ISO/IEC International Standard 13813-3 "Information technology--Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information--Part 3: Audio", May 1995. |
Young Tae Han, et al. "Design and Implementation of the MPEG-2 Multi-Channel Audio Decoder," IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, vol. E79-D, No. 6, pp. 759-763, Jun. 1996. |
Sung-Chul Han, et al. "An ASIC Implementation of the MPEG-2 Audio Decoder," IEEE Trans. on Consumer Electronics, vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 540-545, Aug. 1996. |
Peter Noll, "MPEG Digital Audio Coding," IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, pp. 59-81, Sep. 1997. |
Marina Bosi, Karlheinz Brandenburg, Schuyler Quackenbush, Louis Fielder, Kenzo Akagiri, Hendrik Fuchs, Martin Dietz, Juergen Herre, Grant Davidson, and Yoshiaki Oikawa, "ISO/MPEG-2 Advanced Audio Coding," Preprint 4382 for the 101st Convention of the Aud, Nov. 1996. |