Composite Anode and Lithium-Ion Battery Comprising Same and Method for Producing the Composite Anode

A composite anode is provided which includes a collector, an active anode material, a binder, a solid inorganic lithium-ion conductor and a liquid electrolyte. The solid inorganic lithium ion conductor is present in the composite anode in a higher volume and weight proportion than the liquid electrolyte. A method for forming the composite anode is also provided, and a lithium ion battery is provided which includes a composite anode having a collector, an active anode material, a binder, a solid inorganic lithium ion conductor and a liquid electrolyte.

The present invention relates to a composite anode. The present invention also relates to a lithium-ion battery having such composite anode, and a method for producing such composite anode.

As used herein, the terms “lithium-ion battery”, “rechargeable lithium-ion battery”, and “secondary lithium-ion battery” are used synonymously. These terms also encompass the terms “lithium battery”, “lithium-ion accumulator”, and “lithium-ion cell”, and also all lithium or alloy batteries, including in particular lithium-sulfur, lithium-air or alloy systems. Therefore, the term “lithium-ion battery” is used as a collective term for the aforementioned terms which are customary known in the art. It refers to both rechargeable batteries (secondary batteries) and non-chargeable batteries (primary batteries). In particular, as used herein, a “battery” within the meaning of the present invention also encompasses an individual or single “electrochemical cell”.

Generally, as known in the art, the mode of action of a lithium-ion battery can be described as follows: the electrical energy is stored in lithium ions (at the negative electrode) and transition-metal oxides (at the positive electrode) in a chemical process with a change of material. Here, the lithium ions in the ionized form (Li+) can migrate back and forth between the two electrodes through an electrolyte, which contains usually lithium-hexafluoro-phosphate (LiPF6) as the lithium conducting salt. In contrast to the lithium ions, the transition-metal ions present at the cathode are stationary.

This flow of lithium ions is necessary in order to compensate the external flow of electric current during charging and discharging, so that the electrodes themselves remain electrically neutral. During discharging, the effective lithium atoms (or the negative active material containing the lithium ions) at the negative electrode each release an electron, which flows via the external current circuit (load) to the positive electrode. At the same time, the same number of lithium ions migrates through the electrolyte from the negative electrode to the positive electrode. At the positive electrode, however, the lithium ions do not take up the electron again, but instead the transition-metal ions present there take up the electrons. Depending on the type of battery, these ions may be cobalt, nickel, manganese or iron ions, etc. The lithium thus continues to be in the ionized form (Li+) at the positive electrode in the discharged state of the cell.

Lithium-ion batteries are protected with gastight sealing, and so in regular operations none of the ingredients can emerge or enter. If the casing is damaged mechanically, as it may occur for example, in the event of an accident involving an electric motor vehicle, contents may emerge in vapor, gas or liquid form. Emerging in gas form, primarily, are vaporized electrolyte (an explosion risk) and electrolyte decomposition products such as methane, ethane, hydrogen, propane and butane, and aldehydes. Emerging in liquid from, the liquid electrolyte consisting of solvents and conducting salt. The solvents are generally flammable and are toxic. In contact with moisture, the conducting salt LiPF6 can form hydrogen fluoride (HF) which is highly toxic and can be an irritant to the respiratory tract.

It is an object of the present invention to provide a lithium-ion battery with enhanced safety.

This and other objects of the invention are achieved by means of a composite anode in accordance with one or more aspects of the disclosure.

The following definitions apply, where applicable, to all aspects of the disclosure:

Lithium-Ion Battery

As used herein, the term “lithium-ion battery” has the meaning as defined above. In particular, the term also includes an individual or single “electrochemical cell.” Preferably, in a “battery”, two or more electrochemical cells of this kind are connected, either in series (that is, one after another) or in parallel.


The electrochemical cell of the invention has at least two electrodes, i.e., a positive electrode (cathode) and a negative electrode (anode).

These two electrodes each have at least one active material. This material is capable of accepting or releasing lithium ions and at the same time takes up or releases electrons.

As used herein, the term “positive electrode” refers to the electrode which when the battery is connected to a load, such as to an electric motor, is capable of accepting electrons. In this nomenclature, it represents the cathode.

As used herein, the term “negative electrode” refers to the electrode which in operation is capable of releasing electrons. In this nomenclature, it represents the anode.

The electrodes include inorganic material or inorganic compounds or substances which can be used for or in or on an electrode or as an electrode. Under the operating conditions of the lithium-ion battery, on the basis of their chemical nature, these compounds or substances can take up (intercalate) lithium ions or metallic lithium and also release them. In the present description, a material of this kind is referred to as an “active cathode material” or “active anode material”, respectively, or, generally, as “active material” or “active electrode material.” For use in an electrochemical cell or battery, this active material is preferably applied to a support, preferably to a metallic support, preferably using aluminum for the cathode and copper for the anode, respectively. This support is also referred to as a “collector” or a “current collector” or a “collector foil”.

Cathode (The Positive Electrode)

As for selecting the active material for the positive electrode (also referred to as the active cathode material), it is possible to use any active materials which are known in the art. These include, for example, LiCoO2 (LCO), lithium nickel cobalt manganese oxide (NCM), lithium nickel cobalt aluminum oxide (NCA), high-energy NCM (HE-NCM), lithium-iron phosphate, or Li-manganese spinel (LiMn2O4). According to one aspect of the invention, any suitable active material known in the art can be used for the cathode (the positive electrode).

In one preferred embodiment, the active cathode material may be a material selected from the group consisting of a lithium transition-metal oxide (also referred to as the lithium metal oxide), layered oxides, spinels, olivine compounds, silicate compounds, and mixtures thereof. Such active cathode materials are described for example in Bo Xu et al. “Recent Progress in Cathode Materials Research for Advanced Lithium Ion Batteries”, Materials Science and Engineering, R 73 (2012) 51-65. Preferably, the cathode material is HE-NCM. Layered oxides and HE-NCM are also described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,677,082, 6,680,143 and 7,205,072 of the Argonne National Laboratory.

Examples of olivine compounds are lithium phosphates of empirical formula LiXPO4 where X═Mn, Fe, Co or Ni, or combinations thereof.

Examples of lithium transition-metal oxide, spinel compounds, and layered transition-metal oxides include lithium manganate, preferably LiMn2O4, lithium cobaltate, preferably LiCoO2, lithium nickelate, preferably LiNiO2, or mixtures of two or more of these oxides, or their mixed oxides thereof.

The active material may also contain mixtures of two or more of the substances described herein.

To increase the electrical conductivity, further compounds are included in the active material, preferably carbon-containing compounds, or carbon, preferably in the form of conductive carbon black or graphite. The carbon may also be introduced in the form of carbon nanotubes or graphene. Such additions are preferably in an amount of from 0.1 to 6 wt %, more preferably, from 1 to 3 wt %, based on the positive electrode's composition (excluding solvent) applied to the support.

Anode (The Negative Electrode)

As for selecting the active material for the negative electrode (also referred to as the active anode material), it is possible to use any active materials which are known in the art. According to one aspect of the invention, any suitable active material known in the art can be used for the negative electrode (the anode).

In one embodiment, the active anode material can be selected from the group consisting of lithium metal oxides, such as lithium titanium oxide, metal oxides (e.g., Fe2O3, ZnO, ZnFe2O4), carbon-containing materials, such as graphite (e.g., synthetic graphite, natural graphite), graphene, mesocarbon, doped carbon, hard carbon, soft carbon, fullerenes, mixtures of silicon and carbon, silicon, tin, metallic lithium and materials which can be alloyed with lithium, and mixtures thereof. It is also possible to use niobium pentoxide, tin alloys, titanium dioxide, tin dioxide, and silicon as the active material for the anode (the negative electrode).

In one embodiment, the active anode material is a material which can be alloyed with lithium. This material may be metallic lithium, a lithium alloy, or an unlithiated or partially lithiated precursor thereof, from which a lithium alloy is produced on formation. Preferred materials which can be alloyed with lithium are lithium alloys selected from the group consisting of silicon-based, tin-based, and antimony-based alloys. Such alloys are described for example in the review article by W. J. Zhang, Journal of Power Sources, 196(2011) 13-24.

Electrode Binder

The materials used for the positive or negative electrode, for example the active materials, are held together by one or more binders which hold these materials on the electrode and/or on the collector.

The binders can be selected from the group consisting of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVdF), polyvinylidene fluoride-hexafluoropropylene copolymer (PVdF-HFP), polyethylene oxide (PEO), polytetrafluoroethylene, polyacrylate, styrene-butadiene rubber, and carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), and mixtures and copolymers thereof. The styrene-butadiene rubber and optionally the carboxymethylcellulose and/or the further binders, such as PVdF, are preferably present in an amount of 0.5-8 wt %, based on the total amount of the active material used in the positive or negative electrode.


The electrochemical cell of the invention has a material which separates the positive electrode and the negative electrode from one another. This material is permeable for lithium ions, i.e., conducts lithium ions, but is a nonconductor for electrons. Materials of this kind used in lithium-ion batteries are also referred to as separators.

In one preferred embodiment, polymers are used as separators. In one embodiment, the polymers are selected from the group consisting of: polyesters, preferably polyethylene terephthalate; polyolefin, preferably polyethylene, polypropylene; polyacrylonitrile; polyvinylidene fluoride; polyvinylidene-hexafluoropropylene; polyetherimide; polyimide, polyamide, polyethers; polyetherketone, or mixtures thereof. The separator has porosity, so that it is permeable to lithium ions. In a preferred embodiment, the separator consists of at least one polymer.


As used herein, the term “electrolyte” refers to a liquid in which a conducting lithium salt is in solution. The liquid is preferably a solvent for the conducting salt. In that case the conducting Li salt is preferably in dissociated form.

Preferably, the solvents are chemically and electrochemically inert. Examples of suitable solvents include organic solvents such as ethylene carbonate, propylene carbonate, butylene carbonate, dimethyl carbonate, diethyl carbonate, ethyl methyl carbonate, sulfolanes, 2-methyltetrahydrofuran, and 1,3-dioxolane. Preferably, organic carbonates are used as the solvent.

In one aspects of the invention ionic liquids can also be used as solvents. The ionic liquids contain exclusively ions. Examples of cations include those which can be in alkylated form, such as imidazolium, pyridinium, pyrrolidinium, guanidinium, uronium, thiuronium, piperidinium, morpholinium, sulfonium, ammonium, and phosphonium cations. Examples of anions which can be used include halide, tetrafluoroborate, trifluoroacetate, triflate, hexafluorophosphate, phosphinate, and tosylate anions.

Exemplary ionic liquids include the following: N-methyl-N-propylpiperidinium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, N-methyl-N-butylpyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, N-butyl-N-trimethylammonium bis(tri-fluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, triethyl sulfonium bis(trifluoromethyl sulfonyl)imide, and N,N-diethyl-N-methyl-N-(2-methoxyethyl)ammonium bis(trifluoromethyl sulfonyl)imide.

Preference is given to using two or more of the liquids described above. Preferred conducting salts are lithium salts which have inert anions and which are preferably nontoxic. Suitable lithium salts are preferably lithium hexafluorophosphate (LiPF6), or lithium tetrafluoroborate (LiBF4), and mixtures of one or more of these salts. In one embodiment the separator here is wetted or impregnated with the lithium salt electrolyte.

Various objects, advantages and novel features of the present invention will become apparent from the following detailed description of one or more preferred embodiments when considered in conjunction with the accompanying examples.

In one aspect of the disclosure, the present invention is directed to a composite anode.

The composite anode of the invention includes a collector, an active anode material, a binder, a solid inorganic lithium-ion conductor, and a liquid electrolyte, the solid inorganic lithium ion conductor in the composite anode being present in a higher volume fraction and weight fraction than the liquid electrolyte. The coating of the collector is composed of the active anode material, the binder, the solid inorganic lithium-ion conductor, and the liquid electrolyte, and is preferably porous and preferably homogeneous.

In one aspect, the solid inorganic lithium-ion conductors include crystalline, composite, and amorphous inorganic solid lithium-ion conductors. The crystalline lithium-ion conductors include, in particular, perovskite-type lithium lanthanum titanates, NASICON-type, LiSICON-type and thio-lisicon-type Li-ion conductors, and also garnet-type Li-ion-conducting oxides. The composite lithium-ion conductors include, in particular, materials which contain oxides and mesoporous oxides. Solid inorganic lithium-ion conductors of this kind are described for example in the review article by Philippe Knauth “Inorganic Solid Li Ion Conductors: An Overview”, Solid State Ionics, Volume 180, Issues 14-16, 25 June 2009, pages 911-916. Also included in accordance with the invention are all solid lithium-ion conductors which are described in Cao C, Li Z-B, Wang X-L, Zhao X-B and Han W-Q (2014) “Recent Advances in Inorganic Solid Electrolytes for Lithium Batteries”, Frontiers in Energy Research, 2:25. Also included, in particular, in accordance with the invention are the garnets described in EP 1723080 B1.

The composite anode of the invention therefore has a composition in which predominantly a solid inorganic lithium-ion conductor that is employed as an inorganic solid-state electrolyte. Also present, as an auxiliary electrolyte, is a liquid electrolyte, in a lower weight fraction and volume fraction.

The inventors have recognized that by including the solid inorganic lithium-ion conductor in the composite anode according to the present invention, it is possible to reduce the amount of liquid electrolyte in the composite anode. As a result it is possible to significantly reduce the total amount of liquid electrolyte included in a lithium-ion battery having the composite anode. In this way, both the amount of solvents and the amount of conducting salt, especially LiPF6, can be lowered, hence making it possible to reduce not only the risk of ignition of emergent liquids or gases but also reduce the health hazards posed by the production of hydrogen fluoride (HF) from an reaction of LiPF6 with moisture.

In one preferred embodiment of the invention, the composite anode has interconnected pores which contain solid inorganic lithium-ion conductor and the liquid electrolyte. By arranging the solid inorganic lithium-ion conductor and the liquid electrolyte in interconnected pores, it is possible to lower the contact resistance between the particles of the solid inorganic lithium-ion conductor.

In one preferred embodiment of the invention, the composite anode, based on the volume without the liquid electrolyte, possesses a porosity of 10% to 25% and the porosity is filled out with the liquid electrolyte to an extent of more than 90%, more preferably, more than 95%. Most preferably, it is completely filled out by the liquid electrolyte. By filling out the porosity with the liquid electrolyte to the most complete extent possible, it is possible to improve the contact resistance between the particles of the solid inorganic lithium-ion conductor.

In one preferred embodiment of the invention, the active anode material and the solid inorganic lithium-ion conductor each consist of particles or secondary particles, where present, and the particles of the active anode material possess a larger average particle size D50, preferably a 5 to 1000 times larger particle size D50, more preferably 10 to 100 times larger particle size D50, than the particles of the solid inorganic lithium-ion conductor. The measurements in this context are determined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). A measurement technique of this kind is described for example in U.S. Pat. No. 5,872,358. By using particles or secondary particles of the solid inorganic lithium-ion conductor that possess a larger particle size D50 than that of the solid inorganic lithium-ion conductor, the energy density per unit volume of the composite anode can be increased.

In one preferred embodiment, the active anode material consists of secondary particles, and the particle size D50 of the secondary particles is more than 3 μm to 75 μm, preferably 5 μm to 35 μm. The measurement values are determined as described above.

In one preferred embodiment, the solid inorganic lithium-ion conductor consists of particles, and the particle size D50 of the particles is more than 0.05 μm to 5 μm, preferably 0.1 μm to 2 μm. The measurement values are determined as described above.

In one preferred embodiment, the solid inorganic lithium-ion conductor is present at 10 to 50 wt %, preferably from 20 to 40 wt %, in the composite anode in relation to the active anode material.

In one preferred embodiment, the active anode material is selected from the group consisting of synthetic graphite, natural graphite, carbon, lithium titanate and mixtures thereof.

In one preferred embodiment, the solid inorganic lithium-ion conductor possesses a lithium-ion conductivity of at least 10−5 S/cm at room temperature (20° C.). The measurement values in this context are determined by the GITT (Galvanostatic Intermittent Titration Technique), as described for example in W. Weppner and R. A. Huggins, J. Electrochem. Soc., 124, 1569-1578 (1977).

In one preferred embodiment, the solid inorganic lithium-ion conductor is selected from the group consisting of Perovskite, glass formers, Garnet, and mixtures thereof. Especially preferred are the Garnets described by EP 1723080 B1, on account of their particular chemical and electrochemical stability in the 3-5 V potential range of the cathode (positive electrode).

In one preferred embodiment, the binder is selected from the group which consists of polyvinylidene fluoride, copolymer of polyvinylidene fluoride and hexafluoro-propylene, copolymer of styrene and butadiene, cellulose, cellulose derivatives, and mixtures thereof.

In one preferred embodiment, the liquid electrolyte contains organic carbonates and a conducting salt, preferably LiPF6 or LiPF4.

The thickness of the composite electrode is generally 5 μm to 250 μm, preferably 20 μm to 100 μm. The measurement values in this context are determined by optical methods, as specified in U.S. Pat. No. 4,008,523.

In another aspect of the disclosure, the present invention is directed to a lithium-ion battery which includes electrodes, a separator, and an electrolyte, where one of the electrodes is a composite anode according to the present invention.

In another aspect of the disclosure, the present invention is directed to a method for producing the composite anode of the invention. The method includes the following steps: combining at least an active anode material, a binder in solution with a solvent, an inorganic solid lithium ion conductor, and preferably, an electrically conductive additive, into a homogeneous slurry; applying the slurry to a collector; stripping off the solvent under reduced pressure and/or elevated temperature, developing porosity in the slurry; adjusting the porosity by calendaring; filling up the free porosity of the composite anode with a liquid electrolyte. This may be carried out by impregnation, optionally supported by reduced pressure and/or heat treatment.

The lithium-ion battery of the invention is suitable both for fixed and for portable applications. On account of the reduction in the amount of liquid electrolyte included, together with the reduced hazards to drivers/passengers, the lithium-ion battery is particularly suitable for use in motor vehicle applications.


Working Examples of an Anode:

Reference Anode:

Dissolved at room temperature in 90 ml of demineralized water is 1.0 g of cellulose binder (Wollf cellulose). Then, using a dissolver disk, 1.0 g of conductive carbon black (Super C65, from Timcal) is introduced. Next, 96.0 g of synthetic graphite (MAG D20; from Hitachi) are incorporated by dispersion and lastly, 2.0 g of SBR binder (from ZEON Corp., Japan) are added. This gives a homogeneous suspension, which with a semiautomatic film-drawing apparatus to a copper support foil (Schlenk, 10 μm rolled copper foil). Stripping off the water results in a composite anode film. After calendering (compression) of the anode film, the resulting porosity is 34% (based on volume), corresponding to a thickness of the anode (without current collector) of 50 μm.

Inventive Anode:

Dissolved at room temperature in 90 ml of demineralized water is 1.0 g of cellulose binder (Wolff cellulose). Then, using a dissolver disk, 1.0 g of conductive carbon black (Super C65, from Timcal) is introduced. Next, 64.0 g of LLZ garnet (average particle diameter 1 μm) and 96.0 g of synthetic graphite (MAG D20; from Hitachi) are incorporated by dispersion and lastly, 2.0 g of SBR binder (from ZEON Corp., Japan) are added. This gives a homogeneous suspension, which with a semiautomatic film-drawing apparatus to a copper support foil (Schlenk, 10 μm rolled copper foil). Stripping off the water results in a composite anode film. After calendering (compression) of the inventive anode film with ceramic Li-ion conductor, the resulting porosity is 16% (based on volume), corresponding to a thickness of the anode (without current collector) of 50 μm.

Working Examples of a Cell

For further cell construction, a cathode with weight per unit area of 14.0 mg/cm2 is used (4.5 g of PVdF (from Solvay), 4.5% Super C65, 91% lithium nickel cobalt manganese oxide (NCM111; from BASF)), and was coated onto a 15 μm aluminum foil (Hydro-Aluminum). The separator used is a 25 μm-thick polyolefin separator with the sequence PP/PE/PP. The liquid electrolyte used is a 1.1 M solution of LiPF6 in EC:DEC (3:7 v/v), which penetrates into the free volume (pores) of the anode, the cathode, and the separator. From the respective electrode/separator assemblies, an Li-ion cell with 2.0 Ah nominal capacity is constructed in stacked design. In each case 20 reference cells with reference anode and 20 inventive cells with inventive anode are built.

Results of Long-Term Cycling

On long-term RT cycling (voltage range 2.8 V to 4.2 V (1 C, CCCV charging, 1 C CC discharging), behavior observed is identical to that of a batch of 5 reference cells and inventive cells:

After 500 cycles, 80% of the initial capacity (2 Ah) is achieved.

Safety Tests

10 cells each (reference and inventive) are subjected in the fully charged state (4.2 V) to a Sandia nail test (“penetration test”, SANDIA REPORT, SAND2005-3123, Unlimited Release Printed August 2006 on page 18f; see The cells are punctured here with a nail 3 mm thick.

The results of the tests were evaluated on the basis of the EUCAR Hazard Levels in table 2 on page 15f. of the Sandia Report. Safety level 3 signifies emergence of less than 50 wt % of liquid electrolyte without inflammation or explosion. Safety level 4 corresponds to the previous safety level, but more than 50 wt % of liquid electrolyte emerges. In the case of safety level 5, additionally, there is inflammation of the cells.


Results of the safety tests

Observed cells of
Observed cells of
Observed cells of

Safety level 3
Safety level 4
Safety level 5

Reference cell

Inventive cell

Result: The Inventive Cells Exhibit Better Safety Behavior.

The foregoing disclosure has been set forth merely to illustrate the invention and is not intended to be limiting. Since modifications of the disclosed embodiments incorporating the spirit and substance of the invention may occur to persons skilled in the art, the invention should be construed to include everything within the scope of the appended claims and equivalents thereof.

  • 1. A composite anode comprising: a collector,an active anode material,a binder,a solid inorganic lithium ion conductor, anda liquid electrolyte,wherein the solid inorganic lithium ion conductor is present in the composite anode in a higher volume fraction and weight fraction than the liquid electrolyte.
  • 2. The composite anode according to claim 1, wherein the composite anode has interconnected pores and the pores comprise the solid inorganic lithium-ion conductor and the liquid electrolyte.
  • 3. The composite anode according to claim 1, wherein the composite anode has a porosity of 5% to 25% based on the volume without the liquid electrolyte, and wherein the porosity is filled with the liquid electrolyte to an extent of more than 90%.
  • 4. The composite anode according to claim 3, wherein the porosity is filled with the liquid electrolyte to an extent of more than 95%.
  • 5. The composite anode according to claim 3, wherein the porosity is completely filled with the liquid electrolyte.
  • 6. The composite anode according to claim 1, wherein the active anode material and the solid inorganic lithium ion conductor each comprise particles, and wherein the particles of the active anode material has a greater average particle size D50 than the particles of the solid inorganic lithium ion conductor.
  • 7. The composite anode according to claim 6, wherein the particles of the active cathode material has a 5 to 1000 times greater average particle size D50 than the particles of the solid inorganic lithium ion conductor.
  • 8. The composite anode according to claim 1, wherein the active electrode material comprises secondary particles having the particle size D50 of more than 3 μm to 75 μm.
  • 9. The composite anode according to claim 1, wherein the solid inorganic lithium ion conductor comprises particles having the particle size D50 of more than 0.05 μm to 5 μm.
  • 10. The composite anode according to claim 1, wherein the solid inorganic lithium ion conductor is present at 10 to 80 wt % in the composite anode in relation to the active anode material.
  • 11. The composite anode according to claim 1, wherein the solid inorganic lithium ion conductor is present at 20 to 60 wt % in the composite anode in relation to the active anode material.
  • 12. The composite anode according to claim 1, wherein the active anode material is selected from the group consisting of synthetic graphite, natural graphite, carbon, lithium titanate, and mixtures thereof.
  • 13. The composite anode according to claim 1, wherein the solid inorganic lithium ion conductor has a lithium ion conductivity of at least 10−5 S/cm at room temperature.
  • 14. The composite anode according to claim 1, wherein the solid inorganic lithium ion conductor is selected from the group consisting of Perovskite, glass formers, Garnet, and mixtures thereof.
  • 15. The composite anode according to claim 1, wherein the binder is selected from the group consisting of polyvinylidene fluoride, copolymer of polyvinylidene fluoride and hexafluoropropylene, copolymer of styrene and butadiene, cellulose, cellulose derivatives, and mixtures thereof.
  • 16. The composite anode according to claim 1, wherein the liquid electrolyte comprises organic carbonates and a conducting salt.
  • 17. The composite anode according to claim 16, wherein the conducting salt is LiPF6 or LiBF4.
  • 18. A lithium ion battery comprising: electrodes,a separator, andan electrolyte,wherein one of the electrodes is a composite anode comprising a collector, an active anode material, a binder, an inorganic solid lithium ion conductor, and a liquid electrolyte.
  • 19. A method for producing a composite anode having a collector, an active anode material, a binder, an inorganic solid lithium ion conductor, and a liquid electrolyte, the method comprising the steps of: combining at least the active anode material, the binder in solution with a solvent, and solid inorganic lithium ion conductor to form a homogeneous slurry;applying the slurry to a collector;stripping off the solvent under reduced pressure and/or elevated temperature, forming a porosity in the slurry;adjusting the porosity by calendaring; andfilling up the porosity with the liquid electrolyte.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
10 2014 226 390.5 Dec 2014 DE national

This application is a continuation of PCT International Application No. PCT/EP2015/080139, filed Dec, 17, 2015, which claims priority under 35 U.S.C. §119 from German Patent Application No. 10 2014 226 390.5, filed Dec.18, 2014, the entire disclosures of which are herein expressly incorporated by reference.

Continuations (1)
Number Date Country
Parent PCT/EP2015/080139 Dec 2015 US
Child 15625016 US