Joseph Brave, Editor in Chief, `The State of the Modem,` Data Communications International, Jun. 1991, 86-98. |
Proceedings of the International Conference on ISDN, Jun. 1988, (London GB) F. Caussarieu et al.; "Interface board for PC`s providing SO interface with voice and data communications capabilities", pp. 251-262, see p. 251, lines 1-6; p. 252, lines 38-43; pp. 254-256; paragraphs 4-2, 4-3, and 4-5; pp. 258-261; paragraph 5. |
Electronic Design, vol. 35, No: 29, 10 Dec. 1987, (Hasbrouck Heights, N.J., US), D. Gulick et al.: "Interface the ISDN to your PC with a voice/data board", pp. 85-88, see p. 85, left column, lines 16-37; p. 87, left column, line 21-p. 88, right column, line 2. |
Proceedings International Symposium on Subscriber Loops and Services, 11-16 Sep. 1988, paper 4.3, IEEE (Boston, US), K. Kammerer: "User benefits of ISDN in Germany", pp. 70-74, see p. 73, right column, line 4, p. 74, left column, line 7. |
Electrical Communication, vol. 61, No: 1, 1987 (Harlow, Essex, GB), D. Adolphs et al.: "Subsets, terminals, and terminal adapters for the public ISDN", pp. 72-80, see p. 78, right column, line 31-p. 79, right column, line 45 (cited in the application). |
Wescon Conference Record, vol. 31, 1987, Paper 20/75, (Los Angeles, Calif., US), C. Stacey: "Build your own ISDN terminal/terminal adapter", pp. 1-7, see p. 5, left column, line 1-p. 6, right column, last line (cited in the application). |
Commutation & Transmission, vol. 9, No: 3, 28 Sep. 1987, (Paris, FR), J.-L. Lavoisard et al.: "Les installations terminales d'abonnes", pp. 35-50, see p. 46, middle column, line 5-pg. 47, right column, line 6 (cited in the application). |