Compact low-noise active pixel sensor with progressive row reset


  • Patent Grant
  • 6697111
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Wednesday, April 8, 1998
    26 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, February 24, 2004
    20 years ago
An imaging array of active pixel sensors uses a compact three transistor CMOS implementation for each pixel. A current source at the top of each column creates a distributed feedback amplifier for each pixel in a selected row. The reset amplifier acts as a variable resistance in the source-follower amplifier feedback circuit. The variable resistance is controlled by a range reset voltage applied to the reset amplifier thereby nulling the photodiode reset noise.


1. Field of the Invention

The present invention relates to electronic imaging devices and, in particular, to CMOS imagers having a minimum number of analog components in each pixel.

2. Description of Related Art

There presently exists many alternatives to CCD sensors for generating video or still images. The various schemes can be grouped into two basic classes, depending upon whether signal amplification is performed at each pixel site or in support circuits outside the pixel array. Passive-pixel sensors perform amplification outside the array. Passive pixel sensors exhibits pixel simplicity and maximized optical fill factor. Active-pixel sensors include an amplifier at each pixel site. Active pixel sensors optimize signal transfer and sensitivity.

The simplest passive pixel comprises a photodiode and an access transistor. The photo-generated charge is passively transferred from each pixel to downstream circuits. The integrated charge must, however, be efficiently transferred with low noise and non-uniformity. Since each column of pixels often shares a common row or column bus for reading the signal, noise and non-uniformity suppression are typically facilitated in the “column” buffer servicing each bus. One example of a passive pixel implementation is shown in FIG.


. It uses a buffer consisting of a transimpedance amplifier with capacitive feedback to yield reasonable sensitivity considering the large bus capacitance. Such charge-amplification was not generally practical for on-chip implementation in early MOS imaging sensors. Accordingly, alternative schemes compatible with NMOS technology were used. The basic scheme shown in

FIG. 2

was mass-produced by Hitachi for camcorders. The key refinements over the

FIG. 1

scheme include anti-blooming control and circuitry for reducing fixed pattern noise. Though these imagers were inferior to the emerging charge coupled device (CCD) imagers available at the time, similar MOS imagers are still being offered commercially today.

Subsequent efforts at improving passive-pixel imager performance have also focused on column buffer enhancements. The column buffer was improved by using an enhancement/depletion inverter amplifier to provide reasonably large amplification in a small amount of real estate. Its 40 lux sensitivity was still nearly an order of magnitude below that of competing CCD-based sensors. Others worked to enhance sensitivity and facilitate automatic gain control via charge amplification in the column buffer. More recently, the capacitive-feedback transimpedance amplifier (CTIA) concept of

FIG. 1

has served as a basis for further development, as exemplified by U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,043,820 and 5,345,266. The CTIA is nearly ideal for passive-pixel readout if the problems with temporal noise pickup and fixed-pattern noise are adequately addressed.

Though much progress has been made in developing passive-pixel imagers, their temporal S/N performance is still fundamentally inferior to competing CCD imagers. Their bus capacitance translates to read noise of ˜100 e−. CCDs, on the other hand, typically have read noise of 20 to 40 e− at video frame rates. The allure of producing imagers with conventional MOS fabrication technologies rather than esoteric CCD processes (which usually require many implantation steps and complex interface circuitry) encouraged the development of active-pixel sensors. In order to mitigate the noise associated with the bus capacitance, amplification was added to the pixel via the phototransistor. One such approach called a Base-Stored Image Sensor (BASIS) used a bipolar transistor in emitter follower configuration with a downstream correlated double sample to suppress random and temporal noise. By storing the photogenerated-signal on the phototransistor's base to provide charge amplification, the minimum scene illumination was reduced to 10


lux in a linear sensor array. However, the minimum scene illumination was higher (10


lux) in a two-dimensional BASIS imager having 310,000 pixels because the photoresponse non-uniformity was relatively high (≦2%). These MOS imagers had adequate sensitivity, but their pixel pitch was too large at about 13 μm. This left the problem of shrinking the pixel pitch while also reducing photoresponse non-uniformity.

Since the incorporation of bipolar phototransistors is not strictly compatible with mainstream CMOS processes, some approaches have segregated photodetection and signal amplification. U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,296,696 and 5,083,016, for example, describe active-pixel sensors essentially comprising a three-transistor pixel with photodiode. These implementations still exhibit inadequate performance. The '696 patent, for example, augments the basic source-follower configuration of the '016 patent with a column buffer that cancels fixed pattern noise, but adds a fourth transistor that creates a floating node vulnerable to generation of random offsets for charge-pumping and concomitant charge redistribution. The '016 patent offers a method for reducing offset errors, but not with adequate accuracy and resolution to be useful for competing with CCDs. Furthermore, these and other similar approaches requires 3-4 transistors in the pixel (at least one of which is relatively large to minimize 1/f noise) in addition to the photodiode. These implementations also require off-chip signal processing for best S/N performance because none addresses the dominant source of temporal noise. In order to eliminate or greatly suppress the reset noise (kTC) generated by resetting the detector capacitance, a dedicated memory element is usually needed, either on-chip of off-chip, to store the reset voltage to apply correlated double sampling and coherently subtract the correlated reset noise while the photo-generated voltage is being read.

This basic deficiency was addressed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,471,515 by developing an active pixel sensor (APS) that uses intra-pixel charge transfer to store the reset charge at each pixel at the start of each imaging frame. The floating gate APS facilitates correlated double sampling with high efficiency by adding several transistors and relying on a photogate for signal detection. The concomitant drawbacks, however, are intractable because they increase imager cost. The former adds several transistors to each pixel and several million transistors to each imager thereby reducing production yield. The latter is not compatible with standard CMOS gate fabrication so a non-standard process must be developed. These deficiencies were tackled in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,576,763 and 5,541,402 issued to Ackland et al. and U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,587,596 and 5,608,243 issued to Chi et al. Ackland addressed the image lag issues associated with the intra-pixel charge transfer means. But his approach still requires a non-standard CMOS process. Chi reduced pixel complexity by using the simplest possible active pixel comprising only a phototransistor and reset MOSFET. Chi's implementation still suffers from reset noise and compromises spectral response at longer wavelengths because the photodiode is in an n-well.


It is an object of the present invention to provide an active-pixel low-noise imaging system for implementation in CMOS or in other semiconductor fabrication technologies.

It is another object of the present invention to provide a low-noise amplifier for an imaging system that efficiently suppresses reset noise.

It is yet another object of this invention to provide an integrated low-noise amplifier for an imaging system that has low cost and low power consumption while exhibiting low temporal and fixed pattern noise.

These objects and the advantages of the present invention are accomplished by circuitry at each pixel consisting of a photodetector and three transistors. The first transistor serves as the driver of a source follower during signal read and as the driver of a transimpedance amplifier during signal reset to suppress reset noise without having to implement correlated double sampling using either on-chip or off-chip memory. The second transistor is an access MOSFET used to read the signal from each pixel and multiplex the signal outputs from an array of pixels. The third transistor is a MOSFET that resets the detector after the integrated signal has been read and the detector sense node has effectively been “pinned” by the transimpedance amplifier.


Other objects and the many attendant advantages of this invention will be readily apparent upon reference to the following detailed descriptions when considered in conjunction with the accompanying drawings in which like reference numerals designate like parts throughout the figures, and wherein:

FIG. 1

is a schematic circuit diagram illustrating the amplifier system for a passive-pixel MOS photodiode array of the prior art;

FIG. 2

is a schematic circuit diagram illustrating the amplifier system for a passive-pixel imaging sensor of the prior art;

FIG. 3

is a schematic circuit diagram illustrating the amplifier system for an active-pixel imaging sensor of the prior art;

FIG. 4

is a schematic circuit diagram illustrating a preferred embodiment of the low-noise active-pixel of the present invention;

FIG. 5

is a schematic circuit diagram illustrating the operation of the low-noise amplifier system of the present invention during signal reset;

FIG. 6

is a schematic circuit diagram illustrating the operation of the present invention during readout;

FIG. 7

is a schematic circuit diagram illustrating the preferred embodiment of the column-based source supply circuit;

FIG. 8

is a schematic circuit diagram illustrating the preferred embodiment of the row-based access supply circuit;

FIG. 9

is a schematic circuit diagram illustrating the small-signal equivalent circuit for the active-pixel sensor of the present invention;

FIG. 10

is a signal diagram showing representative clocking for the tapered-reset waveform;

FIG. 11

is a 2-dimensional graph showing performance of the present invention with respect to noise;

FIG. 12

is a 3-dimensional graph showing performance of the present invention with respect to noise.


Visible imaging systems implemented in CMOS have the potential for significant reductions in cost and power requirements in components such as image sensors, drive electronics, and output signal conditioning electronics. A video camera, for example, can be configured as a single CMOS integrated circuit supported by only an oscillator and a battery. Such a CMOS imaging system requires lower voltages and dissipates less power than a CCD-based system. These improvements translate into smaller camera size, longer battery life, and applicability to many new products.

Because of the advantages offered by CMOS visible imagers, there has been considerable effort to develop active-pixel sensor (APS) devices. Active-pixel sensors can provide low read noise comparable or superior to scientific grade CCD systems. The active circuit in each pixel of an APS device, however, utilizes cell “real estate” that could otherwise be used to enable imagers having optical format compatible with standard lenses and/or to maximize the sensor optical fill factor for high sensitivity. Active-pixel circuits also may increase power dissipation relative to passive-pixel alternatives, increase fixed pattern noise (possibly requiring additional circuitry to suppress the noise), and limit scalability.

The low noise amplifier system of the present invention is formed by the aggregate circuitry in each pixel and the waveform generation circuits servicing that column or row of pixels. The signals from the active pixels are read out by a low-noise signal amplification system consisting of the active-pixel, the waveform generators and a standard column buffer. In addition to means for suppressing the detector's reset noise, the column buffer in the downstream electronics often performs correlated double sampling, sample-and-hold, optional video pipelining, and column amplifier offset cancellation functions to suppress the temporal and spatial noise that would otherwise be generated by the column buffer.

The low-noise system of the present invention provides the following key functions: (1) suppression of reset noise without having to provide means for analog memory and signal subtraction for each pixel to facilitate correlated double sampling; (2) high sensitivity via source follower amplification; (3) adequate amplifier bandwidth to avoid generation of fixed pattern noise due to variations in amplifier time constant and stray capacitance; (4) adequate power supply rejection to enable development of cameras-on-a-chip that do not require elaborate support electronics; and (5) compatibility with application to imaging arrays having pixel pitch ≦5 microns.

The invention has the advantage of full process compatibility with standard silicided submicron CMOS. This helps maximize yield and minimize die cost because the circuit complexity is distributed amongst the active-pixels and peripheral circuits, and exploits signal processing capability inherent to CMOS. The invention's spectral response is broad from the near-ultraviolet (400 nm) to the near-IR (>800 nm).

Because the low-noise system of the present invention has only four MOSFETs in each pixel, the invention offers as-drawn optical fill factor >25% at 7 μm pixel pitch using 0.5 μm design rules in CMOS. The actual optical fill factor is somewhat larger due to lateral collection and the large diffusion length of commercial CMOS processes. A final advantage is the flexibility to collocate digital logic and signal-processing circuits giving rise to a high immunity to electromagnetic interference.

When fully implemented in a desired camera-on-a-chip architecture, the low-noise APS can provide temporal read noise as low as 15 e− (at data rates compatible with either video imaging or still photography via electronic means), fixed pattern noise significantly below 0.1% of the maximum signal (on a par with competing CCD imagers), <0.5% non-linearity, >1 V signal swing for 3.3 V power supply, large charge-handling capacity, and variable sensitivity using simple serial interface updated on a frame-by-frame basis via digital interface to a host microprocessor.

A prototype embodiment of the low-noise APS invention formed a visible imager comprising an array of 1032 (columns) by 776 (rows) of visible light detectors (photodetectors). The rows and columns of pixels were spaced 7 microns center-to-center using standard 0.5 μm design rules. Subsequent layouts using 0.25 μm rules show that the invention provides similar fill factor at a highly desirable pitch of 5 μm. Four columns and rows of detectors at the perimeter of the light-sensitive region were covered with metal and used to establish the dark level for off-chip signal processing. In addition, the detectors in each row were covered with color filters to produce color imagers. For example, the odd rows may begin at the left with red, green, then blue filters, and the even rows may begin with blue, red, then green filters, with these patterns repeating to fill the respective rows.

A low-noise active-pixel sensor


according to the present invention is illustrated in FIG.


. Each pixel


in a sensor array (not shown) comprises a photodetector


, such as a photodiode, for example, connected to the gate of a dual-driver MOSFET


, and one leg of a reset MOSFET


. A row select MOSFET


has one leg connected to MOSFET


. Column bus


connects all the pixels in a column of the photodetector array by way of the row select MOSFET


to a source supply


. Row bus


connects all the pixel resets in a row to an access supply


. Tapered reset supply


supplies an optimized active-pixel reset waveform (

FIG. 10

) to the gate of MOSFET


. Photodiode


may comprise a substrate diode, for example, with the silicide cleared. In this embodiment, it is necessary to clear the silicide because it is opaque to visible light. Pixel


is designed as simply as possible to obtain the largest available light detecting area while providing broad spectral response, control of blooming and signal integration time, and compatibility with CMOS production processes.

For maximum compatibility with standard submicron CMOS processes, photodiode


may be formed at the same time as the lightly doped drain (LDD) implant of n-type MOSFETs for the chosen process; this creates an n-on-p photodiode junction in the p-type substrate. Since no additional ion implantation is necessary, the process and wafer cost for active-pixel circuit


are the same as those of standard, high volume digital electronic products.

FIG. 5

illustrates operation of the circuit of

FIG. 4

during pixel reset.

FIG. 6

illustrates the operation during readout. In the preferred embodiment, the photodetectors


are first reset one row at a time within an array, from bottom to top. Within each row, photodetectors


are reset from left to right.

Reset is initiated by fully enabling the row select MOSFETs


of the pixels in the selected row, thereby connecting a low-impedance voltage source (located in source supply


) to one leg of MOSFET


for all the pixels in the selected row. As each column in the imaging array is subsequently enabled to multiplex the signal in a format similar to a raster line of video, a current source located in access supply


is connected to the drain leg of MOSFET


. The current source may be an n-type MOSFET


driven by bias voltage, V


and powered from V


. Topologically, the pixel amplifiers in the selected row are now configured as distributed transimpedance amplifiers with capacitive-feedback provided by MOSFET


's Miller capacitance with the transimpedance amplifier's current source being located in the column buffer. MOSFET


thus acts as a transconductance, and reset MOSFET


acts as a resistance controlled by the tapered reset supply


. The series resistance of MOSFET


is gradually increased by applying a decreasing ramp waveform (

FIG. 10

) to the gate of MOSFET


to give the feedback transconductance of MOSFET


the opportunity to null the reset noise (kTC) via feedback. This active-pixel implementation resets within an aperture of tens of microseconds using standard 0.5 micron CMOS technology.

FIG. 6

shows the same pixel circuit configured in readout mode. The signals from photodetectors


are subsequently read out after the prescribed integration time, one row at a time, from bottom to the top of the array. Within each row, photodetectors


are read out from left to right. Readout is initiated by turning on the access MOSFETs


of all the photodetectors


in a selected row. To enable high-sensitivity readout, one leg of MOSFET


is now connected via row bus


to low-impedance voltage source V


by fully turning on V




. The other leg of MOSFET


is also connected to a current source at the periphery via column bus




is now a source follower driver so that the amplified signal from each row-selected photodiode


is efficiently transferred to column bus



FIG. 7

shows a preferred embodiment for source supply


. Supply voltage V


is buffered by a unity gain amplifier


. To facilitate configuring the active-pixels as transimpedance amplifiers for low-noise reset, the gate


of transistor


is pulsed by the supply voltage to fully turn on transistor


and connect V


to the output bus


. To facilitate active-pixel readout, the gate


is pulsed low to open-circuit transistor


. Current source


now supplies the active-pixels with supply current I


which is established by a constant voltage V



FIG. 8

shows a preferred embodiment for access supply


. A supply voltage V


is buffered by a unity gain amplifier


. To facilitate configuring the active-pixels as transimpedance amplifiers for low-noise reset, the gate


of transistor


is pulsed by the supply voltage to fully turn off transistor


and let current source


supply the active-pixels with supply current I


which is established by constant voltage V


. To facilitate active-pixel readout, gate


is pulsed low to connect V


to the output bus



The application of the tapered reset waveform (

FIG. 10

) to the transimpedance amplifier enables the reset noise (kTC noise) envelope to decay before the reset switch



FIG. 4

) is completely opened. The invention also reduces the fixed-pattern offsets from MOSFET


in each pixel because the photodiode node charges to a voltage that cancels MOSFET


variations from pixel-to-pixel. By using a tapered reset, a row is resettable to within several tens of microseconds for full noise suppression, or a shorter time for moderate noise reduction.

FIG. 9

shows the generalized small-signal equivalent circuit model for the pixel


during reset. This circuit allows calculation of the steady-state noise envelope at the reset node depending on reset switch resistance, R


. If the reset voltage is ramped down too slowly, too much time is needed to reset each row and operation at video frame rates becomes problematic. Application to digital still cameras, however, is still quite feasible. If the tapered-reset waveform is ramped down too quickly, then the kTC noise envelope will not decay sufficiently to suppress reset noise before the switch is completely opened.

FIG. 9

shows the photodiode


node as having a voltage V


and capacitance C


to ground. The amplifier


output node has voltage V


, output capacitance C


and output conductance G


to ground. The capacitance C


is associated with the entire reset access bus, most of which comes from the MOSFET




function of all rows. The transconductance of MOSFET


, possibly degenerated by MOSFET


, is shown as a controlled current source g




. The feedback capacitance, C


, is the parasitic Miller capacitance of MOSFET


. Noise from MOSFET


is represented by current source i


. Noise from MOSFET


(which is operated in the ohmic region) is represented by voltage source V


. Not included in this simplified model is the noise from capacitive feedthrough of the tapered-reset waveform.

Using the small-signal equivalent circuit, a simplified noise formula can be derived since:












Assuming that the amplifier's dc gain, A


, is much greater than 1, then the rms reset noise is:


































The tapered-clock waveform's time constant is thus appropriately selected so that the dimensionless quantity (k




) is significantly >1. The reset noise is hence reduced to the much smaller quantity stemming from the transconductance amplifier's feedback capacitance. In the present invention, this feedback capacitance is the parasitic Miller capacitance of MOSFET



A preferred embodiment of the present invention has the approximate design values: 1000×700 format, 7 μm×7 μm pixel, g


=20 μmho; G


=0.08 μmho, A


=300; C

1=15 fF; C


=3.0 pF and C


=0.3 fF. The desired tapered-clock frequency of 25 kHz that is fully compatible with video rate operation hence requires R


=50 GΩ and an optimum tapered-clock time constant of 25 μs. This yields k




=58 for the preferred embodiment, and an equivalent noise capacitance of 1.8 fF. Since the nominal detector capacitance is 15 fF and kTC noise is proportional to the square root of the relevant capacitance, the reset noise is suppressed from about 55 e− to only 14 e−.



must be tailored to support any changes in line rate. Increasing the line rate hence requires lower switch resistance. The table numerically illustrates the impact on reset noise as the tapered clock time constant is appropriately shortened. At a time constant of 2.7 μsec, the reset noise degrades to 55 e−.

Rsw (GΩ)









k1 + k2









Reset Noise (e-)









τ (μsec)









The column bus


is preferably monitored by a standard column buffer to read the video signal when it is available. The key requirements on the column buffer are similar to conventional designs having to handle voltage-mode signals and are well known in the art.

The clock signal (FIG.


), for reset circuit


, and clocking of source supply


and access supply


, to facilitate active-pixel reset and readout, is generated on-chip using standard CMOS digital logic. This digital logic scheme thus enables “windowing,” wherein a user can read out the imager in various formats simply by enabling the appropriate support logic to clock the appropriate subformat. With windowing, the 1032×776 format of the prototype embodiment can be read out as one or more arbitrarily sized and positioned M×N arrays without having to read out the entire array. For example, a user might desire to change a computer-compatible “VGA” format (i.e., approximately 640×480) to either Common Interface Format (CIF; nominally 352×240) or Quarter Common Interface Format (QCIF; nominally 176×120) without having to read out all the pixels in the entire array. This feature simplifies support electronics to reduce cost and match the needs of the particular communication medium. As an example, a personal teleconference link to a remote user having only QCIF capability could be optimized to provide QCIF resolution and thus reduce bandwidth requirements throughout the teleconference link. As a further example, an imager configured on Common Interface Format (CIF) could provide full-CIF images while supplying windowed information for the portions of the image having the highest interest for signal processing and data compression. During teleconferencing, the window around a person's mouth (for example) could be supplied more frequently than the entire CIF image. This scheme would reduce bandwidth requirements throughout the conference link.

FIGS. 11 and 12

illustrate the noise performance possibilities of the present invention.

FIG. 11

shows the relation of reset noise Q


in electrons (e−) to variation in the reset resistance (R



FIG. 12

shows the effect of the feedback capacitance C


on the noise.

Although the present invention has been described with respect to specific embodiments thereof, various changes and modifications can be carried out by those skilled in the art without departing from the scope of the invention. Therefore, it is intended that the present invention encompass such changes and modifications as fall within the scope of the appended claims.

  • 1. An active-pixel sensor including a radiation detector in a plurality of active pixel sensors organized into a sensor array, comprising:a transistor amplifier having an input and an output, wherein the input of the transistor amplifier is coupled to the radiation detector for generating an electrical signal output having a magnitude that is a function of the charge input generated by the radiation detector; a switch coupled to the transistor amplifier for impressing the electrical signal from the transistor amplifier into an output line; and a variable resistance coupled between the transistor amplifier and the radiation detector for resetting the charge input to the transistor amplifier to a predetermined signal level, the variable resistance and the transistor amplifier providing feedback to the charge input to the transistor amplifier during the resetting such that reset noise in the sensor is substantially nulled.
  • 2. The active-pixel sensor of claim 1 wherein the variable resistance includes a transistor having a first leg, a second leg, and a gate coupled between the transistor amplifier and the radiation detector by the first and second legs, and wherein a tapered reset supply voltage is supplied to the gate.
  • 3. The active-pixel sensor of claim 2 wherein the tapered reset supply voltage supplied to the gate of the transistor includes a decreasing ramp waveform commensurately increasing the series resistance of the transistor, whereby reset noise in the sensor is substantially nulled.
  • 4. The active-pixel sensor of claim 1 wherein the switch includes a transistor with a first leg, a second leg, and a gate coupled between the transistor amplifier output and the output line by the first and second legs, and wherein a row select signal on the gate turns the transistor on.
  • 5. The active-pixel sensor of claim 1 wherein the transistor amplifier is a MOSFET.
  • 6. The active-pixel sensor of claim 5 wherein the switch is a MOSFET.
  • 7. The active-pixel sensor of claim 6 wherein the variable resistance is a MOSFET.
  • 8. The active-pixel sensor of claim 7 wherein the radiation detector is a photodiode.
  • 9. An active-pixel sensor including a radiation detector in a two-dimensional array of active-pixel sensors organized into rows and columns of sensors, comprising:a transistor amplifier having an input and an output, wherein the input of the transistor amplifier is coupled to the radiation detector for generating an electrical signal output having a magnitude that is a format of the charge at the input of the transistor amplifier generated by the radiation detector; a switch coupled to the transistor amplifier for impressing the electrical signal of the output of the transistor amplifier onto a column output line; and a variable resistance coupled between the transistor amplifier and the radiation detector for resetting the charge at the input of the transistor amplifier to a predetermined signal level, the variable resistance and the transistor amplifier providing feedback to the charge input to the transistor amplifier during the resetting such that reset noise in the sensor is substantially nulled.
  • 10. The active-pixel sensor of claim 9 wherein the variable resistance includes a transistor with a first leg, a second leg, and a gate coupled between the transistor amplifier and the radiation detector by the first and second legs, and wherein a tapered reset supply voltage is supplied to the gate.
  • 11. The active-pixel sensor of claim 10 wherein the tapered reset supply voltage supplied to the gate of the transistor includes a decreasing ramp waveform commensurately increasing the series resistance of the transistor, whereby reset noise in the sensor is substantially nulled.
  • 12. The active-pixel sensor of claim 9 wherein the switch includes a transistor with a first leg, a second leg, and a gate, coupled between the output of the transistor amplifier and the column output line by the first and second legs, and wherein a row select signal is supplied to the gate to turn the transistor on.
  • 13. The active-pixel sensor of claim 9 wherein the variable resistance is gradually increased during the reset, whereby reset noise in the sensor is substantially nulled.
  • 14. The active-pixel sensor of claim 13 further comprising a source supply coupled to a column output line of a two-dimensional array of active-pixel sensor organized into rows and columns of sensors.
  • 15. The active-pixel sensor of claim 14 wherein the source supply includes:a voltage source VSRC; a current source ISRC; and means for connecting the voltage source VSRC to the column output line during reset of the sensor and connecting the current source ISRC to the column output line during readout of the sensor.
  • 16. The active-pixel sensor of claim 14 further comprising an access supply coupled to a row output line of a two-dimensional array of active-pixel sensors organized into rows and columns of sensors.
  • 17. The active-pixel sensor of claim 16 wherein the access supply includes:a supply voltage Vdd; a supply current Ibias; and means for connecting the supply current Ibias to the row output line during reset of the sensors and connecting the supply voltage Vdd to the row output line during readout of the sensors.
  • 18. The active-pixel sensor of claim 16 wherein the access supply includes:a supply voltage Vdd; a supply current Ibias; and means for connecting the supply current Ibias to the row output line during reset of the sensors and connecting the supply voltage Vdd to the row output line during the readout of the sensors.
  • 19. The active-pixel sensor of claim 13 further comprising an access supply coupled to a row output line of a two-dimensional array of active-pixel sensors organized into rows and columns of sensors.
  • 20. The active-pixel sensor of claim 19 wherein the access supply includes:a supply voltage Vdd; a supply current Ibias; and means for connecting the supply current Ibias to the row output line during reset of the sensors and connecting the supply voltage Vdd to the row output line during readout of the sensors.
  • 21. A method for sensing an active pixel in a sensor array, comprising the steps of:generating an electrical signal output of a transistor amplifier and a radiation detector, wherein said electrical signal output has a magnitude that is a function of the charge input generated by the radiation detector; impressing said electrical signal output from said transistor amplifier into an output line; and resetting the charge input to said transistor amplifier to a predetermined level via a variable resistance coupled in parallel to a feedback capacitance of the transistor amplifier while substantially suppressing reset noise.
  • 22. The method of claim 21, wherein the variable resistance is gradually increased such that the feedback capacitance enables the reset noise to be substantially reduced.
  • 23. An active pixel sensor including a radiation detector in a plurality of active pixel sensors organized into a sensor array, comprising:a transistor amplifier having a feedback capacitance, an input and an output, wherein the input of the transistor amplifier is coupled to the radiation detector for generating an electrical signal output having a magnitude that is a function of the charge input generated by the radiation detector; a switch coupled to the transistor amplifier for impressing the electrical signal from the transistor amplifier into an output line; and a variable resistance coupled in parallel with the feedback capacitance of the transistor amplifier such that both the variable resistance and the feedback capacitance are coupled in series to the radiation detector for resetting the charge input to the transistor amplifier to a predetermined signal level while substantially suppressing reset noise.
  • 24. The active-pixel sensor of claim 23, wherein the log of the variable resistance is within the range of 7 to 11 ohms and the log of the feedback capacitance is within the range of −14 to −16 farads.
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N. Tanaka, T Ohmi, Y. Nakamura and S. Matsumoto, “A Low-Noise Bi-CMOS Linear Imager Sensor with Auto-Focusing Function,” IEEE Trans Elec. Dev., 36 (1), Jan. 1989, pp. 39-45.
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