Communication device operation management

A communication group is activated within a communication system (100) including an administrator device (125) and at least one subordinate device (130,135). Each subordinate device (130,135) is programmed with a set of operation rules dependent upon communication source (300), information content (305), current time (310), or geographic location (315). The administrator device (125) dynamically changes the stored set of operation rules for the subordinate device (130,135) by communicating a change message.

1. Field of the Invention

The present invention is generally related to communication devices and more particularly to systems and devices for remote provisioning of communication devices.

2. Description of the Related Art

Wireless communication is one technology that is helping to define today's culture, offering peace of mind to parents and their children. As they live in a world with home and hand-held computers, calculators, pagers and cordless telephones, today's youth are comfortable with wireless technology. Today's youth are taking advantage of the convenience, safety and security offered by wireless communication devices such as cellular telephones and messaging devices. At the same time, parents like the security and improved safety that wireless communication offers. According to a recent survey, eleven (11) percent of children aged five to nine now own a wireless communication device. Ownership among older children is even higher at an estimated thirty (30) percent. Young users are rapidly becoming the area of greatest growth in terms of new wireless customers. Concerns about child abductions have led many parents to give even their very young children wireless communication devices for emergency use.

Further, the capabilities and utility of wireless communication devices is continuing to rapidly increase. Text messaging including instant messaging, internet access including software and information downloading, streaming music video and hi-tech games, are becoming more accessible on a variety of wireless devices. Youthful consumers can use their wireless communication devices as portable radios, mobile arcades and fashion accessories. Coupled together, the increased use and increased capabilities has caused a major cost containment issue for parents, who ultimately pay the monthly bill for the wireless utilization.

Families are not the only consumers suffering from the increased costs. A recent study found that some business executives regularly run up enormous monthly cellular telephone bills: In addition to the utilization mentioned above, executives run up large usage bills due to conference calling, international calling and, especially, international roaming.

Thus, the need to control wireless communication device usage by administrators such as parents' control of children's usage, and employer's control of employee's usage has become an economic necessity for many.

One current method to control monthly wireless costs is by using prepaid plans. Drawbacks to prepaid plans include higher startup costs and higher usage charges. Prepaid plans, and the devices that come with them, also may provide less in the way of features and capabilities. Further, with most such plans, as with traditional plans, the pre-paid minutes expire periodically.


The accompanying figures, where like reference numerals refer to identical or functionally similar elements throughout the separate views and which together with the detailed description below, are incorporated in and form part of the specification, serve to further illustrate various embodiments and to explain various principles and advantages all in accordance with the present invention.

FIG. 1 is an electronic block diagram illustrating a communication system.

FIG. 2 is an electronic block diagram illustrating a communication device for use within the wireless communication system of FIG. 1.

FIG. 3 illustrates a memory for use within the communication device of FIG. 2.

FIG. 4 is a flowchart illustrating one embodiment of the operation of the communication system.

FIGS. 5 through 7 are flowcharts illustrating various embodiments of the operation of the communication device.


As required, detailed embodiments of the present invention are disclosed herein; however, it is to be understood that the disclosed embodiments are merely exemplary of the invention, which can be embodied in various forms. Therefore, specific structural and functional details disclosed herein are not to be interpreted as limiting, but merely as a basis for the claims and as a representative basis for teaching one skilled in the art to variously employ the present invention in virtually any appropriately detailed structure. Further, the terms and phrases used herein are not intended to be limiting; but rather, to provide an understandable description of the invention.

The terms a or an, as used herein, are defined as one or more than one. The term plurality, as used herein, is defined as two or more than two. The term another, as used herein, is defined as at least a second or more. The terms including and/or having, as used herein, are defined as comprising (i.e., open language). The term coupled, as used herein, is defined as connected, although not necessarily directly, and not necessarily mechanically. The terms program, software application, and the like as used herein, are defined as a sequence of instructions designed for execution on a computer system. A program, computer program, or software application may include a subroutine, a function, a procedure, an object method, an object implementation, an executable application, an applet, a servlet, a source code, an object code, a shared library/dynamic load library and/or other sequence of instructions designed for execution on a computer system.

Referring to FIG. 1, an electronic block diagram illustrating a communication system 100 is shown. The communication system 100 can include a message input device for initiating messages into the communication system 100. It will be appreciated by those of ordinary skill in the art that the message input device can alternatively be external to the communication system 100. The message input device can be, for example, a telephone 155, a computer 145, or a wireless telephone 150, connected through a network 140 through a plurality of terminal links to a system controller 105. The terminal links, for example, can be a plurality of twisted wire pairs, a fiber optic cable, or a multiplexed trunk line.

The system controller 105 is coupled to and oversees the operation of at least one radio frequency (RF) transmitter 115 and at least one radio frequency (RF) receiver 110 through one or more communication links. The communication links typically are twisted pair telephone wires, and additionally can include radio frequency (RF), microwave, or other communication links. The radio frequency transmitter 115 and the radio frequency receiver 110 typically are used with message store and forward stations that encode and decode inbound and outbound messages into formats that are compatible with landline message switched computers and personal radio addressing requirements, such as cellular messages, short messaging service, or other messaging protocols. The system controller 105 can also function to encode and decode messages that are transmitted to or received by the radio frequency transmitter 115 or the radio frequency receiver 110. Telephony signals are typically transmitted to and received from the system controller 105 by telephone sets such as the telephone 155 or the wireless telephone 150. The system controller 105 encodes and schedules outbound messages. The system controller 105 then transmits the encoded outbound messages through the radio frequency transmitter 115 via a transmit antenna (not shown) to a plurality of communication devices 120 on at least one outbound radio frequency (RF) channel. The transmitted messages can be, for example, a data message or a voice call. Similarly, the system controller 105 receives and decodes inbound messages received by the radio frequency receiver 110 via a receive antenna (not shown) on at least one inbound radio frequency (RF) channel from one of the plurality of wireless communication devices 120. The received message can be, for example, a data message, a reply to a data message, a voice call, or a reply to a voice call.

It will be appreciated by one of ordinary skill in the art that the communication system 100, in accordance with the present invention, can function utilizing any wireless RF channel, for example, a two-way messaging channel, a mobile cellular telephone channel, or a mobile radio channel. Similarly, it will be appreciated by one of ordinary skill in the art that the communication system 100 can function utilizing other types of wireless communication channels such as infrared channels and/or Bluetooth channels.

It will be appreciated by one of ordinary skill in the art that the communication systems 100 of FIG. 1 can alternatively function utilizing a wireline communication channel such as a local area network (LAN) or a wide area network (WAN) or a combination of both. The LAN, for example, can employ any one of a number of networking protocols, such as TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol), AppleTalk™, IPX/SPX (Inter-Packet Exchange/Sequential Packet Exchange), Net BIOS (Network Basic Input Output System) or any other packet structures to enable the communication among the devices and/or between the devices and the shared resources. The WAN, for example, can use a physical network media such as X.25, Frame Relay, ISDN, Modem dial-up or other media to connect devices or other local area networks. In the following description, the term “communication system” refers to any one or combination of the wireless communication systems or wireline communication systems mentioned above or an equivalent.

Similarly, it will be appreciated by one of ordinary skill in the art that each of the plurality of communication devices 120 of FIG. 1 can function as a wireless device including, for example, a mobile cellular telephone, a mobile radio data terminal, a mobile cellular telephone having an attached data terminal, a personal computer having a communication means either built in or attached, or a two way messaging device. Alternatively, each of the plurality of communication devices 120 can operate on a wired network that uses a physical network such as ARCNET, Ethernet, Token-ring, Local Talk or other network media to connect the communication devices, which represent wired network nodes into the network. In the following description, the term “communication device” refers to any of the devices mentioned above or an equivalent.

Referring back to FIG. 1, in accordance with the present invention, the plurality of communication devices 120 includes at least one administrator device 125 and at least one subordinate device 130, 135. The administrator device 125, for example, can be utilized by a parent or an employer. The administrator device 125, in accordance with the present invention, is utilized by the person responsible for the service fees in a family, business, or other group plan. The subordinate devices 130, 135, for example, can be utilized by a child or an employee. Preferably, a service operator 160 offers various features and functions to be programmed into each of the plurality of communication devices 120 upon activation of one or more of the devices. For example, access groups including associated administrator devices and subordinate devices can be established through the service provider at the time of purchase along with individual phone numbers for each device within the group account.

Each of the plurality of communication devices 120 has an address or identity assigned thereto which is a unique address within the communication system 100. Each address enables the transmission of a message only to the communication device having the address, and identifies the messages and responses received from the communication device with the address.

FIG. 2 is an electronic block diagram illustrating a communication device 200 for use within the communication system 100 of FIG. 1. The communication device 200 can be, for example, the subordinate devices 130, 135 or the administrator device 125 of FIG. 1. As illustrated in FIG. 2, the communication device 200 includes a first antenna 205, a second antenna 210, a receiver 215, a transmitter 220, a clock 225, a processor 230, an internal memory 235, an external memory 295, an alert circuit 240, a display 245, a user interface 250 and a communication manager 255.

The first antenna 205 intercepts transmitted signals from the communication system 100. The first antenna 205 is coupled to the receiver 215, which employs conventional demodulation techniques for receiving the communication signals transmitted by the communication system 100. Coupled to the receiver 215, is the processor 230 utilizing conventional signal-processing techniques for processing received messages. The processor 230 decodes an address or identification in the demodulated data of the received message, compares the decoded address or identification with one or more identifications 265 stored in the internal memory 235, and when a match is detected, proceeds to process the remaining portion of the received message.

To perform the necessary functions of the communication device 100, the processor 230 is coupled to the internal memory 235, which preferably includes a random access memory (RAM), a read-only memory (ROM), and an electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM)(not shown). It will be appreciated by those of ordinary skill in the art that the internal memory 235 can be integrated within the communication device 200, or alternatively can be at least partially contained within an external memory such as the external memory 295. The external memory 295, for example, can be a subscriber identification module (SIM) card mechanically interconnected to the communication device. A SIM card is an electronic device typically including a microprocessor unit and a memory suitable for encapsulating within a small flexible plastic card. The SIM card additionally includes some form of interface for communicating with an external device or system. The SIM card can be used to transfer a variety of information from/to the communication device 200 and/or any other compatible device. In accordance with the present invention, a rules memory 270 is stored with the internal memory 235 or alternatively within the external memory 295.

Upon receipt and processing of a message or a call, the processor 230 preferably generates a command signal to the alert circuit 240 as a notification that the message has been received and stored or alternatively that a call is waiting for a response. The alert circuit 240 can include a speaker (not shown) with associated speaker drive circuitry capable of playing melodies and other audible alerts, a vibrator (not shown) with associated vibrator drive circuitry capable of producing a physical vibration, or one or more light emitting diodes (LEDs) (not shown) with associated LED drive circuitry capable of producing a visual alert. It will be appreciated by one of ordinary skill in the art that other similar alerting means as well as any combination of the audible, vibratory, and visual alert outputs described can be used for the alert circuit 240.

Upon receipt and processing of a message or a received call, the processor 230 preferably also generates a command signal to the display 245 to generate a visual notification of the receipt and storage of the message. When the display 245 receives the command signal from the processor 230 that the message has been received and stored in memory, or alternatively that a call is awaiting a response, an indication is displayed. The indication, for example can be the activation of one of a plurality of icons on the display 235 or alternatively the activation of a notification message. The notification message, for example, can include the name, telephone number, or other identification of the calling party. The display 235 can be, for example, a liquid crystal display utilized to display text and graphics. It will be appreciated by one of ordinary skill in the art that other similar displays such as cathode ray tube displays, organic light emitting diodes, LEDs, or plasma displays can be utilized for the display 135.

The communication device preferably further includes the clock 225. The clock 225 provides timing for the processor 230. The clock 225 can include the current time for use in the operation of the communication device 200. The clock 225 also provides a source for timing of feature enhancements such as active and inactive periods of operation or periods of alerting. The clock 225 further can provide a source of timing for time-based rules used by the communications manager 255.

In a preferred embodiment, the communication device 200 includes the communications manager 255. The communications manager 255 can be hard coded or programmed into the communication device 200 during manufacturing, can be programmed over-the-air upon customer subscription, or can be a downloadable application. It will be appreciated that other programming methods can be utilized for programming the communications manager 255 into the communication device 200. It will be further appreciated by one of ordinary skill in the art that the communications manager 255 can be hardware circuitry within the communication device 200 including being integrated within the processor 230.

The communications manager 255 operates using a plurality of rules which can be manually set by the user of the communication device 200, can be preprogrammed into the communication device 200, or can be programmed into the communication device 200 by an administrator 260 via the communication system 100. Preferably, the plurality of rules can be changed as desired by the administrator 260.

Preferably, the user interface 250 is coupled to the processor 230. The user interface 250 can be one or more buttons used to generate a button press, a series of button presses, a voice response from the device user, or some other similar method of manual response initiated by the device user of the communication device 200.

The transmitter 220 is coupled to the processor 230 and is responsive to commands from the processor 230. When the transmitter 220 receives a command from the processor 230, the transmitter 220 sends a signal via the second antenna 210 to the communication system 100.

In an alternative embodiment (not shown), the communication device 200 includes one antenna performing the functionality of the first antenna 205 and the second antenna 210. Further, the communication device 200 alternatively includes a transceiver circuit (not shown) performing the functionality of the receiver 215 and the transmitter 220. It will be appreciated by one of ordinary skill in the art that other similar electronic block diagrams of the same or alternate type can be utilized for the communication device 200.

FIG. 3 illustrates the rules memory 270 for use within the communication device 200 of FIG. 2 in accordance with the present invention. As described previously herein, the rules memory 270 can be stored within the internal memory 235, the external memory 295, or a combination therein. The rules memory 270 preferably stores a plurality of predetermined rules such as a plurality of sender identification rules 300, a plurality of message content rules 305, a plurality of time-based rules 310, and a plurality of location-based rules 315. It will be appreciated by those of ordinary skill in the art that other equivalent categories of rules can be stored within the rules memory 270 in accordance with the present invention.

The plurality of sender identification rules 300 preferably includes a plurality of identifications 320 stored with associated priority ratings 325 and with associated operation modes 330. For example, when the identification stored is an administrator priority, the associated operation modes can include tagging the identification as a “privileged” caller with predetermined rights. The associated operation mode for an identification with administrator priority, for example, can include allowing the identified caller to change phone behaviors such as to reconfigure the rules stored in the rules memory 270. Capability for an administrator can include control of the service levels of the user (e.g., minutes of use, enable/disable long distance calls, content downloads, control times of phone on/off, etc.) An identification with administrator priority further may allow call interrupt (i.e., automatically invoke call waiting on normal call so that parent has priority). Similarly, an associated operation mode for one or more stored identifications can allow remote interrogation of the communication device for status and location or alternatively restrict such remote interrogation.

The plurality of message content rules 305 preferably includes a plurality of content 335 stored with associated content-based operation modes 340. For example, one of the stored content may trigger a blocking of all communication to/from the communication device. Alternatively, one of the stored content can trigger a priority override of the associated message. Alternatively, one of the stored content can be blocked from access such as blocking internet access for URLs with the stored content. This set of rules is especially applicable for employer and parental controls of Internet access and content downloading in terms of type and quantity.

The plurality of time-based rules 310 preferably includes a plurality of time periods 345 stored with associated time-based operation modes 350. For example, communication to/from the communication device can be blocked during one time period. Alternatively, communication with only a particular group of devices can be allowed during a time period. Alternatively, communication with only the administrator can be allowed during another time period. The time-based operation modes provide the ability for the administrator to set rules for device usage such as time of day. (For example, most schools do not allow phone usage during school hours). It also provides for automatically turning on the phone at certain times. (i.e. after school) or for priority calls from home but possibly in vibrate mode during certain hours. Alternatively, communications transmitted to a device during a particular time period can be automatically forwarded to a designated alternate device.

The plurality of location-based rules 315 preferably includes a plurality of locations 355 stored with associated location-based operation modes 360. The plurality of location-based rules 315, for example, can change operation modes dependent upon one or more geographic locations. For example, in one location, transmission of location data can be restricted. In another location, communication to/from the communication device can be blocked. In one location, communication to/from the communication device can be limited to a certain group of devices.

In accordance with the present invention, when a communication is received, the communication is evaluated for any of the plurality of rules stored in the rules memory. It will be appreciated by those of ordinary skill in the art that more than one set of rules can be applied to an individual communication in accordance with the present invention. For example, operation modes associated with the identification, the location, and the time may all be implemented for the received communication. Further, one or more rules can be stored and implemented for a combination of sender identification, location, message content, and/or time, and the like. (not shown) For example, a rule may be implemented when the Location—L1 AND the Time=T2 AND the sender identification=ID3.

FIG. 4 is a flowchart illustrating one embodiment of the operation of the communication system 100. Specifically, FIG. 4 illustrates one embodiment for programming the rules memory 270 of the communication device 200 within the communication system 100 in accordance with the present invention. As illustrated, the operation begins with Step 400 in which a communication group is activated within the communication system 100. For example, the administrator 260 can purchase a group wireless communication service plan from the service operator 160. The service operator 160 then activates telephone numbers for the administrator device 125 and one or more subordinate devices 130,135. The group service plan can be a family plan, a business plan, or any other group plan. Next, in Step 405, each device within the group service plan is provisioned. Specifically, the rules memory 270 for each communication device is programmed as discussed previously herein. It will be appreciated by those of ordinary skill in the art that the rules memory 270 can be programmed at the point of sale by the service operator, via the Internet by the purchaser directly, over the air via a request to the service operator, or any other equivalent method for programming the rules memory of each device. Key parameters for each device preferably can be sent out via over the air device management techniques which are well known in the art.

Next, in Step 410, an index is set to one (1). Next, in Step 415, the operation determines whether or not the Nth member rules require reconfiguration. For example, the administrator may desire/require to can re-provision one or more subordinate devices as needed based on changing needs. Alternatively, the user of a subordinate device may desire/require to re-provision their own or another's device. Alternatively, the system provider may desire/require to re-provision one or more devices when an account is updated or changed. When a change for the Nth member's rules is detected in Step 415, the operation continues to Step 420 in which a change message is communicated to the Nth member's communication device. For example, a message can be communicated from the administrator device 125 to one of the subordinate devices 130 within a service plan group. The communicated message can be a tagged message. The message, in one embodiment, can include a “TAG” which identifies the message sources as the administrator (i.e.: parent, employer, or other preferred caller). This tag can, for example, be based upon caller identification with authentication. The Nth member's device can securely authenticate the sender as a preferred party with predetermined rights. In combination or alternatively, within the Nth member's communication device, an in-phone call filter (based on the TAG) can recognize the incoming call as an administrator call or message. Mechanisms (e.g., rules, tables, functions) within the Nth member's communication device provide a consumer the ability to configure the dispatching functions in the rules memory as described previously herein which dictate the device's behaviors and responses to control messages. Next, in Step 425, the Nth member's rules memory is reconfigured.

Next, and when no change is required to the Nth member rules in Step 415, the operation continues to 430 in which the index N is incremented. Next, in Step 425, the operation determines if an Nth member exists. When no Nth member exists within the service plan group, the operation cycles back to Step 410 with the index reset to one (1). When an Nth member does exist within the service plan group, the operation cycles back to Step 415 in which the operation determines whether a change is required/desired of the Nth member's rules memory.

The operation as described and illustrated in FIG. 4 maximizes the safety benefits of providing group members with wireless devices while minimizing the cost risks to the party responsible for the service fees. It further provides the flexibility to change rules for operation of a subordinate device along with changing factors and needs.

FIG. 5 is a flowchart illustrating one embodiment of the operation of the communication device 200 within the communication system 100. Specifically, FIG. 5 illustrates one example of the varying operation of the communication device 200 as dependent upon the source of a received communication. The communications manager 255 of the communication device 200, for example, can be programmed with the operation of FIG. 5. The operation of FIG. 5 begins with Step 500 in which the communication device 200 is in standby mode. Standby mode allows the communication device 200 to operate in a low power mode for battery savings operation. Next, in Step 505, the operation determines whether or not a communication has been received. The communication, for example, can be a text message, a voice call, a video call, or the like. When no communication has been received, the operation cycles back to standby operation of Step 500. When a communication has been received, the operation proceeds to Step 510 in which the operation compares the identification of the caller/sender of the call/message with the plurality of identifications 320 stored in the rules memory 270. When the identification contained within the call/message is one of the plurality of identifications 320 stored in the rules memory 270, the operation continues to Step 515 in which the operation determines whether the identification is an administrator identification. When the sender's identification is not an administrator identification inn Step 515, the operation proceeds to Step 520 in which the operation mode associated with the stored identification is initiated.

When the identification associated with the received communication is an administrator identification in Step 515, the operation proceeds to Step 525 in which the operation determines whether the message includes a rules memory reconfiguration message. When the message does include a rules memory reconfiguration message, the operation continues to Step 530 in which the rules memory is reconfigured as described previously herein in FIG. 4. When the received communication does not include a rules memory reconfiguration message, the operation continues to Step 535 in which it is determined whether or not the communication device 200 is currently in an active call. When the communication device 200 is in an active call, the operation continues to Step 540 in which it determines whether the received communication is authorized/requires a call interrupt. For example, when the administrator is a parent of the subordinate, a parental call interrupt can automatically invoke call waiting on the active normal call so that parent has priority. For instance, a child may use a telephone for long-duration social calls, but parents may need to interrupt to deliver a priority message or make sure that the child takes their message before doing anything else. Allowing the administrator to interrupt an active call provides for the parent (or business employer) calls to have first priority and requires the child or employee to take or respond to specific messages before normal usage is resumed. When call interrupt is not activated within the received communication in Step 540, when the identification is not stored in the rules memory in Step 510, and/or when the associated operation mode has been initiated in Step 520, the operation continues to Step 550 in which the received communication is processed. Next, and after the rules memory is reconfigured in Step 530, the operation cycles back to the standby operation of Step 500.

When a call interrupt is required by the received communication in Step 540, and when no active call is in progress in Step 535, the operation continues with Step 545 in which a priority communication is processed. The operation then cycles back to the standby mode of Step 500. The operation as described in FIG. 5 provides for dynamic device operation based on the identification of a message sender/caller of a received communication.

FIG. 6 is a flowchart illustrating one embodiment of the operation of the communication device 200 within the communication system 100. Specifically, FIG. 6 illustrates access/control of location information. The communications manager 255 of the communication device 200, for example, can be programmed with the operation of FIG. 6. The operation of FIG. 6 begins with Step 600 in which the communication device 200 is in standby operation. Next in Step 605, the operation determines whether or not a location and/or status request has been received by the communication device 200. When no location or status request has been received in Step 605, the operation continues to Step 610 in which the operation determines whether or not the communication device 200 is initiating transmission of a location and/or status transmission. For example, a user input to the user interface 250 can cause the transmission of location and/or status information. Alternatively, the communication device 200 can be programmed to transmit location and/or status information upon detection of an event, time, geographic location and the like. When no location and/or status transmission has been initiated in Step 610, the operation cycles back to the standby mode of Step 600.

When a location and/or status request has been received in Step 605 and/or a location and/or status transmission has been initiated in Step 610, the operation continues to Step 615 in which the operation compares to identification of the request of Step 605 or the intended transmission recipient of Step 610 with the plurality of identifications 320 stored in the rules memory 270. When the identification is one of the stored plurality of identifications 320, the operation determines whether or not the transmission of location and/or status information is restricted from that particular identification. When no such restriction has been stored, the operation continues with Step 620, in which the content to be transmitted is compared to the plurality of content 330 stored within the rules memory 270. When the information to be transmitted is stored within the plurality of content 330, the operation determines whether a content-based restriction has been associated with the location and/or status information. When no content-based restriction has been stored, the operation continues to Step 625 in which the current time is compared to the plurality of time periods 345 stored within the rules memory 270. When the current time is within one of the plurality of time periods 345, the operation determines whether a time based restriction is associated with the current time for the location and/or status information. When no time-based restriction for the current time has been stored, the operation continues to Step 630 in which the current location of the communication device 200 is compared to the plurality of locations 355 stored in the rules memory 270. When the location is one of the stored plurality of locations 355, the operation determines whether a location-based restriction is associated with the current location for the transmission of the location and/or status information. When no location-based restriction is associated with the current location, the operation continues to Step 635 in which the location and/or status is transmitted. The operation then cycles back to standby operation of Step 600.

When an identification restriction is identified in Step 615, or a content-based restriction is identified in Step 620, or a time-based restriction is identified in Step 625, or a location-based restriction is identified in Step 630, the transmission of the location and/or status information is terminated. The operation then cycles back to the standby mode of Step 600.

The operation as described in FIG. 6 allows location and/or device status access restrictions while still allowing for location-based services and utilization of the “e-911” requirements. Control of location data that may be generated during a call is important to ensure such data isn't transmitted to unnecessary recipients.

FIG. 7 is a flowchart illustrating one embodiment of the operation of the communication device 200 within the communication system 100. Specifically, FIG. 7 illustrates operation control of the communication device 200 by an administrator. The communications manager 255 of the communication device 200, for example, can be programmed with the operation of FIG. 7. The operation of FIG. 7 begins with Step 700 in which the communication device 200 is in standby mode. Next, in Step 705, the operation determines whether a communication has been received. When no communication has been received, the operation cycles back to standby operation of Step 700. When a communication has been received in Step 705, the operation proceeds to Step 710 in which the identification of the communication sender is compared to one or more administrator identifications stored in the rules memory 270. When the identification is not an administrator identification, the operation cycles back to the standby mode of Step 700.

When the identification is an administrator identification in Step 710, the operation proceeds to Step 715 in which it is determined whether the communication requires a response. When the received communication does not require a response in Step 715, the operation proceeds to Step 720 in which it is determined whether the received communication is a time-based message. For example, the sender of the communication may desire the message to be delivered at a specific time. When the received communication is a time-based message, the operation proceeds to Step 725 in which a message reminder is stored in the memory of the communication device 200. For example a reminder alert including the received communication can be added to a calendar application within the communication device 200. Next, and when the message is not a time-based message in Step 720, the operation cycles back to standby mode of Step 700.

When a response is required in Step 715, the operation proceeds to Step 730 in which operation of the communication device 200 is restricted. For example, all outgoing calls can be blocked until the subordinate device responds to the received communication. Alternatively, the communication restriction can be that the administrator imposes limitations on the operating mode of the communication device such it enters a “passive-receive” state. In this “passive-receive” state, the device can receive messages but not call out, and/or only priority messages will be received and/or a receipt acknowledgement will be sent automatically indicating that the message reached the device and/or delivery notification can be specified by the authorized sender to either immediately alert or delay alert to a later time. Next, in Step 735, the operation periodically determines whether or not a response has been transmitted. When no response has been transmitted, the operation cycles back to the restricted operation of Step 730. When a response has been transmitted in Step 735, the restriction is removed and the operation mode previous to imposing the restriction resumes. The operation then cycles back to the standby operation of Step 700.

The present invention as described herein provides dynamic operation management of a communication device. The present invention provides a comprehensive means for a parent or other authority to provision a communication device or add special tags to voice or text messages to enhance or direct the communications with another device for which the authority is responsible. The present invention further provides a method for the use of special priority tags to dynamically control a receiving device's behavior and response to designated calls or messages from “preferred” senders. The present invention includes mechanisms that permit an authenticated individual to provision the subordinate communication device and control the service costs and further allows the authenticated individual to customize the device behaviors. The re-configuration can be accomplished from an administrator's device to one or more subordinate devices.

This disclosure is intended to explain how to fashion and use various embodiments in accordance with the invention rather than to limit the true, intended, and fair scope and spirit thereof. The foregoing description is not intended to be exhaustive or to limit the invention to the precise form disclosed. Modifications or variations are possible in light of the above teachings. The embodiment(s) was chosen and described to provide the best illustration of the principles of the invention and its practical application, and to enable one of ordinary skill in the art to utilize the invention in various embodiments and with various modifications as are suited to the particular use contemplated. All such modifications and variations are within the scope of the invention as determined by the appended claims, as may be amended during the pendency of this application for patent, and all equivalents thereof, when interpreted in accordance with the breadth to which they are fairly, legally, and equitably entitled.

  • 1. A method for managing the operation of a communication device comprising the steps of: activating a communication group within a communication system, wherein the communication group comprises: an administrator device, and at least one subordinate device; programming the at least one subordinate device with a set of operation rules; receiving a change message by the subordinate device, wherein the change message is communicated from the administrator device; and changing the set of operation rules within the subordinate device.
  • 2. A method for managing the operation of a communication device as recited in claim 1, wherein the change message comprises a message source identification, the method further comprising the step of: securely authenticating the administrator device using the message source identification prior to the changing step.
  • 3. A method for managing the operation of a communication device as recited in claim 1, further comprising the step of: identifying the change message as originating from the administrator device prior to the changing step.
  • 4. A method for managing the operation of a communication device comprising the steps of: receiving a communication including an identification of the communication originator; associating an operation mode with the identification; and initiating the operation mode for processing the communication.
  • 5. A method for managing the operation of a communication device as recited in claim 4, wherein the associating step comprises: matching the identification to one of a plurality of stored identifications, and retrieving the associated operation mode stored with the identification.
  • 6. A method for managing the operation of a communication device as recited in claim 4, further comprising the steps of: matching the identification with an administrator identification prior to the associating step; identifying the communication as a rules memory reconfiguration message; and changing a set of operation rules stored within the communication device.
  • 7. A method for managing the operation of a communication device as recited in claim 4, further comprising the steps of: matching the identification with an administrator identification prior to the associating step; and interrupting an active call to process the received communication.
  • 8. A method for managing the operation of a communication device comprising the steps of: receiving an information transmission request; determining an identification of an intended recipient of the information transmission; matching the identification with one of a plurality of stored identifications, wherein each stored identification has an associated operation mode; and terminating the information transmission when the associated operation mode for the intended recipient includes a restriction on the information transmission.
  • 9. A method for managing the operation of a communication device as recited in claim 8, wherein the receiving step comprises receiving a user input to initiate an information transmission.
  • 10. A method for managing the operation of a communication device as recited in claim 8, wherein the receiving step comprises detecting an event requiring initiation of an information transmission.
  • 11. A method for managing the operation of a communication device comprising the steps of: receiving an information transmission request; matching the information with one of a plurality of stored content, wherein each stored content has an associated operation mode; and terminating the information transmission when the associated operation mode for the information includes a restriction on the information transmission.
  • 12. A method for managing the operation of a communication device as recited in claim 11, wherein the receiving step comprises receiving a user input to initiate an information transmission.
  • 13. A method for managing the operation of a communication device as recited in claim 11, wherein the receiving step comprises detecting an event requiring initiation of an information transmission.
  • 14. A method for managing the operation of a communication device comprising the steps of: receiving an information transmission request; matching the current time with one of a plurality of stored time periods, wherein each stored time period has an associated operation mode; and terminating the information transmission when the associated operation mode for the current time includes a restriction on the information transmission.
  • 15. A method for managing the operation of a communication device as recited in claim 14, wherein the receiving step comprises receiving a user input to initiate an information transmission.
  • 16. A method for managing the operation of a communication device as recited in claim 14, wherein the receiving step comprises detecting an event requiring initiation of an information transmission.
  • 17. A method for managing the operation of a communication device comprising the steps of: receiving an information transmission request; matching the current location with one of a plurality of stored locations, wherein each stored location has an associated operation mode; and terminating the information transmission when the associated operation mode for the current location includes a restriction on the information transmission.
  • 18. A method for managing the operation of a communication device as recited in claim 17, wherein the receiving step comprises receiving a user input to initiate an information transmission.
  • 19. A method for managing the operation of a communication device as recited in claim 17, wherein the receiving step comprises detecting an event requiring initiation of an information transmission.
  • 20. A method for managing the operation of a communication device comprising the steps of: receiving a communication including an identification of the communication originator and a delivery time; matching the identification with one or more stored administrator identifications; setting a communication reminder to the delivery time; and alerting with the communication at the delivery time.
  • 21. A method for managing the operation of a communication device comprising the steps of: receiving a communication including an identification of the communication originator and a response requirement; matching the identification with one or more stored administrator identifications; restricting operation of the communication device; transmitting a response to the communication originator; and removing the restricted operation in response to the response transmission.
  • 22. A method for managing the operation of a communication device comprising the steps of: receiving a communication; associating one or more of a plurality of communication features to the communication, wherein the communication features are selected from a group consisting of a sender identification, a message content, a time period, and a device location; associating one or more operation modes with the one or more plurality of communication features; and initiating the one or more operation modes for processing the communication.