This invention relates to a system for containing lateral impacts from vehicles, with capacity for retention and redirection, comprising metal and wooden pieces combined in such a way that the unit presents aesthetic qualities for merging with the landscape, for use in road safety, such as safety guardrails and parapets, having application for the sides and central reservations of roads.
There exist in practice different types of vehicle contention systems, these being understood as being any device installed on the sides or in the central reservation of roads with the aim of providing retention and redirection for a vehicle which comes off the road out of control, thereby reducing the severity of accidents produced, in such a way that the damages and injuries are limited both for the occupants and for other road-users or objects located in the vicinity.
Safety guardrails and parapets are made up of a series of components which, overall, and once they have been assembled and inserted into the ground or secured to a concrete slab, have the aim of resisting vehicle impacts, preventing vehicles from passing through them and thus guaranteeing the protection of third parties, and at the same time carrying out a controlled redirection and deceleration in such a way that the vehicle comes out of the impact stably and continues along its path at a reduced speed alongside the contention system in the original direction of the traffic, and in this way guarantees the safety of the occupants of the vehicle and that of other road-users.
Within contention systems as a whole, some of the commercially most habitual ones are metal safety guardrails and concrete safety guardrails. However, in certain areas such as mountain roads, nature parks, beaches, zones of touristic interest, etc., metal and concrete safety guardrails can cause an ambient visual impact that is somewhat “aggressive” and undesired and, in general, they do not easily merge into a natural setting. In these cases, therefore, what are known as “aesthetic” guardrails are installed, these being all those which, on account of their specific qualities of design and composition, are able to merge visually in a pleasing way into a natural setting, in a manner that is low-key and coherent with the setting.
As an example of aesthetic guardrails, we have two fundamental types:
Mixed metal wooden safety guardrails usually correspond to the union by assembly of three basic metal elements:
1.—The rail(s), longitudinal element(s) arranged horizontally at a certain height and continuously, the role of which is to contain and guide the vehicle impacting it, preventing it from passing through, limiting the transverse deformation and guiding it in such a way that it can be redirected by the system in an appropriate manner. The rail always consists of a wooden bar or beam, simple or composite, reinforced with one or several metal profiles that are internal, external or partially inserted in the wooden beam. The wooden beam or log can have different geometries and designs: in the form of a complete round log, a half-round log, with quadrangular or rectangular or polygonal cross-section or other more complex forms. The metal reinforcing profile can be a flat or curved plate, interior or exterior, or it can be a U-shaped metal profile with its arms wholly or partially inserted in the wooden beam, or a C-shaped metal profile occupying an interior hollow in the wooden beam or stuck externally to it.
2.—The post, formed from a metal profile with a cross-section in the form of a “U”, “C”, “sigma” or round tubular, quadrangular or rectangular cross-section, partially covered in its part emerging from the ground with a single-piece wooden cover, arranged vertically at regular intervals and fixed to the rail(s), and having the task of sustaining and maintaining the rail(s) of the guardrail at a certain height during the impact and, moreover, it is also the element for insertion or securing of the guardrail in the ground.
When the post is inserted or embedded directly in soils, which is what occurs with a large part of road margins in embankments and central reservations, part of the metal profile is sunk into the ground and it transmits the stresses of the impact from the rail to the surrounding ground, and the emerging part of that metal profile is externally covered, either wholly or partially, with a wooden piece acting as a cover.
When the post is secured to a concrete slab or is embedded in rocky ground, the lower part of the post is provided with a baseplate having a set of holes so that anchor bolts can pass through them to the ground and, again, the emerging part of that metal profile is externally covered, either wholly or partially, with a wooden piece acting as a cover.
3.—The spacer, which has the task on the one hand of attaching the consecutive rails together in order to provide them with continuity longitudinally, and on the other of attaching the rails to the securing posts and to possibly acting as a deformable element, in other words, as an attenuator or absorber of part of the energy of the impact or simply as a rigid-spacing element in order to prevent the wheel of the vehicle being becoming caught in the post and maintaining the height of the rail during the impact as the post starts to bend and, with it, the point of attachment between it and the support descends, as well as contributing towards redirecting the vehicle during the impact. On some occasions, this element consists of metal pieces or profiles shaped in a way that is to some degree complex, or it consists of tubular profiles with a square or rectangular cross-section, open or closed, and it can include wooden elements. On other occasions we can find guardrails in which there is no spacer, and the rails are secured to each other and to the post by means of a simple flat metal piece. In both one case and the other, the attachment of the metal piece or spacer with the post can be of the breakaway kind.
The behaviour towards impact by a vehicle of a safety guardrail of the kind consisting of continuous horizontal rails secured by vertical posts sunk into the ground at regular intervals, with the mediation of rigid spacers or distancers, can be synthetically described as follows:
During impact from the vehicle against the guardrail, the side of the vehicle makes contact with the front face of the rail which is the element of the guardrail that receives the impact, it transmits it and propagates it along a stretch of guardrail and guides the vehicle towards the exit. If the position of the rail descends in height as a consequence of contact with the vehicle, the difference in heights between the centre of gravity of the vehicle and the rail can cause the vehicle to destabilise and overturn, and even breach the guardrail.
The typical collision of a vehicle against a safety guardrail consisting of horizontal rails secured in vertical posts at regular intervals, which are inserted or secured in the ground, is a complex dynamic phenomenon which, if the guardrail is properly designed in order to guarantee the contention and redirection of the vehicle, has to take place in a controlled way. When the front side of the vehicle impacts against the guardrail, it makes an initial contact with the rail and, as this primary contact is made in front of the centre of gravity of the vehicle, the reaction of the guardrail imposes a rotary movement on the vehicle in the direction of redirection. During the process of redirection, the vehicle is displaced and rotates at the same time, and it has to maintain a continuous and stable contact with the rail without reaching the point of impacting against the posts, until the rear side again hits the rail. Since this secondary impact is produced behind the centre of gravity of the vehicle, a rotation is produced in it in the direction opposite to that of the redirecting rotation, putting an end to the redirection and causing the vehicle to exit, once it has lost contact with the rail. The relation between the degree of elasticity of the first and second collisions will determine the exit trajectory of the vehicle and define the redirection capacity of the guardrail, as well as having a notable influence on the maximum transverse deformation of that guardrail.
The post responds to the forces transmitted by the rail and originated by the impact of the vehicle, becoming progressively deformed due to bending and twisting, becoming bent around its foundation so that its upper part or head descends down towards the ground. If the rail remains fixed to the head of the post, a moment will be reached when the ratio of heights between the rail in contact with the vehicle and its centre of gravity become imbalanced in favour of the latter, the rail remains low down or folded on the ground and the vehicle becomes destabilised and turns over or breaches the guardrail. For this reason, safety guardrails comprising rails and posts have a breakaway mechanism at the attachment between the support and the post in such a manner that, starting from a certain force transmitted to the attachment corresponding to a certain degree of deformation of the post, this attachment becomes decoupled, separating the rail-support unit from the post. With it, a dual benefit is obtained:
a).—On the one hand, the rail is prevented from descending.
b).—On the other, once the post has yielded and become decoupled from the rail, the latter transmits the deforming stresses to the adjacent posts so that, when the deformation capacity of the following post also becomes exhausted it too will decouple by means of the breakaway mechanism and so on successively, in such a way that the deformation is propagated along a stretch of guardrail as far as the exit of the vehicle.
During and after impact against a guardrail, the stability of the vehicle is fundamental for satisfactory control over it. In that stability, as we have seen, the two fundamental factors are:
The problems presented by current systems of mixed wooden and metal safety guardrails are:
(i).—Wooden rails internally reinforced with metal manufactured from a single piece are too rigid during a collision, they have a low degree of flexibility, they deform very little and their contact with the metal sheet of the vehicle body impacting laterally against the guardrail is very aggressive, causing splinters of wood and pieces of the vehicle bodywork to become detached. This “rigid” characteristic of contact between vehicle and rail prejudices the stability of the vehicle and Increases the severity of the injuries and damage.
(ii).—The wooden pieces of rails made of a single piece in guardrails in which the distance between consecutive posts is greater than three metres are very expensive since they have to be obtained from parts that are very straight and healthy coming from long trunks and, on top of that, long wooden rails made of a single piece present warping problems during the natural process of drying the wood. This warping causes deformation of the metal to reinforcing them internally or externally.
(iii).—The spacers, both those acting as absorbers and simple distancers, also function as longitudinal connectors between two consecutive rails, which means they have to guarantee the rigidity of the attachments between consecutive rails, in such a way that no relative torsions or rotations between them take place and the stresses and deformations originated by the impact of a vehicle against the guardrail can be transmitted along several consecutive rails without discontinuity, as if the successive stretches of rail were a single continuous stretch and become deformed coherently adopting the form of a curve when seen in plan view. The spacers used currently provide a kind of connection between rails that is insufficient for guaranteeing the almost complete torsional and rotational “blocking” of the attachment between two consecutive rails.
(iv).—The need to provide a decoupling separation between the spacer and the post when the latter has become deformed too much, in order to prevent the post from descending down to the ground pulling the rail down with it, reducing its height and thereby making it easier for the vehicle to breach the rail or become destabilised, requires a very controlled and reliable breakaway mechanism which right now is difficult to achieve with current spacers.
(v).—The inevitable deformation of the metal post during impact from a vehicle against the guardrail produces breakage into pieces of the wooden cover lining the outside and the uncontrolled detachment of those pieces or of the whole wooden cover, which is currently manufactured in a single piece or, at most, with a second closing piece. Wooden pieces of a certain size and shape, becoming detached and projecting at a certain speed and height, can represent a serious danger for traffic. Moreover, single-piece wooden covers are more expensive to manufacture and, as they dry out due to exposure to the weather, they become deformed and the sides (the part of the cover surrounding the cavity housing the metal post) open up in the form of wings pointing outwards, detracting from the aesthetic qualities of the guardrail.
(vi).—The end sections of stretches of mixed wooden and metal safety guardrails are executed by means of folding the rail down towards ground level, burying its end and then securing the section of folded rail by means of various posts inserted or secured into the ground with the aim of the end section acting as an anchorage for that stretch of guardrail. If the end section is not long enough when it is folded or it does not have a large number of posts, which is what usually happens due to lack of space on roads where this type of guardrail is required, then the probable breakage of the ground at the buried end due to forces originated by the impact of a vehicle a short distance away being transmitted that far can cause the attachment between the posts and the folded rail to break and, with it, breakage of the end anchorage. When this happens, the rail loses all its tension and the guardrail ceases to function as a longitudinal contention element.
The present invention provides a System for contention of lateral impacts from vehicles comprising metal and wooden pieces, with aesthetic qualities and with high capacity for contention and redirection which, simultaneously, has the following advantageous technical characteristics with respect to the State of the Art, where the problems presented by the latter have been overcome:
(i) high and controlled capacity for absorption of the energy resulting from the impact of a vehicle, in order to provide the contention system with an elasto-plastic behaviour and thereby reduce its rigidity along with the detachment of pieces of the guardrail, in order to prevent the contention system from causing equivalent or worse injuries than those it is sought to protect road-users from;
(ii) high capacity to reduce the levels of decelerations produced in a light vehicle during the impact, in order to diminish the severity of the impact and thereby the risk of injuries to the occupants of the vehicle;
(iii) high capacity for control over the vehicle during and after the collision, maintaining it stable on its wheels and thus reducing the possibility of later undesired reactions of it (rotations, turning over, unexpected trajectories, etc.) and achieving an exit trajectory that is as parallel as possible to the contention system, thus reducing the risk of secondary collisions of the vehicle with other road-users;
(iv) high capacity for controlling the dissipation of the absorbed energy, in order to grant the contention system a certain ability to deform itself similarly following each impact from a vehicle, and so contribute towards extending the useful life of the rest of the elements constituting the contention system;
(v) capacity to transmit to the ground the forces originated as a consequence of a vehicle, by means of the end anchorages, preventing them from breaking with the loss of tension of the guardrail.
To achieve this, and with the aim of obtaining the above advantages with respect to the State of the Art, it has been necessary to design a new system for contention of lateral impacts from vehicles, with aesthetic qualities, of the mixed wooden and metal type guardrail, which incorporates the following characteristics as novelties, which are developed more fully below:
With the aim of preventing the forces transmitted to the rail during impact causing the heads of the prisoner screws to pass through the holes or openings in the metal profile of the rail, tearing them and therefore causing consecutive rails to become decoupled and the guardrail to thus lose its continuity, a metal washer, preferably square, rectangular or circular, is located between the head of the screw and the inner wall of the metal profile of the rail, this reinforcing the area around the hole.
The metal profile preferably used to reinforce the rail has a cross-section In the shape of a “sigma”, in other words, the shape that results from creating a partial notch centred in the middle of a “U”, parallel to the direction of the arms of that “U” and oriented towards the opening of the “U”. The position of that metal profile in the rail has the arms arranged horizontally and Inserted in the wooden log from the rear part of the rail towards the front, penetrating into individual horizontal slots made for the purpose in that log and in such a way that the central part of the “sigma” cross-section remains vertical approximately coinciding with the rear face of the wooden rail. The “sigma” cross-section of the metal profile of the rail permits attachment screws to be provided between the rails and support or prisoner screws, since the head of those screws remains imprisoned between the profile and the wooden log, in the cavities resulting from accommodating the central part of the “sigma” profile with its central notch towards the log against the flat vertical surface thereof. In order to favour the arrangement of these prisoner screws, trapped via their head between the wooden log and the metal profile of the rail, the rear face of the log can include a notch or recess, with an approximately rectangular shape, of length slightly greater than the height of the central part of the “sigma” metal profile and of depth slightly greater than the height of the central notch of the “sigma” metal profile.
Provided in the centre of the support, arranged vertically and located on the side opposite to the flanges in contact with the rear face of the rail, are means of attachment to the metal post, preferably screwed and consisting of a single screw successively traversing the central part of the support, a support plate, the front part of the wooden cover and a hole made for the purpose in the metal post.
With this new support and its fastenings to the rails and to the post described above, a rigid spacer is achieved very resistant to deformation due to bending and twisting which is solidly fastened to the rails in such a way that it prevents relative rotations and torsions between consecutive rails.
FIG. 1.—Corresponds to a lateral view in perspective of a stretch of mixed metal and wooden guardrail with several rails and posts, from the front side or traffic side.
FIG. 2.—Corresponds to a lateral view in perspective of a stretch of mixed metal and wooden guardrail with several rails and posts, from the rear side or side away from the traffic.
FIG. 3.—is a straight section of the mixed metal and wooden guardrail in the post.
FIG. 4.—Corresponds to a perspective view from the traffic side of an individual rail.
a.—is the straight section of a stretch of rail with wooden logs, the interior metal profile, the attachment element between the wooden logs and the metal profile and the attachment plate between logs.
b.—is the straight section of one of the wooden logs of the rail.
c.—is the straight section of the interior metal profile of the rail.
d.—Corresponds to a perspective exploded view of an individual stretch of rail, from the traffic side, with its components: wooden logs, metal profile and attachment plate.
e.—Lateral view in perspective from the rear side of a stretch of the interior metal profile of the rail, with its holes for attachment to the log and with the support.
FIG. 5.—Lateral view in perspective from the rear side of the support with its two component metal pieces, the main piece and the interior piece, assembled.
a.—Straight section of the support with its two component pieces.
b.—Lateral view in perspective from the rear side of the interior piece of the support.
c.—Straight section of a detail of the support with its two component pieces and the attachment element between them.
FIG. 6.—Lateral view in perspective of the support, from the rear side, joining two consecutive stretches of rail.
a.—Complete straight section of the support and part of the rail, assembled, with the attachment elements between both.
b.—Straight section of a detail of the support and metal profile of the rail, with one of the attachment elements between them.
FIG. 7.—Straight section of the mixed metal and wooden guardrail in the post without the rail, with the metal post, the cover for the post, the two component pieces of the support and the attachment element between the support and the metal post, via the wooden cover.
a.—Perspective view from the traffic side of the metal post, the wooden cover and the support plate, assembled.
b.—Perspective exploded view from the traffic side of the metal post, the wooden cover and the support plate, assembled.
FIG. 9.—Is the straight section of the mixed metal and wooden guardrail in the post, with a lower metal screen for protection of motorcyclists suspended from the support by an arm as an extension of the support piece.
a.—Perspective view from the traffic side of the metal post covered with the wooden cover, assembled.
b.—Perspective exploded view from the traffic side of the metal post and the strips of wood making up the cover for the post.
FIG. 11.—Deformation sequence (
FIG. 12.—Sequence (
a.—Rear view in elevation of an end section and anchorage of the mixed metal and wooden guardrail with the rail folded down towards the ground
b.—Plan view of an end section and anchorage of the mixed metal and wooden guardrail with the rail folded down towards the ground.
FIG. 14.—Straight sections of rails other than rectangular with the longer sides arranged vertically.
FIG. 15.—Lateral view in perspective from the traffic side of two stretches of mixed metal and wooden guardrails with two levels of rails and several posts.
FIG. 16.—Perspective exploded view of the components of the mixed metal and wooden guardrail, in the environs of a post, from the rear side, showing two consecutive rails, the common support, the support plate, the wooden cover and the common metal post, along with the fastening elements among them.
The present invention relates to a Contention System for Lateral Impacts from Vehicles comprising one or various levels of continuous horizontal rails made of metal and wood arranged longitudinally and vertical metal support posts individually fitted with a wooden cover and arranged at regular intervals, with aesthetic qualities, which is characterised in that it comprises:
A mixed metal and wooden rail (1), a metal post (3) fitted with a wooden cover (2) and a spacer by way of support (4) which longitudinally connects the consecutive horizontal stretches of rail between each other and the latter with the post (see
Each rail (1) consists of: two or more longitudinal wooden logs or pieces (1′) (1″) of identical cross-section arranged longitudinally adjacent with their end sections in contact or very close and connected together by a metal attachment plate (5) housed in individual vertical slots (5′) made for the purpose in the end of adjacent logs (1′) (1″), a single metal profile (6) longitudinal and with cross-section preferably in the form of a “sigma”, the length of which approximately corresponds to the sum of the lengths of the logs (1′) (1″) and suitable means of attachment (12) (30), preferably screwed, between the logs (1′) (1″) and the “sigma” metal profile (6), as can be seen in
Each wooden log (1′) (1″) has two horizontal slots (9) and (9′) made from its rear face along its entire length and a “recess” (29) of appreciably rectangular cross-section made in the central part of its rear face corresponding to the space included between the slots, as can be seen in
The “sigma” metal profile (6) presents in cross-section (see
The recess (29) in the rear face of the log (1′) (1″) made along its entire length is of approximately rectangular cross-section, higher than deep, and more or less centred vertically in the rear face. The depth of the recess (29) made along the entire length of the log (1′) (1″) is approximately equal to or slightly greater than the height of the notch (11″) in the middle of the “sigma” metal profile, this being measured with reference to the aligned vertical sections (11) and (11′) and towards the interior of the “sigma” metal profile (6). The height of the recess (29) in the rear face of the log (1′) (1″) is approximately equal to or slightly greater than the vertical distance between the upper (10) and lower (10′) arms of the metal profile with “sigma” cross-section (6).
Once the rail (1) has been assembled starting from its components, the “sigma” metal profile (6) remains inserted in the wooden logs (1′) (1″) penetrating from the rear face, in other words, from the face away from the traffic, towards the front face or traffic face (see
In this way, two cavities are made along the entire length of the rail (1), an upper cavity (48) and a lower one (48), between the wooden log (1′) (1″) and the “sigma” metal profile (6), demarcated by the recess (29) of the log, the upper (11) and lower (11′) vertical sections, respectively, of the “sigma” metal profile (6), the upper (10) and lower (10′) arms, respectively, of the “sigma” metal profile (6) and the alignments between the notch (11″) of the “sigma” metal profile and the two vertical sections (11) (11′), respectively. These cavities (48) and (48′) will permit the head (46) of the attachment screws (20) of the rail (1) with the support (4) or “prisoner” screws (20) of the rail (1) to be housed in their interior, see
Moreover, as can be seen in
The wooden logs (1′) (1″) of the rail each have a vertical slot (5′), provided at one of their ends, running from top to bottom, and located between the front face of the log and the cavity thereof, formed by the slots (9) and (9′) and the recess (29), which house the “sigma” metal profile (6), said vertical slot (5′) being made in the wood for the purpose of being able to house approximately half of the metal attachment plate (5), in such a way that once the rail (1) has been assembled starting from its components, the vertical slots (5′) of adjacent logs (I′) and (1″) are in the same vertical plane and the attachment plate (5) remains embedded between two adjacent logs (1′) (1″) inside the slots (5′) and, by means of suitable fastenings (12), said metal plate (5) functions as a longitudinal link between them. The means of fastening between the attachment plate (5) and the adjacent wooden logs (1′) (1″) is preferably a horizontal screwed attachment with the screw or bolt (12) successively traversing the log (1′) or (1″), the attachment plate (5) and the “sigma” metal profile (6) via separate holes or openings (33), (31) and (34), preferably round, which have the same alignment and which have been made for the purpose in the log (1′) or (1″), in the attachment plate (5) and In the “sigma” metal profile (6), respectively.
The “sigma” metal profile (6) presents various central holes along its is axis, both at its ends (35) and in the central zone (34), preferably round, located in the vertical “notch” (11″) in the middle and destined to be traversed by the attachment elements (30) and (12) between the logs (1′) (1″) and the “sigma” metal profile (6). Likewise, the “sigma” metal profile (6) presents its end holes (19) and (19′), preferably square, located in upper (11) and lower (11′) vertical sections, respectively, of the central part of the “sigma” metal profile (6), destined to be traversed by the attachment elements (20) between the rail (1) and the support (4).
The two or more wooden logs (1′) (1″) constituting an individual rail (1) are longitudinally attached to each other and to the same “sigma” metal profile (6) in order to form an individual rail (1), by means of suitable attachment elements, preferably screws or bolts (12) and (30). These attachment screws or bolts between the log (1′) (1″) and the “sigma” metal profile (6) are provided along the length of the rail (1), preferably located in the middle horizontal or equatorial plane thereof and, in general, they consist of a set of screw, washer and nut. Said attachment screws or bolts (30), preferably at the ends of the rail (1), successively traverse the wooden log (1′) (1″) and the “sigma” metal profile (6) passing successively through the holes (32) and (35), preferably round, made for the purpose in the wooden log (1′) (1″) and in the “sigma” metal profile (6), respectively. Said attachment screws or bolts (12) in the centre of the rail (1) successively traverse the wooden log (1′) (1″), the flat metal attachment plate (5) and the “sigma” metal profile (6) passing through holes (33), (31) and (34), preferably round, made for the purpose in the wooden log (1′) (1″), the flat metal attachment plate (5) and the “sigma” metal profile (6), respectively (see
Although the wooden logs (1′) (1″) and the “sigma” metal profile (6) of the rail (1), as described previously (vertical rectangular standard cross-section for the wooden log and “sigma” cross-section for the metal profile), represent the preferred embodiment of the Invention, since they are the most adequate solutions for the functioning of the system as a whole, the same invention on the rail (1) can also be embodied with other different geometries, both of the log and of the metal profile.
The metal support (4) of the mixed guardrail is in turn made up of two metal pieces: a main piece or body (4) and an interior U-piece (14), joined together by suitable means of fastening, preferably a screwed attachment. The main piece (4) of the support is a metal piece of cross-section in the form of an “omega” lying on its side, with its flanges or feet (upper and lower) and the middle part arranged vertically and the arms arranged horizontally or slightly inclined. It constitutes the structural resistant element of the support and the connection element with the rails (1) and for these with themselves. The U-piece (14) is a single piece, appreciably smaller than the main piece (4), with cross-section preferably in the form of a “U”, “C” or a flat or slightly curved plate, preferably of lesser length than the main piece of the support (4) and, together with the attachment screws (24) between the support (4) and the metal post (3), it constitutes the breakaway element with the metal post (3), as can be seen in
The main piece of the support (4) is provided in its upper vertical flange with a series of holes (18) aligned horizontally and in its lower vertical flange with another series of holes (18′) aligned horizontally, preferably being arranged symmetrically with each other (18) and (18′) with respect to the axis of the support and with a shape that is preferably rounded, elongated or oblong or square, so that they can be traversed by the means of attachment between consecutive rails (1) and the support (4), preferably by means of screwed attachments. Once the two consecutive rails (1) have been suitably joined together and with the common support (4), the series of upper (18) and lower (18′) holes of the support (4) must correspond, one by one, with the series of upper (19) and lower (19′) holes of the “sigma” metal profile (6) of the rail (1) (see
The main piece of the support (4) is provided with a central window (15) in its middle, having a shape that is preferably rectangular, square or oval and with two or more elongated holes (16), arranged on both sides of the window (15), preferably aligned horizontally with it, as can be seen in
The interior U-piece (14) of the support has a star-shaped hole or opening (17), preferably in the central part of the piece, and two or more rounded holes (16′) arranged on both sides of the star-shaped hole (17), preferably aligned horizontally with it, as can be seen in
The main piece of the support (4) and the interior U-piece (14) of the support are assembled together in order to constitute the metal support (4), in such a manner that the U-piece (14) is arranged inside the main piece of the support (4) with the central part of the U-piece (14) resting completely against the interior wall of the central part of the main piece (4), as shown in
Once the two metal pieces (4) and (14) forming the support have been arranged in position and assembled together using suitable means of fastening, preferably screws or bolts (36), the fact that the holes (16′) of the U-piece (14) are round and their corresponding holes (16) of the main piece (4) are elongated or oblong for the purpose of being traversed by the screws or bolts (36), means that, prior to proceeding to the final tightening of the attachments (36), the U-piece (14) can be displaced horizontally with respect to the main piece (4), towards one side and the other by a certain distance in such a way that the star-shaped hole (17) corresponding to the attachment screw (24) between the support (4) and the metal post (3) can be displaced horizontally to one side and the other within the window (15) of the main piece of the support (4), as shown in
Alternatively, the adjustment of the horizontal position of the rail (1) with respect to the post (3) of the guardrail, by means of the relative displacement between both pieces (4) and (14) of the support, can equally be achieved by means of the combination of round holes (16) (instead of elongated ones) in the central part of the main piece of the support (4) and elongated or oblong holes (16′) (instead of round ones) in the U-piece (14).
The attachment of two consecutive rails (1) together with the mediation of the support (4), as shown in
In order to guarantee that, in the event of a considerable gradient of forces being applied between the rail and the support, the head (46) of the attachment screw or bolt (20) between the rails and support cannot deform the hole (19) or (19′) of the metal profile (6) of the rail (1), and it becomes torn and is traversed, thus releasing the attachment between rails and the support, a washer (23) is provided, preferably square, between the head (46) of the bolt (20) and the “sigma” metal profile (6).
In order to permit the tightening of the nut (21) of the attachment screw (20) for the rails with the support, without the head rotating free in its confinement gap within the rail, the use of a screw (20) with a neck (47) of preferably square cross-section or provided with one or more projections, is combined with a hole (19) or (19′) of the metal profile (6) of the rail, preferably square or rectangular in shape, in such a way that once the neck (47) of the screw (20) is housed or completely traverses the hole (19) or (19′) of the profile (6), its rotation remains blocked.
Although the attachment between consecutive rails and between them and the support, which has been described above, is conceived for resisting stresses without breaking, thereby maintaining the continuity of the rails along the entire stretch of safety guardrail, on the other hand, the attachment between the support (4) and the metal post (3) is designed to break at a certain level of stress, releasing the rail from its connection to the post. For this reason, this type of attachment is known as “breakaway” and it is essential that it is done correctly so that the guardrail can satisfactorily contain the impact of a vehicle.
The breakaway attachment between the support (4) and the metal post (3) is carried out by means of a screw or bolt (24), with a preferably hexagonal head (27), arranged with its longitudinal axis horizontal or slightly inclined, in such a way that the head (27) remains located inside the metal support (4), in contact with the interior face of the U-piece (14) and the shaft of the bolt (24) successively traverses the star-shaped hole (17) of the U-piece (14), the window (15) of the central part of the main piece of the support (4), the hole (39), preferably round, of the metal support plate (13) for the support (4) in the wooden cover (2), the hole (40), preferably round, of the front part of the wooden cover (2) and the hole (41), preferably elongated in the vertical direction, of the metal post (3), the attachment being fastened by means of a nut (25) which is housed inside the post, correctly tightened. A washer (26) can be located beneath the nut, in contact with the interior wall of the front face of the post (3).
Interposed between the metal support (4) and the front face of the wooden cover (2) is a metal plate (13), preferably rectangular or square, with a central hole (39), preferably round, for the purpose of being traversed by the shaft of the screw or bolt (24) for the breakaway attachment between the support (4) and the post (3). The dimension of the vertical side of the support plate (13) has to be such that the central part of the support (4) rests completely on it, without it emerging above the wooden cover (2), and the horizontal dimension must be less than the width of the front face of the wooden cover (2). The metal plate must have a thickness such that it is sufficiently rigid for being able to function as a distributor, on the wooden surface that it covers, of the force transmitted to the lower edge of the central part of the support (4), as a consequence of the moment originated by the weight of the rail and the span of the support (4) as an arm or lever. The metal support plate (13) prevents the lower edge of the central part of the support (4) from “sinking” slightly into the wood of the cover (2).
A construction variant of the support plate (13) described above is obtained by extending said plate via its lower part by way of an arm (13′), in such a way that the metal piece ceases to be plane and acquires a certain shape or geometry, with the aim that the lower part of this arm (13′) sustains a screen (37) made of metal or a plastic material, arranged longitudinally and continuously beneath the rail (1) covering a large part of the gap existing between the latter and ground level (7), and fastened to the arm (13′) by suitable means of attachment (38), preferably screwed attachments, as shown in
The arrangement of all the elements constituting the breakaway attachment mechanism between the rail and the post has to be coherent with the whole, in such a way that said attachment breaks in a way that is controlled and reliable as has been designed, as illustrated in the sequences of
The wooden cover (2) placed over the metal post (3) of the mixed metal and wooden guardrail covers at least the three faces of the post (3) visible from the traffic side, namely, the front face (2′) and the two side faces (2″), along virtually the entire length of the post (3) emerging above the ground (7), once the post (3) has been inserted therein.
With the aim of encouraging a controlled fragmentation of the wooden cover (2) of the metal post (3) during impact by a vehicle, said wooden cover (2) is decomposed into at least three flat strips or planks of wood (2′) (2″) covering at least the front face and the two side faces of the metal post (3), as indicated in
The wooden cover (2) of the metal post (3) can additionally include a flat enclosure strip in the rear part, so that the post (3) is completely covered with wood.
The end sections of a stretch of mixed metal and wooden guardrail are constructed by folding the rail (1) towards ground level (7) and burying its end attached to a metal stop piece (44) generally hook-shaped and fixing said folded rail (1″) in one or more metal posts (42) (43) inserted or secured into the ground and joined to the folded rail (1′) by means of metal pieces. In the event that, as a consequence of the impact of a vehicle against the guardrail, the forces transmitted along the rail (1) as far as the end were to cause breakage of the ground Inside the hook-shaped end stop (44), the joins between the posts fixed to the folded rail (1″) would have to withstand the entire tension transmitted and, as they are not made to do so, they break and the stretch of rail (1) (1′″) would become released and remain without tension, and the guardrail would thus lose its entire capacity for contention. In order to guarantee that this phenomenon of end breakage and loss of tension by the rail (1) does not take place, an additional metal post (45) is provided, preferably not fixed to the folded rail (1′″), inserted in the ground via the interior surface of the hook-shaped end stop (44), which increases the capacity of the ground for resistance inside said end stop (44).
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
P 200700165 | Jan 2007 | ES | national |
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind | 371c Date |
PCT/ES2007/000573 | 10/9/2007 | WO | 00 | 7/17/2009 |