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Electrode for Electrochromic Display, L.D. Bowden and L.S. Chang, IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, vol. 19, No. 10, p. 3879 Mar. 1977. |
Substrate for Transistor Array/Electrochromic Display Devices, S.P. Piggin, IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin vol. 21, No. 1, p. 1978 Jun. 1978. |
Color Projection Display System, J.G. Axford, IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, vol. 22, No. 2, p. 820. |
Direct View Color Display System, J.G. Axford, IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, vol. 22, No. 3, pp.1198-1199, Aug. 1979. |
External Connection of a Liquid Film Intergrated Display, D.H. martin and W.M. Morgan, IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, vol. 23, No. 4, p. 1667, Sep. 1980. |
Electrochromism in the Mixed-Valence Hexacyanides. 1. Voltammetic and Spectral Studies of the Oxidation and reduction of Thin Films of Prussian Blue, D. Ellis, M. Eckoff and V.D. Neil, J. Phys. Chem., pp. 1225-1231, 1981/Jan. |
Forming Display Electrodes for Electrochromic Display, L. Barclay, IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, vol. 24, No. 1A, p. 223, Jun. 1981. |
Spectrolectrochemistry and Electrochemical Preparation Method of Prussian Blue Modified Electrodes, Kingo Itaya, tatusuaki Ataka, and Shinobu Toshima, J. Am. Chem. Soc., p. 4767-4772, 1982/Feb. |
Electrochromism in the Mixed-Valence Hexacyanides. 2. Kenetics of the Reductio of Ruthenium Purpose and Prussian blue, Kalnila P. Rajan and Vernon D. Neff, J. Phys. Chem., p. 4361-4368, 1982/Jul. |
Chemical Derivatized Nickel Surface: Synthesis of a new Class of Stable Electrode Interfaces, Andrew B. Bocarsly and Sujit Sinha, J. Electroanal. Chem., p. 157-162, 1982/Mar. |
Electrochemistry of Prussian Blue Modified Electrodes: An Electrochemical Preparation Method, Kingo Itaya, Haruo Akohoshi and Shinoby Tashima, J. Electrochem. Soc., pp. 1498-1500, Jul. 1982. |
Fixing Image and Character Information in an Electrochromic Display, J.L. Bird and M. J. Szatkowski, IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, vol. 25, No. 11A, p. 5491, Apr. 1983. |
Alkali Metal Cation Effects in a Prussian Blue Surface-Modified Electrode, Alvin L. Crumbliss, Paul S. Lugg and Nicholes Morosoff, Inorg, Chem., pp. 4701-4708, 1984/Feb. |
Resistance Polyaniline Films as a Function of Electrochemical Potential and the Fabrication of Polyaniline-Based Microelectronic Devices, Elizabeth W. Paul, Antonio J. Ricco and Mark S. Wrighton, Journal of Physical Chemistry, vol. 89, No. 8, pp. 1441-1447, 1985/Oct. |
Electrochromic Materials, Tetsu Oi, Ann. Rev. Mater, Sci. pp. 185-201, 1986/Jan. |
Electrochemistry of Polynuclear Transition metal Cyanides: Prussian Blue and Its Analogues, Kingo Itaya and Isamu Uchida, Acc. Chem. Res., pp. 162-168, 1986/Apr. |
Polypyrrole Film Electrodes Electrochemically Doped with Colloidal Prussian blue, O. Ikeda, J. Electroanal Chem., pp. 323-327, 1989/May. |
Conductive Polymers, Mercouri G. Kanatzidis, G&EN, pp. 36-54, 1990/Dec. |
Synthesis and Characterization of New Conducting Electropolymerized Film from 1-Maphtol, Minh Chou Pham, Jamal Moslish and Pierre-Cabille Locaze, J. Electrochem. Soc. vol. 138, No. 2, pp. 449-454, Feb. 1991. |
Electrosynthesis, Spectroelectrochemical, Electrochemical, and Chronovoltabsorptometric Properties of Family of Poly (Aromatric Amines), Novel Processible Conducting Polymers, P. Chandrasekhar and Ronald W. Gimbs, J. Electrochem. Soc., vol. 138, No. 5, pp. 1337-1346, May 1991. |
Raising the Voltage to Let in the Light, New York Times, Sep. 18, 1991. |
Incorporation of Redox-Active Cations Into Tungsten Oxide Coatings on electrodes, Enhancement of Coating Stability and Electrocataytic Activity, Jean-Francois Roland and Fred C. Anson, Book of Abstracts, 203rd ACS National Meeting, Apr. 5-10, 1992. |
Electrochromic system may have many uses, S. Stinson, Chemical and Engineering News, Apr. 20, 1992. |
Bisensor Based on Conducting Polymers, D.T. hoa, T.N. Suresh Kumar, N.S. Punekar, R.S. Sprinivasa, R. Lal, and A.Q. Contractor, Anal. Chem. pp. 2545-2546, 1992/Jul. |
Methylene Blue, Merck Index Date?. |