The invention presents a combinational fuzzy-decision Viterbi decoding scheme and device for the high mobility Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) system. The combinations of modified Π and S-membership functions based on the signal space diagram for the different BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM and 64-QAM modulations are employed as a fuzzified decision rule for the fuzzy-decision constellation decoder. The invention is proposed to increase the coding gain of the Viterbi decoder for the DSRC system operated in the time-varying fading channel.
Currently, the Viterbi algorithm is used to be implemented with either hard or soft decision decoder, which is stated hereinafter.
All the major wireless communication systems in use today use convolution channel codes. The Viterbi algorithm is the dominant method of decoding the convolution codes. The Viterbi algorithm is implemented using either hard or soft decision decoder. The soft-decision decoder is the recommended scheme to use with the Viterbi decoder because it provides a coding gain over hard decision Viterbi decoder. The Viterbi algorithm is a maximum likelihood rule which is optimum for an AWGN channel. For hard decision Viterbi decoder, the samples corresponding to a single bit of a codeword are quantized to two levels zero and one, a decision is made as whether each transmitted bit in a codeword is zero or one. The coding gain of the soft decision decoder with respect to hard decision increases to a little bit more than 2 dB for higher signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The soft-decision Viterbi decoder is implemented using soft decision demodulation. The path metrics in the Viterbi algorithm are calculated by weighting the square Hamming distance between the soft decision and the reference value. A four-level discrete symmetric channel model is used for the soft decision decoder. The receiver assigns one of four values to each received signal. The underlined zero and one indicate the reception of a strong signal, while the non-underlined pair denotes the reception of a weaker signal. The four-level soft-decision Viterbi decoder is almost exactly as shown for the hard-decision case, the only difference being the increased number of path metrics.
In view of the disadvantages of prior art, the primary object of the present invention is to provides a combinational fuzzy-decision Viterbi decoding scheme and device for the high mobility Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) system, that by employing the combinations of modified Π and S-membership functions based on the signal space diagram for the different BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM and 64-QAM modulations as a fuzzified decision rule for the fuzzy-decision constellation decoder, not only the coding gain of the Viterbi decoder for the DSRC system operated in the time-varying fading channel can be increased, but also the construction of many other high mobility wireless communication systems, such as the digital broadcasting (DAB) system, the digital video broadcasting (DVB) system, etc., related with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modulations in conjunction with the proposed scheme are possible.
Other aspects and advantages of the present invention will become apparent from the following detailed description, taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings, illustrating by way of example the principles of the present invention.
a) illustrates the Π membership function, based on the description of the combinational fuzzy-decision Viterbi decoding device.
b) illustrates the S membership function, based on the description of the combinational fuzzy-decision Viterbi decoding device.
a) shows a constellation signal space diagram for BPSK.
b) shows a constellation signal space diagram for QPSK.
c) shows a constellation signal space diagram for 16-QAM.
d) shows a constellation signal space diagram for 64-QAM.
a) illustrates the modified Π′ membership function, based on the description of the combinational fuzzy-decision Viterbi decoding device.
b) illustrates the modified S′ membership function, based on the description of the combinational fuzzy-decision Viterbi decoding device.
a) illustrates the modified S″ membership function, based on the description of the combinational fuzzy-decision Viterbi decoding device.
b) illustrates the modified Π1″ membership function, based on the description of the combinational fuzzy-decision Viterbi decoding device.
c) illustrates the modified Π2″ membership function, based on the description of the combinational fuzzy-decision Viterbi decoding device.
For your esteemed members of reviewing committee to further understand and recognize the fulfilled functions and structural characteristics of the invention, several preferable embodiments cooperating with detailed description are presented as the follows.
The OFDM system provides DSRC with data transmission rates of 9, 12, 18, 24 and 27 Mbps for 0-60 Km/hr vehicle speed and 3, 4.5, 6, 9 and 12 Mbps for 60-120 Km/hr vehicle speed. The system comprises 52 sub-carriers, modulated using BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM or 64-QAM. Convolution coding is used with a coding rate of ½, ⅔, or ¾. The data rates are determined by the coding rate and modulation type. Ten short orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) training symbols are used for packet detection, coarse frequency offset estimation and timing synchronization. Two periods of the long training symbols are used for the channel and fine frequency offset estimation. Each data OFDM symbol contains four pilot sub-carriers, which are used to track the carrier phase. The four received pilot signal phases are calculated using the estimated offset frequency and frequency channel response. The block diagram of the DSRC transmitter is shown in
The input vector to the IFFT is given as
{right arrow over (X)}m=[Xm,0,Xm,1, . . . , Xm,N−1]T (1)
where Xm,k represents the kth sub-carrier of the mth OFDM symbol and N is 64 in the DSRC system. The IFFT output signal vector is
{right arrow over (x)}m=[xm,0,xm,1, . . . , xm,N−1]T (2)
where xm,n is the nth sample point of the mth OFDM symbol.
The cyclic prefixes (CP), which are generated with the copies of the last parts of the OFDM symbol, are pre-pended to the front of each vector {right arrow over (x)}m. The cyclic prefixing output signal vector is represented as
where xm,nc is the nth sample point of the mth OFDM symbol and q is the length of the CP. Hence, the received signal vector is given by
{right arrow over (y)}mc={right arrow over (x)}mc{circle around (x)}{right arrow over (h)}m+{right arrow over (w)}m=[ym,0c, ym,1c, . . . , ym,N+q−1c]T (5)
where {circle around (×)} denotes linear convolution, {right arrow over (h)}m and {right arrow over (w)}m are the channel impulse response vector and the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) vector for the mth OFDM symbol, respectively. ym,nc is the nth sample point of the mth OFDM symbol in the mth received signal vector {right arrow over (y)}mc. The channel impulse response vector {right arrow over (h)}m=[hm,0,hm,1, . . . , hm,N−1]T can be represented by:
where him is the complex impulse response of the mth OFDM symbol in the ith path; fDi is the ith-path Doppler frequency shift, which may cause intercarrier interference (ICI) for the received signals; T is the sample period; λ is the delay spread index; and τi is the ith-path delay time normalized by sampling time.
After removing the CP, the received signal vector {right arrow over (y)}m is
{right arrow over (y)}m=[ym,0, ym,1, . . . , ym,N−1]T=[ym,qc, ym,q+1c, . . . , ym,N+q−1c]T (7)
where ym,n is the nth sample point of the mth OFDM symbol. The demodulated received signal vector is
Suppose that the guard interval is longer than the length of the channel impulse response, that is, there is no inter-symbol interference between the OFDM symbols, the demodulated sample vector {right arrow over (Y)}m can then be represented as
where {right arrow over (W)}m=FFT{{right arrow over (w)}m}. Hm,k is recognized as the accurate channel frequency response at the kth sub-carrier of the mth OFDM symbol, which is independent of transmitted signals Xm,k. Im,k is the ICI component in the received signal at the kth sub-carrier of the mth OFDM symbol, depending on the signal values mth modulated on all sub-carriers.
On the highway, the maximum vehicle speed is 200 km/hr. The DSRC system requires a more robust frequency and phase synchronization technology. Four uniform pilot sub-carriers, which are inserted in the positions of the 6th, 20th, 34th, and 48th sub-carriers for each of transmitted DSRC data symbols, are applied for the DSRC receiver to estimate the frequency and track the phase of the received signals. A pilot-based frequency synchronizer mechanism including LSE and interpolation is used for equalizing the pilot signal-aided frequency and phase synchronization.
The channel frequency responses for four pilot sub-carriers of the mth symbol are computed by
After estimating the channel at pilot sub-carrier frequency with the LSE, all data sub-carriers of the mth symbol can be obtained through linear interpolation. Two consecutive pilot sub-carriers are used to determine the channel frequency response for the data sub-carriers that are located between (p)th and (p+1)th sub-carriers, where p is equal to 6, 20, 34 and 48.
where n=1, 2, . . . , K−1 and K is equal to 13 for the DSRC system. The constellation decoder input is obtained by the interpolated channel estimate Ĥm,n.
Ŷm(x)=Ym(x)·Ĥm(x) (17)
where Ĥm(x)=Ĥm,n.
The protocol data unit (PDU) trains are applied to the physical layer for transmission. A length of 127 pseudo random sequence is used to scramble the data out of the binary sequence prior to the convolution encoding. The purpose of the scrambler is to prevent a long sequence of 1s or 0s in order to aid the timing recovery at the receiver. The generator polynomial of the pseudo random sequence is
g(x)=x+x4+x7 (18)
where x is the unit-delay. The different initialization value is determined by the first 7 bits of each PDU train. The scrambled data sequence is encoded with a rate ½ convolution code with the generator polynomial g(1)(x) for the upper connection and g(2)(x) for the lower connection as follows:
g(1)(x)=1+x2+x3+x5+x6 (19)
g(2)(x)=1+x+x2+x3+x6 (20)
where x is the unit-delay for convolution codes and the lowest-order term in the polynomial corresponds to the input stage of the shift register. The connections are aligned to the end of the shift register, and a polynomial coefficient value of one indicates that the shift register output is connected to one of the output bits of the encoder using a modulo two addition.
The puncturing pattern is a block of bits that do not include the stolen bits within a certain period of bits. The stolen bits are defined by the bits that are not transmitted.
The Viterbi algorithm is a maximum likelihood rule which is optimum for an AWGN channel. For hard decision Viterbi decoder, the samples corresponding to a single bit of a codeword are quantized to two levels zero and one, a decision is made as whether each transmitted bit in a codeword is zero or one. The coding gain of the soft decision decoder with respect to hard decision increases to a little bit more than 2 dB for higher signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The soft-decision Viterbi decoder is implemented using soft decision demodulation. The path metrics in the Viterbi algorithm are calculated by weighting the square Hamming distance between the soft decision and the reference value. A four-level discrete symmetric channel model is used for the soft decision decoder. The receiver assigns one of four values to each received signal. The underlined zero and one indicate the reception of a strong signal, while the non-underlined pair denotes the reception of a weaker signal. The four-level soft-decision Viterbi decoder is almost exactly as shown for the hard-decision case, the only difference being the increased number of path metrics.
The combinational fuzzy-decision Viterbi decoding scheme has a non-uniform infinite-quantization level. The receiver assigns a continuous complex value to each received signal z according to a combination of Π and S-membership functions, as shown in
where the Π-membership function goes to zero at the points
z=M±R (22)
where the crossover points are at
Notice that the R parameter is now equal to one, which is the total width at the crossover points; M parameter is now equal to zero, which is the middle point of the Π membership function. The S-function, as shown in
The fuzzy-decision Viterbi decoder, parallel-to-serial (P/S), fuzzy-decision constellation decoder and analog Viterbi decoder are shown in
where the function S(x) is defined for α=−1, β=0 and γ=1. The modified Π′-function is defined as
where z(x) represents either Îm(x) or {circumflex over (Q)}m(x) and the S-function is defined in (24). The first two bits (b0 b1) and the last two bits (b2 b3) of each message point are estimated from the values of Îm(x) and {circumflex over (Q)}m(x), respectively. The modified S′-membership function is used as the decision rule to determine b0 and b2 and the modified Π′-membership function is used as the decision rule to determine b1 and b3. In
The modified Π1″-membership function is defined as
The modified Π2″-membership function is defined as
The first three bits (b0 b1 b2) and the last three bits (b3 b4 b5) of each message point are estimated from the values of Îm(x) and {circumflex over (Q)}m(x), respectively. The S″-membership function is used to determine b0 and b3 the modified Π1″-membership function is used to determine b1 and b4 and the Π2″-membership function is used to determine b2 and b5. The Viterbi decoder designed in
Packet detection, timing synchronization and coarse frequency offset estimation of the DSRC receiver are performed according to the algorithms provided in IEEE 802.11p standard. The simulations focus on comparing the DSRC system performance among the proposed fuzzy-decision Viterbi decoder, hard-decision and soft-decision Viterbi decoders. In the DSRC system, as shown in
where fD=fDi for i=1 and 2. The maximum Doppler shift is given by fD=v
In this paper, we use Jakes' channel model to generate a time-varying Rayleigh fading channel simulator. The effects of AWGN and carrier frequency shift are also considered in the DSRC channel. Simulations are carried out for the vehicle speed vm=200 km/hr, delay spread τ=200 nsec, 100 data symbols and different decision Viterbi decoder. When the delay spread exceeds 150 nsec, the severer frequency selective channel fading will be caused by reducing coherent bandwidth, is shown as
While the preferred embodiment of the invention has been set forth for the purpose of disclosure, modifications of the disclosed embodiment of the invention as well as other embodiments thereof may occur to those skilled in the art. Accordingly, the appended claims are intended to cover all embodiments which do not depart from the spirit and scope of the invention.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
95127636 A | Jul 2006 | TW | national |
Number | Date | Country | |
20080025426 A1 | Jan 2008 | US |