A website printout entitled “Digital Scale 150g/0.1g blue-blacklight g/Oz display”, <www.xjgroup.com>, obtained on Aug. 12, 2003. |
A website printout entitled “XJ-2K828”, <www.xjgroup.com>, obtained on Aug. 22, 2003. |
A website printout entitled “120-Z My Weigh Pocket Digital Scale Mini”, <www.myweigh.com>, obtained on Aug. 29, 2003. |
A website printout of the first page of a certified copy of application Ser. No. 29/178,895, filed Apr. 1, 2003. |
A website printout of the first page of a certified copy of application Ser. No. 29/182,857, filed Jun. 2, 2003. |
Specification and Claim of Design patent application. |
Specification and Claim of Design patent application. |