10 or orientation recess 11 which has been described.

[0054] With regard to the geometric contour, the orientation projections 9 are formed, for example, as button-like disks, as can be seen from the diagrammatic illustration. These are, as it were, roll-like bodies, one wide face of which is rooted in the lateral wall of the bottle neck 3.

[0055] A variant which is illustrated provides a solution which deviates from the circular geometric contour. In this case, there is a basically triangular contour of the orientation projection 9, representing a protuberance which in practice is wedge-shaped. Its point faces upward. The point is convexly rounded, approximately in the sense of the button-like disk. This makes it easier for the joining partners to feel their way in, and thereby promotes reliable centering in the matching orientation recess 11. This is likewise triangular in contour and at the top ends in a concavely rounded tip. The horizontal side, in the form of the base line of the triangle, extends perpendicular to the vertical, so that there is a relatively large trapping funnel which is open toward the bottom, i.e. in the direction of the orientation projection 9. If not every one of the three latching projections 8, which are distributed at regular angular intervals, is provided with an orientation projection 9 which is located laterally and is disposed above 8, in any event the numerical plurality is maintained while using a formation which is such that the orientation projections 9 lie in a diametral D-D of the bottle neck 3, which is circular in cross section. In this case too, they are positioned as close as possible to the edge of the bottle neck 3, in order to effect the centering positional orientation at a very early stage.

[0056] In terms of its plane, the diametral is located in such a way that it runs on an angle bisector, passing through a point of a triangle. The latching projection which is in question in this respect may have peripheral end faces 14 which are obtuse, i.e. oriented radially or radially parallel with respect to the center axis x-x, while the others have inclinations which, with respect to the one peripheral end face 15, end in the form of a wedge on the-lateral wall.

[0057] The drawing also illustrates a combination of a bottle 1 having a bottle neck 3 and an adapter 6, which is held latched on the bottle neck 3, and/or a closure cap 7, with a single or multiple screw thread 16 formed on the bottle neck 3. A triple screw thread 16 is preferably used. The closure cap 7 or the adapter 6 has the corresponding mating screw thread 17.

[0058] The screw thread 16 is an external screw thread. It comprises the latching projections 8, which are now positioned so as to rise. The reference numerals are transferred accordingly. The form of the peripheral end faces 14, 15 corresponds to that which has been explained in connection with the basic version.

[0059] With regard to the mating screw thread 17, this is in principle provided by the latching recess 10, likewise forming windows in the direction of the pitch of the screw thread 16.

[0060] The mating screw thread 17 forms template-like openings in a cap connection piece 18. The cap connection piece 18 is cylindrical and can be retained on the bottle neck 3 with the corresponding superstructure, forming a closure cap, in a mechanically fixed association.

[0061] The template-like openings of the multiple screw thread 16 are inherently configured in such a way that they can be associated with the bottle neck 3 by screwing and can also be associated by being knocked on.

[0062] If the first route is employed, the structural precaution is taken whereby an opening which is associated with one thread turn, i.e. the screw thread 16 of the bottle neck 3, comprises two partial openings, with the lower partial opening being open at the entrance. This is where the thread turn can commence.

[0063] With regard to the creation of two partial openings, it should be noted that a dividing web 19, which forms the corresponding dividing means, runs between the closed partial opening and the open partial opening in the wall of the cap connection piece 18. This web is oriented vertically and is in practice part of the cylindrical wall of the cap connection piece 18. It serves for centering and to prevent rotation. The vertically extending dividing web 19, as a bridge piece, holds the lower region of the wall in combination with that section of the wall of the cap connection piece 18 which has the larger accumulation of material. It can be seen that the dividing web 19 runs at a certain distance from an entry 20 of the partial opening which is open at the base side. This opening is widened slightly in the outward direction, so that the result is that the screw thread 16 is securely trapped in the mating screw thread 17.

[0064] Whether by knocking or by screwing, the dividing web 19 ends up in a vertical gorge 21, which crosses the rising screw thread 16 all the way to the base of the lateral wall of the bottle neck 3. The vertical length of the dividing web 19 corresponds to the width of the screw thread 16 in the region of the foot of the latter.

[0065] The dividing web 19 has an undulation running transversely to its extent. This undulation represents a stretching reserve which makes the knocking-on operation easier. This is because the dividing web 16 is thereby made stretchable in the vertical direction. A greater reduction in the wall thickness is also conceivable.

[0066] As a result of utilization of the gorge 21 and of the flanks which delimit the gorge, of which one may be steep and the other may rise, it is even possible for the dividing web 19 to be used as a tamperproofing means. The rise in the direction of rotation causes the dividing web 19 to tear off. The steeper flank lies in the opposite direction.

[0067] With regard to the desire for assembly which reduces the knocking force, it is advantageous for the thickness of the wall of the cap connection piece 18, as measured in the radial direction, to correspond to only a fraction of the radially outwardly directed projecting distance of a screw thread projection, i.e. of the screw thread 16, in the radially outward direction on the bottle neck 3. The cap connection piece 18 therefore, in the closed state, engages tightly against the bottle neck 3, practically constricting it, in such a way that the screw thread 16 projects significantly outward through the template-like openings. The ratio is 1:3. The thickness of the wall of the cap connection piece 18 is approximately 1 mm.

[0068] Finally, the combination of closure cap 7 and/or adapter 6 for fitting onto a bottle neck 3 relates to a variant solution according to which the adapter 6 or the closure cap 7 has a latching button 22. This button in this case holds a hinged lid 23 of the closure cap 7 in the closed position and allows this cap to be opened deliberately.

[0069] The hinged lid 23 is pivoted on a lower part of the closure cap 7 by means of an integral hinge 24. The integral hinge 24 is located at a point of said lower part which is remote from the latching button, specifically located on the upper edge of this part.

[0070] The latching button 22 is produced as a pivoting or rocker button. It is located on said lower part. The mating part, in terms of forming a closure, is a through-opening 25 which is associated with the latching button 22 or can be brought into the region of action thereof. This opening is located on an outer lateral wall 26 of the closure cap 7, more precisely of its hinged lid 23.

[0071] Both the closure cap 7 and the adapter 6 are of double-walled form. The latching button 22 is cut free in a radially outer wall 27. The inner wall, which runs concentrically with respect thereto, forms the cap connection piece 18. The connection between the two is made by means of an annular bridge 28. A free yielding space for the latching button 22 which can be depressed is located between the wall of the cap connection piece 18 and the outer wall 27.

[0072] The latching button 22, which has been cut free in the shape of a keyhole in the outer wall 27, has a lower stop face 29 with a blocking action. This face extends radially or radially inward with a slight diverting slope.

[0073] The lower stop face 29 is the circumferential surface of the latching button 22, and specifically, with a blocking action, its lower semicircle.

[0074] A blocking face 30, which is taken out of the hole edge of the through-opening 25, is associated with the stop face 29. This blocking face is therefore part of a boundary face of the inner edge of the through-opening 25.

[0075] The hinged lid 23 of the closure cap 7 is configured so as to slope, thus forming an indentation. Specifically, the through-opening 25 is provided with an inclined surface 31 which falls away downward toward the edge, more accurately the outer edge boundary of the through-opening 25. The indentation which is produced by the inclination—which at the same time forms a helpful opening aid for opening the lid 23—is clearly recognizable and is formed with approximately fingertip width in the vicinity of the latching button 22. The body of the latching button, which resembles a push-button, passes through the through-opening 25 so as to stand out and projects into the region of the outerside indentation. Its front surface is of frustoconical configuration, so that the tab 33 can be disengaged and snapped into place successfully, with assistance from the floating-curve configuration.

[0076] The circular latching button 22 is part of a tongue 32. It has its root in the material of the outer wall 27 and just below the annular bridge 28 is formed into a horizontal hinge 32′. The hinge 32′ may be produced in the shape of a slight arc, so that a high-quality restoring action toward the blocking position is present or is produced.

[0077] The basis is correspondingly resilient and elastic plastic material, specifically with regard to all the closure-forming parts and also the bottle 1 itself.

[0078] If the surrounding area of the thickened end of the tongue 32, which thickened end forms the latching button 22, is not cut free toward the outer wall 27, including the tongue 32 which leads upward toward the hinge 32′, this region can be used as a tamperproofing indicator or tamperproofing means S. The cut-free channel, which forms the tearing contour, is produced as a thinned part, such as for example a thin skin.

[0079] The through-opening 25 is located in the tab 33, which passes downward over the obliquely dropping hinged join 23 between lower part and hinged lid, of the hinged lid. In the closed position, it enters flush into a niche 34 of corresponding shape in the outer wall 27 of the adapter 6 or of the closure cap 7. The hinged join is denoted by 35.

[0080] Lugs 37 located in the vicinity of the indentation and a transverse bar 38 promoting through roughness the opening of the hinged lid 23.

[0081] The closure, which is fitted with a cover, has a pouring spout 36 in the region of the pouring opening, for controlled discharge when product is being removed.

[0082] The superstructure which adjoins the adapter 6 may be design-varied in a very wide range of embodiments.

[0083] Returning to the tamperproofing indicator or means S which has been explained with regard to the latching lug 22, reference should be made to the further development in FIGS. 29 to 32. The structural resemblance to the article which has been outlined primarily from FIG. 13 onward justifies corresponding transferral of the reference numerals, in part without the text being repeated. The tongue 32 which is fitted to the hinge 32′ is more pronounced, as can be seen from FIG. 32, i.e. is longer in the vertical direction than is the case, for example, in FIG. 21. This results, when one includes the latching button 22, in a relatively long, tiltable body, i.e. a rocker button. The back of the tongue 32 is reinforced by a rib 32″.

[0084] The latching button 22, which is produced as a rocker button, is attached to the outer wall 27 of the closure cap 7. The thin-skinned connection which has already been explained is now reduced to a web 39 which is remote from the tilting point (cf. FIG. 32). This web extends in the vertical longitudinal center plane of the tongue 32. It forms a material bridge between the lower edge section 22′ of the latching button 22 and the opposite wall part 27′ of the cut-free gap 40, which in practice forms a keyhole contour.

[0085] The latching button 22 which is also explained here, as a result of being pressed inward into the tilted position shown in FIG. 30 (in dot-dashed lines), releases the tab 33, so that the hinged lid 23 can be folded open, pivoting about the integral hinge 24. The pressed-in rocker button is held in this position so as to function as a tamperproofing indicator or means S. This is because during first use the latching button 22 of the tongue 32 is caught on a stationary blocking bar 41 of the adapter 6 or of the closure cap 7. Said blocking bar 41 is seated on the rear side of the outer wall 27 of the closure cap 7. It is molded on directly, and can be seen in a paired association.

[0086] Said blocking bars 41 act as a practically irreversible anchor on the pressed-in rocker button or latching button 22. Therefore, the damaged tamperproofing cannot easily be restored. The measure according to which the blocking bars 41 of the latching button 22 converge remotely forms the anchoring means. The acute-angled rise with regard to the wall 27 is at approx. 30 degrees. This is clearly evident from FIG. 31. In addition, the free ends of the blocking bars 41 are configured so as to taper to a cutting edge, as seen in cross section. This promotes penetration into the body which is to be retained, i.e. the latching button 22, and if appropriate also into the tongue 32, if this is of the same width.

[0087] The outlined taper is such that the blocking bars 41 with their cutting edges yield when the rocker button is pressed in, in such a manner that the distance between them widens. In the basic position, therefore, the direct distance between the parallel ends of the blocking bars 41 is less than the width of the latching button 22 measured in this direction. As has already been indicated, this button has a round contour. The corresponding projecting distance of latching button 22 and blocking bar 41 is denoted by the symbol Ü in FIG. 32.

[0088] The retaining of the depressed position of the rocker button is also promoted by the fact that the latching button 22 is of frustoconical configuration. The oblique cone lateral surface exerts a high level of blocking action on the cutting edge-like ends of the blocking bars 41.

[0089] With regard to the screw thread 16 and the mating screw thread 17, it remains to point out that these are triple screw threads. The catching function with regard to the dividing web 19 is also applied in the latter version, FIG. 29 ff., so that when the closure is unscrewed a tamperproofing indicator function is also utilized in this respect.

[0090] The hexagonal structure of the closure and of the closure cap 7 has a rotation-preventing action with regard to a matching mating contour provided to the shoulder 2 of the bottle 1. Moreover, in the basic screwed position which is reached, a blocking finger 42 passes with a blocking action in front of a protuberance 43 of the shoulder 2 of the bottle 1.

[0091] It also remains to point out that the cap connection piece 18, on account of its radial distance from the wall 27, leaves sufficient tilting-displacement space for the rocker button.

[0092] All features disclosed are (per se) pertinent to the invention. The disclosure content of the associated/appended priority documents (copy of the prior application) is hereby incorporated in its entirety in the disclosure of the application, partly for the purpose of incorporating features of these documents in claims of the present application.

  • 1-48. (cancelled)
  • 49. A combination of a bottle (1) having a bottle neck (3) and a latchable element that is an adapter (6) or a closure cap (7), which element is held latched on the bottle neck (3), both a latching projection (8) and an orientation projection (9) being formed on the bottle neck (3), wherein the latching projection (8) and the orientation projection (9) are formed next to one another, and a latching recess (10) and an orientation recess (11) are formed on the latchable element.
  • 50. A combination according to claim 49, wherein the latching projection (8) and the orientation projection (9) are formed on the bottle neck (3) in the circumferential direction, and the latching projection (8) and the orientation projection (9) are formed next to one another in the circumferential direction.
  • 51. A combination according to claim 49, wherein the latching projection (8) and the orientation projection (9) are formed next to one another in such a manner that at least an upper part of an orientation projection (11) can be disposed above the latching projection (8), as seen in the vertical direction.
  • 52. The combination according to claim 49, wherein the latching recess (10) is formed as a window.
  • 53. The combination according to claim 52, wherein a lower edge (12) of the window, running in the circumferential direction, is formed so as to run obliquely radially inward and vertically upward.
  • 54. The combination according to claim 53, wherein an upper edge (13) of the latching projection (8) runs in the circumferential direction and runs obliquely radially outward and vertically downward.
  • 55. The combination according to claim 49, wherein at least one peripheral end face (14) of the latching projection (8) is oriented on a vertical plane which incorporates a center axis (x-x) of the bottle neck (3).
  • 56. The combination according to claim 49, wherein another peripheral end face (15) runs beveled in such a way that its vertical projection line is part of a secant which intersects the bottle neck (3) or is part of a tangent on the bottle neck (3).
  • 57. The combination according to claim 49, wherein at least an upper part of the orientation projection (11) lies above the latching projection (8), as seen in the vertical direction.
  • 58. The combination according to claim 49, wherein the latching projection and the orientation projection are part of a plurality of latching projections (8) and a plurality of orientation projections (9) provided on the bottle neck in the circumferential direction.
  • 59. The combination according to claim 58, wherein the orientation projections (9) are formed as button-like disks.
  • 60. The combination according to claim 58, wherein the orientation projections (9) are formed as wedge-shaped protuberances.
  • 61. The combination according to claim 58, wherein the orientation projections (9) lie along a diameter of the bottle neck (3), which neck is circular in cross section.
  • 62. A combination of a bottle (1) having a bottle neck (3) and a latchable element that is an adapter (6) or a closure cap (7), which element is held latched on the bottle neck (3), wherein a single or multiple screw thread (16) is formed on the bottle neck (3), and the closure cap (7) or the adapter (6) have a corresponding mating screw thread (17), wherein the mating screw thread (17) is formed by template-like openings in a cap connection piece (18), an opening which is associated with a thread turn of the bottle neck (3) comprises two partial openings which are separated from one another by a dividing web (19) in the wall of the cap connection piece (18), the dividing web being disposed in a cleft (21) crossing the thread (16).
  • 63. The combination according to claim 62, wherein the dividing web (19) runs vertically.
  • 64. The combination according to claim 62, wherein an opposite partial opening is open.
  • 65. The combination according to claim 62, wherein the dividing web (19) has an undulation transversely with respect to its extent.
  • 66. The combination according to claim 62, wherein the dividing web (19) can be stretched in the vertical direction.
  • 67. The combination according to claim 62, wherein the dividing web (19) can be torn off so as to act as a tamperproofing means.
  • 68. A combination of a bottle (1) having a bottle neck (3) and a latchable element that is an adapter (6) or a closure cap (7), which element is held latched on the bottle neck (3), wherein a single or multiple screw thread (16) is formed on the bottle neck (3), and the closure cap (7) or the adapter (6) has a corresponding mating screw thread (17), and the mating screw thread (17) is formed by template-like openings in a cap connection piece (18).
  • 69. The combination according to claim 68, wherein the cap connection piece (18) is cylindrical.
  • 70. The combination according to claim 68, wherein the thickness of a wall of the cap connection piece (18) in the radially outward direction corresponds to only a fraction of the projecting extent of a threaded projection on the bottle neck (3).
  • 71. The combination according to claim 68, wherein the cap connection piece (18), in a closed state, engages so closely against the bottle neck (3) that the screw thread (16) projects outward through the opening.
  • 72. A combination of a bottle having a bottle neck, and a latchable element that is a closure cap (7) or an adapter (6) for fitting onto the bottle neck (3), wherein the adapter (6) has a latching button (22) cut free in a radially outer wall, which button engages in an associated through-opening (25) in an outer lateral wall of the closure cap (7).
  • 73. The combination according to claim 72, wherein the adapter (6) is of double-walled form.
  • 74. The combination according to claim 72, wherein the latching button (22) has a lower stop face (29) which runs horizontally or faces radially inward by means of a diverting slope.
  • 75. The combination according to claim 74, wherein the lower stop face (29) is formed as a peripheral-edge surface of the latching button (22).
  • 76. The combination according to claims 75, wherein the closure cap (7) has a blocking face (30) which is associated with the stop face (29).
  • 77. The combination according to claim 76, wherein the blocking face (30) is part of a boundary face of an inner edge of the through-opening (25).
  • 78. The combination according to claims 72, wherein the closure cap (7), in a surrounding position with respect to the through-opening (25), has an inclined face (31) which falls away.
  • 79. The combination according to claim 72, wherein the latching button (22) is part of a tongue (32), the thickened end of which, passing through the through-opening (25), projects into an indentation which is achieved as a result of the inclined face (31).
  • 80. A bottle (1), in particular a plastic bottle, preferably blow-molded from a preform, having a bottle neck (3) and a latchable element that is an adapter (6) or a closure cap (7), which element is latched on the bottle neck (3) by means of a latching formation, wherein both a latching projection (8) and an orientation projection (9) are formed on the bottle neck (3).
  • 81. The bottle according to claim 80, wherein the latching projection (8) and the orientation projection (9) are formed next to one another.
  • 82. A latchable element for the neck of a bottle, the latchable element being a closure cap (7) or an adapter (6), wherein latching is accomplished by a latching recess (10) and an orientation recess (11) in the latchable element.
  • 83. The latchable element that is a closure cap (7) or adapter (6) according to claim 82, wherein the closure cap (7) and/or the adapter (6) have a single or multiple mating screw thread (17) for a screw thread (16) on the bottle neck (3) on which the closure-cap (7) or the adapter (6) is to be secured, and wherein the mating screw thread (17) is formed by template-like openings in a cap connection piece (18).
  • 84. The latchable element according to claim 82, wherein the cap connection piece (18) is cylindrical.
  • 85. The latchable element that is a closure cap or adapter according to claim 82, wherein an opening which is associated with a thread turn of the bottle neck (3) comprises two partial openings which are separated from one another by a dividing web (19) in the wall of the cap connection piece (18), the dividing web being disposed in a cleft (21) crossing the thread (16).
  • 86. A closure on a latchable element that is a closure cap (7) or on an adapter (6) for fitting to a bottle neck (3), wherein the closure has a latching button (22) which engages in an associated through-opening (25) in an outer lateral wall of the closure cap (7) or of the adapter (6).
  • 87. The closure for the latchable element according to claim 86, comprising a double-walled construction, and wherein the latching button is cut free in an outer wall of the double-walled construction.
  • 88. The closure for the latchable element according to claim 86, wherein the latching button (22), which is produced as a rocker button, is formed into a tamperproofing means (S) by means of a thin-skinned connection.
  • 89. The closure for the latchable element according to claim 88, wherein the thin-skinned connection is reduced to a web (39) which is remote from a tilting point.
  • 90. The closure for the latchable element according to claim 86, wherein the latching button (22) of the tongue (32), when it is first used, becomes trapped on a stationary blocking bar (41) of the adapter (6) or of the closure cap (7).
  • 91. The closure for the latchable element according to claim 90, wherein the blocking bar (41) is in a paired arrangement of plural blocking bars.
  • 92. The closure for the latchable element according to claim 91, wherein the blocking bars (41) are seated on the rear side of an outer wall (27) of the closure cap (7).
  • 93. The closure for the latchable element according to claim 90, wherein the blocking bars (41) converge as they move away from the latching button (22).
  • 94. The closure for the latchable element according to claim 91, wherein a direct distance between the parallel ends of the blocking bars (41) is less than a width of the latching button (22) measured in this direction.
  • 95. The closure for the latchable element according to claim 86, wherein the latching button (22) has a round basic outline and tapers frustoconically toward the outside.
  • 96. The closure for the latchable element according to claim 91, wherein ends of the blocking bars (41) are configured so as to taper to a cutting edge, as seen in cross section.
  • 97. The combination according to claim 72, further comprising tamperproofing means, and wherein the latching button (22) is cut free in the radially outer wall up to a thin-skinned wall of the tamperproofing means.
Priority Claims (3)
Number Date Country Kind
101-17-852.2 Apr 2001 DE
101-22-651.9 May 2001 DE
102-07-204.3 Feb 2002 DE
PCT Information
Filing Document Filing Date Country Kind
PCT/FR02/02779 3/13/2002 WO