The subject of the invention relates to an air cooling system of power plant or industrial cycles. It carries out the condensation of the steam-state medium (generally water vapour) in the way described in the claims.
For the realisation of numerous industrial, but primarily thermal power station processes it is necessary to extract heat from the process at the ambient temperature level usually via the condensation of the steam-state operating medium of these processes. The traditional solutions involve exceptionally intensive use of water (evaporative or once-through cooling), which, due to environmental protection considerations or the lack of the required amount of water, may cause problems in numerous cases. In order to overcome this various well known and tried dry cooling systems were developed.
The most wide spread dry cooling system is the so-called direct dry cooling. In this cooling method, if it serves power plant cycles, the water vapour, expanded in a steam turbine subjected to a vacuum, exits from the turbine through a steam pipe with a large diameter, then through an upper distribution chamber it goes into a so-called steam-air heat exchanger. The steam flowing in the fin tubes of the heat exchanger gradually condenses to the effect of the cooling air flowing on the external, finned side of the heat exchanger. As the condensation and heat extraction is realised directly without a transmitting medium, this is called direct dry cooling. Naturally safe and controllable direct air cooling that can be technically implemented is a much more complex process than this. The process in dry cooling takes place in a decidedly wider temperature range as compared to common water cooling following the significant temperature fluctuations taking place during the year in ambient air temperature. This means that on the steam side significantly varying condenser pressure, in other words turbine back pressure will be created. Taking into consideration these varying temperature and pressure conditions from the point of view of economy it is necessary to select and operate the equipment optimally, as well as to ensure its operational reliability.
The best known and tried direct air cooling realises the above requirements by breaking down the condensing process into two easily separable phases. In accordance with this the steam-air heat exchanger consists of two parts, the so-called condenser part and the secondary condenser, which is called an aftercooler or dephlegmator in the specialist literature.
The steam exits the steam distribution pipes, then goes through the distribution chambers of the condenser part to the finned heat exchanger tubes. The coolant air flows on the external, finned side at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the pipes, in other words perpendicular to the flow direction of the steam. The condenser may consist of multi-tubes in the direction of the air, but also of a single, extended tube. Due to the cooling effect of the air the steam gradually condenses in the tubes. The condensate goes in the same direction as the steam in a downwards direction due to gravity partially flowing on the internal wall of the tube, partially with the flowing steam to the condensate collection and steam transmission chamber positioned at the bottom end of the pipes. From here the condensate goes from the individual heat exchanger bundles to the condensate pipe. The remaining uncondensed steam (30-15 percent of the initial amount) and the unwanted, non-condensing gases present in the steam pass into a further heat exchanger section, the so-called aftercooler or dephlegmator part.
Significant differences in the degree of condensation and, with this, the concentration of non-condensing gases develop in certain pipe sections both with respect to time and space. Changes over time may be caused by a change in the temperature of the external air, a change in the steam-side loading and the airflow rate. Changes with respect to space are determined by the positioning of the heat exchanger tubes. Significant differences can develop between individual tubes in the plane perpendicular to the direction of cooling airflow due to the uneven steam or air distribution. Further unevenness is displayed in the direction of the airflow, as the cooling air gradually warms up and so is able to condense an increasingly smaller amount of steam. This effect does not only occur in the case of multiple-tube condensers in the flow direction, but also in the case of single row condenser tubes that are stretched out in the airflow direction (although to a lesser degree). The non-condensing gases can become concentrated in certain sections of the heat exchanger, so-called air-plugs can develop, terminating the flow of steam and so removing the tube section of the given heat exchanger from effective cooling. Besides this performance drop, in temperature conditions under freezing, the freezing up of the heat exchanger and significant operation breakdowns can be caused. These problems of direct air cooling are known of in the related technical journals. (e.g. Kröger, D. G., Air Cooled Heat Exchangers and Cooling Towers, section 8, part 8.2., TECPRESS, 1998).
The problem caused by uneven condensation is reduced by the most widely used direct air cooling system by inserting a heat exchanger section called a dephlegmator, which essentially carries out an aftercooling function. As compared to that justified by the design in general a significantly greater amount of steam is fed from the condenser section to the dephlegmator part due to endeavours to overcome the unevenness. The dephlegmator section uses a similar heat exchanger type to that used in the condensation section, with the significant difference that the input of the steam does not take place from above but from a lower distribution chamber, from which the steam flows upwards in the heat exchanger tubes, in the mean time the condensate flows in the opposite direction to the effect of gravity to the lower steam distribution and condensate collection chamber. The circumstances causing unevenness presented in the case of the condensation section also appear here. One typical problem of this section may derive from steam side overloading, which may hold up the condensate flowing downwards due to the effect of gravity setting up a water plug and so taking out the remaining section of the tube from the operation of the heat exchanger. Over and above this drop in performance this can cause other operation problems, including freezing up problems in cold weather. In accordance with this the dephlegmator section needs to be significantly overdimensioned. A study by Goldschagg, H. B. analyses the problems of one of the most modern direct air cooling systems in existence (Lessons learnt from the world's largest force draft direct cooling condenser, paper presented at the EPRI Int. Symp. on Improved Technology for Fossil Power Plants, Washington, March 1993.).
The unwanted, non-condensing gases present in the steam, consisting mainly of air have to be pumped out of the space under vacuum. The pumping work is reduced if the suction takes place in a place where the ratio of the gases in the steam-gas mixture is the greatest. The steam arriving in the upper chamber of the dephlegmator at this point contains ten-fifty percent non-condensing gas, so this steam-gas mixture is suitable for the known pumping out using ejectors. Due to the low steam flow rate in the dephlegmator section a relatively low heat transfer coefficient can be attained. This is made significantly worse by the convective heat transfer which receives an increasing role instead of condensation due to the increasing partial pressure of the non-condensing gases. Besides the heat transfer coefficient a further drop in performance is caused by the reducing steam saturation vapour pressure and temperature due to the increasing partial pressure of the non-condensable gases, and, due to this, the increasingly smaller logarithmic temperature difference. The increasing “undercooling” may be a further source of possible freezing up. This risk is discussed by the analysis in the January 1994 issue of the publication POWER (Swanekamp, R: Profit from latest experience with air-cooled condensers).
A further phenomenon occurring in direct air cooling during condensation is the drop in pressure of the steam (or steam-gas mixture) flowing in the heat exchanger tubes of the condenser and dephlegmator, which also, naturally, depends on the length of the flow route. This loss of pressure due to friction also reduces the logarithmic temperature difference, which acts as the driving force from the point of view of heat transfer, between the cooling medium (air) and the cooled medium (steam). At the same time due to the large specific volume in the case of a direct air condenser of a given size and reducing external air temperature a status may come about when due to the increasing flow losses the reduction of the temperature of the cooling air does not result in the further improvement of cooling performance (so-called choking). The tube length of the heat exchanger sections of condensers and dephlegmators in the case of average or greater power plant cooling is 10 metres for both, in other words the total tube length is doubled by the dephlegmator section.
The lack of uniformity in both the condenser and the dephlegmator, operation reliability problems and controlling difficulties essentially derive from the fact of the so-called direct condensation itself. The condensation occurring inside the tubes, in the whole of the cooling system, in an extended space sets the amount of steam and steam—non-condensing gas mixture and vice versa, the obstacles reducing, or even blocking the flow reduce or stop the condensation. The lack of forced circulation on the condensing medium side makes the control of the process difficult, and interventions can only take place on the outer side of the heat exchanger, on the cooling air side. This explains why direct air cooled condensers have only been constructed with fans till now. Here the forced circulation of the cooling air gives at least the possibility of regulating the airflow. In the case of natural draught direct condensers on both medium sides the flow is “natural”, in other words the flow is caused by the process itself, and so the process is nearly uncontrollable—this explains why natural draught direct air cooling systems have never been constructed.
Other direct air cooling systems also exist in which the dephlegmator section is not positioned in a separate heat exchanger bundle, but one of the tubes falling in the flow direction of the air is set up as a dephlegmator, or in a so-called “quasi-single tube” system a part in the one tube separated by a wall serves as a dephlegmator. In these cases the imbalance between the individual tubes increases further, and it becomes even more difficult to control the whole process than those presented earlier using separate condenser-dephlegmator heat exchanger bundles. All this does not change that the known and operable direct air cooling technical solutions there is a need for a condensation part and following that a so-called dephlegmator section (which is actually a similar direct steam-air heat exchanger in which the condensation process continues).
It can be determined that the most inefficient, in other words the relatively speaking most expensive part of direct air cooling is the dephlegmator, which, at the same time, is required for reasons of acceptable operation reliability and controllability.
A mention still needs to be made of endeavours that increase the air cooling performance, mainly the peak performance by spraying the cooling surface of the finned air cooling tubes with water, or by establishing a continuous film of water on them. Such is presented in the previously referred to Swanekamp publication (POWER, June 1994).
The aim of the invention is to establish an air cooling system which as compared to the known direct air cooling solutions improves on the cost effectiveness of these, at the same time as significantly increasing their operation reliability, including operation flexibility, and which makes it possible to control them even in extreme operation conditions, and furthermore, which increases start-up reliability when operation is started.
The air cooling system according to the invention contains a steam-air heat exchanger consisting of tubes finned on the outside suitable for the partial direct condensing of a medium in the vapour state with ambient air, which heat exchanger receives the steam from an upper distribution chamber and ends in a lower chamber, which collects the amount of condensation according to the condensed steam and the steam that has not yet condensed, it has at least one direct contact condenser in which the remaining steam that has not yet condensed coming from the lower collection chamber of the steam-air heat exchanger condenses oh the effect of cooling water cooled in a water-air heat exchanger and sprayed through jets; at the same time the non-condensing gases are removed from the aforementioned direct contact condenser through a suitably structured tray-type or packed after-cooler.
The cooling of the finned heat exchanger tubes takes place with cooling air made to flow by fans or cooling towers providing a natural draught. The heat exchanger bundles belonging to the cooling air made to flow by a common fan is usually called a cell and a series of cells a “bay”.
Here also as in the known direct air cooling systems the fin tubes are connected to a lower steam and condensate collection chamber at the end of the tube bundle. The condensation of the remaining, not yet condensed steam in the steam-air segment of the air cooling system takes place in one or more direct contact condensers with cooling water cooled in a water-air heat exchanger; the direct contact condenser or direct contact condensers are connected in series with the water-air heat exchanger or heat exchangers and are connected directly to one another. The condensate passes into the condensate collection pipe due to the effect of gravity.
The steam flowing into the direct contact condenser condenses on the cooling water sprayed in through the condenser jets and cooled in a water-air heat exchanger and passes into the storage part (hot well) of the direct contact condenser together with the heated up cooling water. The pumping out of the non-condensing gases also takes place from the direct contact condenser space.
So the cooling system according to the invention realises the set aim by removing the least efficient dephlegmator part used in the known solutions and detailed earlier and replacing it with a more efficient, more easily controllable and more reliable solution, the water-air cooling segment of the air cooling system according to the invention. So the condensation of the remaining steam is realised in a space significantly smaller than that of the dephlegmator, in a compact direct contact condenser, which as compared to the dephlegmator also provides near ideal conditions for the removal of the non-condensing gases. The heat removal at ambient temperature level takes place in the aforementioned forced circulation water-air heat exchanger, into which only an insignificant amount of non-condensing gas passes as compared to the water current. Due to this in the heat exchanger partly because of the forced circulation and partly because of the lack of non-condensing gases a heat exchange can be realised that is significantly more efficient than that in a dephlegmator, more controllable and less sensitive to operating conditions. At the same time the cooling system according to the invention also retains the more efficient condensation section. This, naturally, does not mean the mechanical replacement of the dephlegmator part used until now, but requires the optimised ratio of the condensation part and the solution replacing the dephlegmator according to the given application. Depending on the application circumstances the condensation section may be reduced to even 30-40 percent of its original dimensions, but at the same time it may also exceed the proportion in the “condenser-dephlegmator” solution.
The solution that in the air cooling system according to the invention the steam that has not condensed in condenser section passes directly into the compact steam space of the direct contact condenser makes it possible to leave out the further steam distribution system used in the known art. Similarly there is no need for the steam, or steam containing an increasing amount of non-condensing gases as a consequence of the condensation, to pass through further long, narrow heat exchanger tubes. All this significantly reduces the steam side pressure drop and the temperature drop involved with this. In the place of the mixture of steam and non-condensing gases, there is water in the water-air heat exchanger as the medium to be cooled. This according to the forced circulation makes completely uniform medium distribution possible on the inside of the heat exchanger tubes. Also the increasing undercooling occurring as a consequence of the partial pressure of air increasing in earlier solutions can be avoided. The heat transfer coefficient on the internal side of the tube will also be significantly more favourable than in the case of the condensation of steam with a high non-condensing gas content. All this all in all results in a more efficient heat exchanger with a smaller surface, which also means that it is cheaper. Also as a result of the reduction of undercooling the efficiency of the power plant cycle is improved to a degree. As the removal of the non-condensing gases takes place in much more favourable circumstances, in a single space, from the direct contact condenser, the amount that has to be pumped out is much less, which makes it possible to use smaller ejectors and less auxiliary energy. The removal of the dephlegmator section also helps ensure a better vacuum by avoiding cooling system “choking” during lower external air temperatures, in other words attaining greater turbine performance. A very significant further result due to leaving out the surface heat exchanger section condensing the steam and non-condensing gas mixture is the avoidance of various problematic operation statuses (gas blockages of varying size or even the formation of water plugs as a consequence of “hold-ups”). This makes it possible to avoid numerous operation problems and have operation that is more reliable and controllable.
In larger air cooling systems the expanded steam arriving from the turbine passes into several parallel-connected steam-air heat exchangers, that is condensers. In such cases not only one direct contact condenser may be used to condense the remaining steam, but several direct contact condensers may be directly connected one to each of the heat exchanger bundles of the steam-air condenser, and then connected on the water side to shorten the steam path.
The steam-air and water-air heat exchanger bundles consisting of finned heat exchanger tubes may not only be placed in cells separated from one another, but also combined in the same cell (so they have a common fan). It is practical here if the individual steam-air heat exchanger bundles are also directly connected to individual, separate direct contact condenser spaces.
Of the two serially connected sections of the air cooling system on the steam side, the replacement of the “rear” dephlegmator section with the more controllable solution presented here assists the controllability of the whole process. So in the solution according to the invention in the place of fans providing the cooling air flow towers inducing a natural draught may be used without endangering operation reliability (which was not possible in the case of purely direct air cooling condensers, as we present in connected with the state of the current art).
In a further version of the invention not only does the non-condensed, remaining steam pass into the direct contact condenser, but the steam can also pass into it directly from a branch with a valve from the expanded, main steam pipe or a branch of it so by-passing the condenser. This makes control of the system and selection of the most efficient operation mode according to the operation requirements easier due to the optimum loading distribution between the steam-air heat exchanger and the water-air heat exchanger. In the case of lower ambient temperatures opening the by-pass pipe and through this sending the loading towards the direct contact condenser and the water-air heat exchanger pushes the “choking” phenomenon towards even lower turbine back pressures, and through this contribute to a further improvement in performance of the power plant. The peak period increase of performance of the air cooling system according to the invention can be attained if the surface of the finned heat exchanger tubes of the water-air heat exchanger exposed to the flow of cooling air are sprayed with water, or a water film is formed on it by continuous supply. At such a time by opening the aforementioned by-pass pipe valve the heat removal can be partly transferred from the steam-air heat exchanger segment to the wetted water-air heat exchanger segment, which increases the overall performance of the cooling system and via this that of the power plant.
It is possibly practical to couple the installation of a steam shut-off device to the steam side by-pass pipe in the main steam pipe section after the by-pass pipe branch. As it is known that when starting power plants using direct air cooling systems at temperatures under freezing point only following attaining a minimum steam amount (5-10%) may steam be permitted into the direct air cooling condenser in order to avoid the danger of freezing. Until this limit value the steam has to be blown into the air. The solution according to the invention makes the start-up process possible even at a zero steam amount. Opening the steam by-pass pipe valve and closing the main steam pipe valve makes the start-up process possible through the “rear” section (direct contact condenser and water-air heat exchanger) of the serially connected cooling system. As by opening the water cycle by-pass valve it is possible to heat up the cooling water via the direct contact condenser. At this time the water-air heat exchanger is not filled up with water, so the pump that circulates the cooling water circulates the cooling water through the pipe that bypasses the heat exchanger (when the water side by-pass valve fitted in it is open). The filling of the water-air heat exchangers takes place with water heated up in this way, and they will only be put into operation following this. The steam-air heat exchanger (condenser) is only put into operation following the opening of the main steam pipe valve, if the steam flow significantly exceeds the safety value.
In a further advantageous construction form of the solution according to the invention the lower condensate and steam collection chamber of the steam-air heat exchanger (condenser) in the first section of the air cooling system is transformed in such a way that the remaining steam is not fed from the chamber into the body of a separate direct contact condenser. Instead the lower collection chamber serves as a direct contact condenser space itself by feeding the water cooled down in the water-air heat exchanger to the jets positioned in the lower chamber (in its entire length or just in certain sections). Due to this the condensation of the remaining steam takes place in the immediate proximity of exiting from the condenser tubes, in the lower collection chamber. The removal of the non-condensing gases takes place in a suitably formed section of the chamber, preferably containing a tray-type aftercooler. In order to restrict the size of a chamber formed in this way carrying out such a combined task (condensate and remaining steam collection chamber, direct contact condenser space and space suitable for the removal of the non-condensing gases) in one or more places containers need to be installed that serve as the storage part (hot well) of the direct contact condenser for the heated up cooling water and steam condensate. This solution significantly reduces the path of the remaining steam leading to condensation, via this reducing the pressure and, consequently, temperature drops occurring as a consequence of steam friction, as well as the imbalances occurring during this. It is also possible to place the steam-air and water-air heat exchangers in common bundles.
A further favourable solution can be constructed with the integration of the steam-air and water-air heat exchangers. That is not only in one heat exchanger bundle but in every single heat exchanger tube there is a segment creating the steam-air heat exchange and the water-air heat exchange as well. This requires a heat exchanger tube that is stretched in form in the direction of the airflow, and a multifunction lower chamber that carries out several tasks. The lower chamber collects the condensate and remaining steam arriving from the steam-air heat exchanger segment and serves as a direct contact condenser space for the remaining steam. The same space contains a tray-type or packed aftercooler assisting the removal of the non-condensing gases. A part of the space in the lower chamber also serves as the water distribution chamber of the water-air heat exchanger and it is through this that the cooled water is fed to the jet nozzles. Inside the integrated heat exchanger tube starting from the lower collection chamber a part, favourably the part towards the side of entry of the cooling air, is separated from the rest of the tube with a side wall in a plane perpendicular to the direction of flow of the air so that it is suitable for forming the water-air heat exchanger pipe section. It is also practical if this section ends in an intermediate point in the length of the heat exchanger tube, where it is delimited with a closing component positioned in a plane perpendicular to the axis of the tube. The water-air heat exchanger tube section formed in this way may be broken down into further channels with one or more internal separating walls. Using only one internal separating wall, which ends before the upper closing component, a two-pass cross countercurrent water-air heat exchanger can be formed so that from the point of view of the direction of flow of the air the warmed cooling water flows upwards in the inner channel, then turning round at the end of the separating wall it flows downwards in the outer channel where the air enters and then in the meanwhile cools down as a consequence of the cooling effect provided by the finned heat exchanger surface. The steam coming from the turbine gets to the steam-air heat exchanger tube through the upper steam distribution chamber via the whole cross-section of the heat exchanger tube. The steam partly condenses in the section remaining for the steam-air heat exchange, during this not only does the steam flow reduce, but because of the appearance of the water-air heat exchanger section from a certain point the cross-section available for the flow also reduces. The condensate and the remaining steam go to the lower chamber of the heat exchanger bundle that carries out the combined task as presented above. The cooling water cooled down in the outer channel sections is sprayed through the jet nozzles positioned in the lower chamber into the mixing condenser space of the lower chamber. Here it meets the remaining steam arriving from the channels serving as a steam-air heat exchanger over the whole of its length and condenses the greater part of it. In the lower chamber or in a space approaching it is practical to construct a counter-current tray-type or packed after-cooler condenser part, from which the non-condensing gases can be fed to the ejectors under favourable conditions.
In a further sub-version of this solution the externally finned heat exchanger tube elongated in the direction of the airflow is broken up into several channels with separating walls. The steam coming from the turbine here also enters the whole cross-section of the heat exchanger, in other words it enters the heat exchanger tube via all of the channels. Some of these steam-condensation channels run all the way from the upper distribution chamber to the lower collection chamber and end there; the rest of the steam channels start from the upper steam distribution chamber and end at an intermediate point of the length of the heat exchanger pipe. Before the end point of these channels there is a passage opening through the separating wall to the neighbouring steam condensation channel. In another practical solution there are holes or openings repeatedly in the separating walls between the channels used for steam condensation, due to which holes the condensation part become quasi-single channelled (similarly to that in patent specification number WO 98/33028). Two or more, but an even number of the channels of the multi-channel heat exchanger pipe (two of its channels in the case of a total of four channels) are separated from the steam space starting from the lower end up to a certain height (preferably on the cooling air entry side) and serves to form the water-air heat exchanger section.
The solution described here and its variants via its combined and integrated functions, as well as its structural units contribute to the establishment of a more cost-effective and more efficient, due to the avoidance of longer lengths of medium travel, process. As we mentioned steam may enter in the total tube cross-section of all the tubes forming the heat exchangers. Naturally, the steam-air heat exchanger needs to be vacuum sealed. So the uniform water-air heat exchangers integrated into one body with the steam-air sections may also be constructed so that they are vacuum sealed. This makes it possible to re-circulate the warmed up cooling water and for the pressure increase required for the distribution between the heat exchanger tubes to be of such a degree that is required to overcome only the friction of the cycle, so permitting certain sections of the water-air heat exchanger to be under atmospheric pressure. In a heat exchanger formed in this way the condensation takes place in four steps but in a single heat exchanger body, partly in the steam-air heat exchanger section, to a lesser extent along the wall separating the steam and water flow of the individual heat exchanger tubes, with the injection of cooled cooling water in the lower collection chamber also serving as the direct contact condenser space, and finally in the same place in the tray-type after-cooler section leading to where the air is removed.
A further favourable construction form can be realised in a case using an integrated heat exchanger partially similar to the previous case, when within the individual tubes an odd number, even just one, of channels is formed as a water-air heat exchanger. Then from the collection chamber that also serves as a direct contact condenser the warmed up cooling water goes to a storage space, from where the pump transports it to an external distribution cooling water pipe. It is practical if the distribution cooling water pipe runs between the heat exchanger bundles arranged in an A form, and from this there are branches to the channel on the entry side, with respect to the direction of the airflow, of every single tube in an intermediate section of the tubes forming the heat exchanger bundle. The cooling water, in this channel section flowing from its introductions downwards all the way, cools again and is injected into the lower collection chamber that also serves as a direct contact condenser space through nozzles suitable to form jets.
In a further construction form of the integrated heat exchanger the distribution of the heated cooling water again is carried out in the distribution section formed in the lower collection chamber and from here the water to be cooled flows upwards in one channel up to an intermediate section of the whole length of the channel. The cooled cooling water is injected through the holes or nozzles formed in the upper section of the channel into the neighbouring channel, where it carries out the condensation of the remaining steam flowing from the condenser channels through the lower collection chamber into this mixing space. A pipe of significantly smaller cross-section than that of the cross-section of the channel enters every channel section serving as a mixing space “neighbouring” the water cooler channel up to its end. It is through these pipes that the non-condensing gases that become more concentrated in the upper part of the mixing space are sucked out and fed to the collection pipes of the ejection system. This solution gives a favourable result when the conditions justify that the steam-air condensation is to have a dominant role in the heat exchange as compared to the water-air heat exchange.
Some favourable constructions of the invention are described in detailed as examples, with the help of figures, where
a shows an air cooling system with integrated heat exchanger tubes containing a steam-air heat exchanger tube section and a two-pass cross countercurrent water-air heat exchanger pipe section, which ends at an intermediate point of the length of the pipe
b shows an A-A section of
c shows a B-B section of
a shows an air cooling system with integrated heat exchanger tubes, which contain a steam-air heat exchanger section divided into channels by separating walls, and on the channels ending at an intermediate point of the length of the tube there is a passage opening, and they also contain a two-pass cross countercurrent water-air heat exchanger tube section,
b shows an A-A section of
c shows a B-B section of
a shows an air cooling system with integrated heat exchanger tubes, which contain a steam-air heat exchanger tube section with continuously perforated separating walls, and a two-pass cross countercurrent water-air heat exchanger tube section, which ends at an intermediate point of the length of the tube,
b shows an A-A section of
c shows a B-B section of
a shows an air cooling system with integrated heat exchanger tubes, which contain a steam-air heat exchanger tube section and a single-pass cross flow water-air tube section, the water supply of which is solved from an external water distribution pipe going between the heat exchanger bundles arranged in an A shape,
b shows a B-B section of
a shows an air cooling system with integrated heat exchanger tubes, which contain a steam-air heat exchanger tube section, a single-pass cross flow water-air tube section, the water supply of which is solved through the lower chamber, and a pipe section situated between the two previously mentioned units, serving as a direct contact condenser space,
b shows a B-B section of
The air cooling system in
In the case of tasks demanding greater heat removal the air cooling system shown in
The construction example in
a,b,c, 6a,b,c és 7a,b,c show an even higher level of the integration of the functions and the realisation of the process. The most important characteristic feature of these solutions is the combination of the steam-air 3 and the water-air 7 heat exchangers so that they are not only integrated inside one heat exchanger bundle, but inside each finned heat exchanger tube of the heat exchanger bundles. Consequently each integrated finned heat exchanger tube 39 of the integrated air-cooled heat exchanger bundle has a tube section realising steam-air heat exchange 35a and a pipe section realising water-air heat exchange 35b.
A further important element increasing integration and the combination of the steam-air and water-air cooling unit is a combined-function lower chamber 30, in which the remaining steam 22 arriving from the steam-air section 35a and the condensate 8a are collected; it also serves as a direct contact condenser space as a result of the fact that the cooled cooling water is injected through the nozzles 10 situated here; the aftercooler 37 helping the removal of the non-condensed gases is also situated here (or in a space closely connected to it), as well as the cooling water distribution space 36 of the water-air heat exchanger tube section 35b. Practically the aftercooler 37 is a tray-type or packed device suitable for countercurrent heat and mass transfer. Both sections of the integrated heat exchanger tube 39 have a heat exchanger surface of the same type of geometry, and in accordance with this, similarly to the steam-air heat exchanger pipe section 35a, the water-air heat exchanger section 35b can also be made in a vacuum tight way. In this way the pump 14a used for circulating the warmed up cooling water can be a simple circulation pump instead of the so-called extraction and circulation pump.
Inside the integrated heat exchanger tube 39 the water-air heat exchanger tube section 35b is created so that starting from the combined lower chamber 30 a part—practically the part on the side where the cooling air 4 enters—is delimited with a side wall 32 from the other part of the tube, in a plane perpendicular to the flow direction of the air 4. Furthermore, practically this water-air section 35b ends at an intermediate point of the length of the integrated heat exchanger tube 39, which is delimited at the top by a closing component situated in a place perpendicular to axis of the integrated heat exchanger tube 39. As a result of this from the upper steam distribution chamber 24 the steam current 21 can enter the steam-air heat exchanger tube section using the complete cross-section of the integrated heat exchanger tube 39.
Inside the finned heat exchanger tubes the separate but integrated construction of the steam-air heat exchanger section 39 and the water-air heat exchanger section 35b can be favourable promoted by applying the finned heat exchanger tubes elongated in the flow direction of the cooling air, and by creating channels with separating walls inside the provided cross-section 39, where the channels divide the heat exchanger tube into parts, and in the channels, in accordance with their function stated in the construction examples, the steam medium of the steam-air cooling section and the cooling water medium of the water-air cooling section are conducted.
In the construction examples shown in
The water-air heat exchanger tube section 35b constructed as above can be divided into further channels with separating walls. If there is one internal separating wall 34 (which separating wall 34 ends before it reaches the closing component 33), then a two-pass cross countercurrent water-air heat exchanger can be constructed so that with respect to the flow direction of the air 4 the warmed up cooling water 13 flows upwards in the inner channel, then turning back in the space between the end of the separating wall 34 and the closing component 33 it flows downwards in the outer channel on the side where the air enters. During this, as a result of the cooling effect of the surface of the finned integrated heat exchanger tube 39 the cooling water is cools down.
By placing another separating wall 34 the water-air heat exchanger segment 35b can be divided into even more paths of an even number.
In accordance with the above the construction example of the cooling system shown in
In the case of a version of the solution described in connection with
a,b show a favourable construction example where similarly to
a,b show a further construction example where similarly to
The air cooling system according to the invention, which contains a steam-air cooling section consisting of finned heat exchanger tubes and a serially connected water-air cooling section consisting of finned heat exchanger tubes shows significant advantages as compared to direct air cooling containing common steam-air heat exchangers only, as a result of
adapting to external circumstances,
the possibility to omit dephlegmators,
increasing the flexibility and safety of operation,
increasing controllability,
the possibility to decrease establishment costs.
In the air cooling system according to the invention the integration of the steam-air cooling section and the water-air cooling section in their finned heat exchanger tubes results in a further significant increase of the above advantages.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
P0301127 | Apr 2003 | HU | national |
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind | 371c Date |
PCT/HU03/00055 | 6/27/2003 | WO | 8/22/2005 |