Composite Fibres Including at Least Carbon Nanotubes, Methods for Obtaining Same and Use Thereof

Composite fibers including carbon nanotubes, at least one other type of particles provided in colloidal form and intimately and evenly mixed with the carbon nanotubes wherein the particles are evenly dispersed throughout the whole body of the fibers.

The present invention relates to composite fibres comprising at least carbon nanotubes, method of obtaining them and their applications.

Natural or synthetic fibres used as textiles or compounded extenders are often coated with additives. This coating has the aim of modifying the surface properties of the fibre or granting it a specific functionality. In certain cases, the term bonding can be used. For example, the so-called “textile” bonding applied to filaments output from a spinneret consists of depositing a bonding agent ensuring the cohesion of the filaments with each other, reducing abrasion and facilitating subsequent handling (weaving) and preventing the formation of electrostatic charges. There are other cases wherein a fibre must be covered with a specific compound. For example, it is possible to dye a fibre simply by coating it with dyeing agents. An initially insulating textile fibre can be made conductive by coating it with conductive polymers. It is possible to perfume a garment of clothing by coating its fibres with capsules containing a perfume. These are only a few examples among a multitude of industrially developed and commercially available cases.

Conventional fibre coating results in uniform, symmetric coating of its surface.

It is preferable, however, in certain cases to add an additive to a fibre in a different manner, which is to say inside the fibre and not on the surface. These different conditions make it possible to improve the properties of the fibre, allowing it to be used for new functions.

The present invention relates more specifically to carbon nanotubes fibres.

Carbon nanotubes have a structure and electronic and mechanical properties which make them very promising materials for many applications: composites, electromechanical actuators, cables, resisting wire, chemical detectors, hydrogen storage, electron-emitting displays, energy converters, electronic components, electrodes, batteries, catalysis media, etc.

Multiple methods exist for manufacturing carbon nanotube fibres.

In particular, carbon nanotubes as well as other types of particles can be arranged in the shape of ribbons or fibres by a patented spinning method (Patent FR2805179). This method consists of homogeneously dispersing the nanotubes in a liquid environment. The dispersion can be carried out in water using surface-active agents which are adsorbed at the interface of the nanotubes. It can also be obtained from functionalised nanotubes, without using any dispersants. Once dispersed, the nanotubes are re-condensed in the form of a ribbon or a pre-fibre by injecting the dispersion into another liquid causing the nanotubes to coagulate. This other liquid can be a solution of polymers. The flows used are optimised so as to promote the alignment of the nanotubes in the pre-fibre or the ribbon. Moreover, the flow speeds and rates also make it possible to control the cross-section of the pre-fibres or ribbons. The pre-fibre is then dried, resulting in a fibre containing a considerable fraction of nanotubes. The ribbons, pre-fibres or final fibres can be treated by stretching in a wet method in order to improve the direction of the nanotubes. These reshaping methods are described in patent FR 0110611. This patent shows how dynamically or statically stretching the fibre in solvents with a higher or lower affinity for the coagulating polymer makes it possible to improve the structure and the physical properties of the fibres.

The pre-fibres, ribbons or fibres can also be washed by rinsing which makes it possible partially or entirely to desorb certain adsorbed species (in particular coagulating or surface-active polymers).

The properties of these fibres, as those of any other fibres, depend in a critical manner on the nature and arrangement of their components.

It can be desirable, in particular, to add an extra component to the fibre to improve its properties or grant it a particular function (optical, bio-activity, electrical or thermal properties, oxidation-reduction properties, catalytic properties, bactericidal properties, mechanical properties, etc.). Currently, these improvements or functions can only be controlled by the nature of the molecules used when synthesising the fibres. This is a serious limitation since it is not obvious to combine a given function with the conditions required to manufacture the fibre. It is therefore ideal to add these additives when synthesising the fibres, since the additives can then be located inside the fibres. They are better protected this way. They are in direct contact with all the nanotubes, directly affecting the properties of the fibre.

However, the addition of molecular additives during synthesis greatly complicates the spinning process and can even make it impossible. For example, a molecule with a specific function can turn out to be harmful for the coagulation of the nanotubes or even for the stability of the initial dispersion. Likewise, the molecules designed to be added might not be compatible with the spinning process, if they are simply not soluble in the solvents used. For one or more of these reasons, the molecules are not added when manufacturing the fibres. They must be deposited at the end on the fibres once manufactured. However, post-synthesis coating, which is standard in spinning and textile technologies, also has limitations insofar as it does not allow a specific compound to be placed inside the fibres. The additives remain localised on the surface, which restricts their action and their effect on the fibre.

The inventors have therefore improved fibres using the method described above, which makes it possible to solve these disadvantages.

The UIPAC standard defines colloidal particles, in general terms, as being particles with a size comprised between 1 nanometre and several micrometres. The present invention refers to this definition whenever it uses the term “colloidal particles”.

For this purpose, the composite fibres comprising at least carbon nanotubes, according to the invention, are characterised in that they also comprise at least one other type of particles added in colloidal form and intimately and evenly mixed with said carbon nanotubes so as to be evenly dispersed throughout the whole of the body of said fibre.

Said particles are preferably particles of polymers, mineral particles, metal particles, metal oxide particles, drops of emulsion and/or capsules of active molecules.

In particular, said polymers are chosen from among electrically conductive polymers, electrically insulating particles, thermosetting polymers and/or thermoplastic polymers.

More particularly, said polymers are chosen from among cellulose, phenolic resins and/or PAN.

In particular, said mineral particles are chosen from among alumina, silica, titanium dioxide, calcium carbonate, silica carbide, tungsten sulphide, boron nitride and/or clay platelets.

In particular, said metal particles and said metal oxide particles are chosen from among platinum, palladium and/or iron and/or cobalt based magnetic particles.

In particular, said drops of emulsion are chosen from among liquid monomers of a substance designed to polymerise in solid form.

In particular, said active molecules are chosen from among drugs, perfumes, bactericides and/or pesticides.

Finally, the fibres according to the invention are obtained by

    • dispersing said colloidal particles with the nanotubes in a solvent, possibly using a surface-active agent, and
    • injecting a dispersion solution thus obtained through at least one orifice opening into a flow of an external solution, preferably with a viscosity that is higher than that of said dispersion, the viscosities being measured with the same conditions of temperature and pressure, so as to cause an aggregation of said particles and said nanotubes in fibres or ribbons by destabilising the dispersions of particles and a possible alignment of said particles and said nanotubes.

The main element of the invention consists of adding the additives in colloidal form, which is to say in the form of particles with a size comprised between several nanometres and several micrometres. The additives are not added in molecular form. The addition in colloidal form has considerable technical advantages.

The compound is added during the nanotube dispersion step. The physico-chemical conditions of the spinning process (dispersion and coagulation) are not affected, since the additives are added in colloidal, not molecular, form.

In particular, the fibres according to the invention can have numerous applications, mainly including manufacturing microelectrodes, sensors, mechanical actuators, high-performance fibres, textiles and/or catalysis media.

The invention will be understood better after reading the detailed description made below in reference to the examples and drawings, wherein:

FIG. 1 shows a scanning-electron microscopy photograph of a composite fibre according to the invention, and

FIG. 2 shows comparative stress diagrams of traditional carbon nanotube fibres (left) and composite fibres according to the invention (right).

In the various examples below, colloidal particles are added to an initial solution of nanotubes. These examples are carried out using latex particles (polystyrene nanoparticles in an aqueous solution) in colloidal form with a diameter of 60 nm (example 1), 30 nm silica particles (example 2), and finally clay nanoparticles (example 3). The dispersion contains nanotubes and added colloidal particles. The proportion of colloids and nanotubes, controlled by the experimenter, can be variable. This mixed dispersion is then injected into a nanotube coagulation bath as described in patent FR2805179. The nanotubes and the colloids coagulate together to form a wet pre-fibre which can be subjected to various treatments prior to being dried. Among these treatments are washing, stretching (static or dynamic) twisting and thermal or chemical treatments. The obtained fibre consists of intimately mixed nanotubes and colloidal particles. It constitutes an even composite. FIG. 1 shows an electron microscope photograph. If the colloidal particles are able to coagulate and merge, as in the example of weakly cross-linked latex, the mix is particularly homogeneous. Indeed, in this case, the colloidal nature of the added particles disappears when they are merged. If more rigid particles are used, such as mineral or metal particles, strongly cross-linked polymers or polymers at their glass transition temperature, the mix remains homogeneous, but the colloidal particles can preserve certain integrity.

It is impossible to manufacture such fibres by directly adding polystyrene in molecular state. The latter being a non-water soluble polymer, adding it in molecular form is incompatible with the physico-chemical conditions of the spinning process. This system constitutes an example in which the chemical nature of the additive is not compatible with the spinning process. The present invention provides a way around this incompatibility. In addition, silica alkoxides are non-water soluble and their use requires the use of hydroalcoholic solutions, in which the nanotubes are much more difficult to disperse. It is therefore considerably more difficult to make a homogenous nanotube/silica fibre using a method other than that proposed herein:

    • The various steps of the method implemented to manufacture the fibres according to the invention are, for all the examples below:
      • Dispersion of nanotubes+colloidal particles in controlled proportions,
      • Coagulation without flow and obtaining a pre-fibre or a ribbon comprising colloids and nanotubes,
      • Possible treatments (stretching, twisting, chemical or thermal treatments, washing), and
      • Drying and obtaining the final colloid-nanotube composite fibre preserving the initial proportions. The nanotubes and the colloids are evenly distributed.

Spinning Characteristics

Pre-fibre obtained by injecting a solution of nanotubes/colloids in the flow of a coagulating polymer solution. The pre-fibre is then dried. The coagulation solution is chosen because it leads to flocculation of the nanotubes but also of the added colloidal particles, in this case latex (polystyrene particles with a diameter of 60 nm).

Nanotubes: Single-walled, synthesised by electric arc.

Nanotube solution: suspensions containing 0.3% by mass of nanotubes, 0.3% of colloidal particles and 1.2% of sodium dodecyl sulphate (dispersant). The suspension is homogenised by ultrasound.

Coagulating polymer solution: aqueous solution of 5% by mass of PVA (molecular mass of 150 kg and hydrolysis ratio of 88%). Injection flow of the nanotube solution: 50 ml/h through a cylindrical orifice with a diameter of 0.5 mm.

Flowing speed of the PVA solution: 10 m/min.

The pre-fibre formed in these conditions is then tempered in 3 rinsing baths with pure water and extracted for drying and compregnation. Its cross-section can be seen in scanning-electron microscopy. This comprises particles included in the network formed by the carbon nanotubes (see FIG. 1).

Unlike fibres that do not contain any added latex, it is difficult to detect the presence of nanotubes that in this case are coated and diluted in a larger polymer matrix. The fibre has the uniform appearance that is typical of a nano-composite material where inclusions are evenly distributed.

The electric resistivity of the fibre at room temperature is 81.2 This value greatly exceeds the resistivity of a fibre with no latex particles.

The resistivity of a fibre with no latex is 1 (typically comparable with the fibres described in patent FR0305379). This measure clearly shows the effect of including colloidal particles which make it possible to dilute the conductive nanotubes within the insulating polymer matrix. This dilution effect can be used to reduce the conductivity of the fibre but also to produce very porous nanotube fibres after chemical or thermal elimination of the polymer. Indeed, the dilution of nanotubes leads to a less compact network when eliminating the polymer. This method also has a considerable effect on the mechanical properties of the fibre (see FIG. 2). The fibre which contains the latex shows a greater extension of the breakage than a fibre which does not contain latex (110% as against 15%). On the other hand, the maximum breakage stress is reduced (0.6 MPa as against 75 MPa). These characteristics perfectly illustrate the role of the polymer. It renders the fibre more plastic and deformable but reduces its elasticity. Other effects can be expected with different polymers. In this case it is a mere example that shows the enormous influence to be had by including a compound in colloidal form in a fibre.

Spinning Characteristics

Pre-fibre obtained by injecting a solution of nanotubes and colloids in the flow of a coagulating polymer solution. The pre-fibre is then dried. The coagulation solution is chosen because it leads to flocculation of the nanotubes but also of the added colloidal particles, in this case silica particles.

Nanotubes: single-walled, synthesised by electric arc.

Nanotube solution: suspensions containing 0.7% by mass of nanotubes, 0.7% of colloidal particles and 1.2% of sodium dodecyl sulphate (dispersant). The suspension is homogenised by ultrasound.

Coagulating polymer solution: aqueous solution of 5% by mass of PVA (molecular mass of 150 kg and hydrolysis ratio of 88%).

Injection flow of the nanotube solution: 5 ml/h through a cylindrical orifice with a diameter of 0.5 mm.

Flowing speed of the PVA solution: 30 ml/min through a cylindrical tube with a cross-section of 8 mm.

The pre-fibre formed in these conditions is then tempered in a rinsing bath with pure water and extracted for drying and compregnation. This fibre contains PVA, silica and nanotubes in equal amounts. The silica particles are added irreversibly and form an even network which is intimately interlocked with the PVA and the nanotubes. A traditional PVA/nanotube fibre (without silica) tends to swell spontaneously and considerably in the presence of water. The fibre retains considerable affinity for water due to the presence of PVA. In the presence of silica, it can be seen that the fibre remains hydrophilic but no longer swells in the presence of water. This result shows that the network of irreversibly added silica particles keeps its overall structure and prevents the fibre from swelling. This marked difference in behaviour is a clear illustration of the contribution that an extra compound added in colloidal form, as described in the present invention, can make.


The colloidal compound consists of clay platelet nanoparticles.

Spinning Characteristics:

Pre-fibre obtained by injecting a solution of nanotubes and colloids in the flow of a coagulating polymer solution. The pre-fibre is then dried. The coagulation solution is chosen because it leads to flocculation of the nanotubes but also of the added colloidal particles, in this case clay nanoparticles (such as laponite).

Nanotubes: single-walled, synthesised by electric arc.

Nanotube solution: suspensions containing 0.6% by mass of nanotubes, 0.5% of colloidal particles and 1.2% of sodium dodecyl sulphate (dispersant). The suspension is homogenised by ultrasound.

Coagulating polymer solution: aqueous solution of 5% by mass of PVA (molecular mass of 150 kg and hydrolysis ratio of 88%).

Injection flow of the nanotube solution: 5 ml/h through a cylindrical orifice with a diameter of 0.5 mm.

Flowing speed of the PVA solution: 30 ml/min through a cylindrical tube with a cross-section of 8 mm.

For all these examples and for all the fibres according to the invention, the relative ratio of nanotubes/colloidal particles is fixed by the manipulator when preparing the solutions. This relative ratio can vary by several percent in the event of adding particles designed, for example, to play a catalytic role as a catalyst supported to at least 80% (insofar as the added colloids can be spun by themselves in the absence of nanotubes) in the preceding case.

This control is a considerable advantage for manufacturing composite fibres.

Furthermore, the addition of particles in colloidal form in the fibres can grant new functions to the fibre. For example, the colloidal particles can contain an active agent (drug, bactericide, perfume, etc.) and thus grant the fibre very particular functions without needing to modify the carbon nanotubes.

Evidently, various very varied types of colloidal particles can be used and implemented in the fibres according to the invention. The choice of the latter depends essentially on properties sought for the final composite fibres.

The following non-exhaustive list presents different colloids that can be used and the properties they can grant the fibre:

    • Polymer particles: composite nanotube/polymer fibres with a larger proportion of polymer.
      • The polymer particles can modify the mechanical properties of the fibre.
      • They can also comprise polymers (cellulose, PAN) which, by pyrolysis, provide the amorphous carbon for manufacturing composite carbon/carbon nanotube fibres.
      • On the other hand, they can comprise polymers eliminated by thermal treatment to result in highly porous nanotube fibres (the eliminated particles leave holes in the fibre). Highly porous fibres are desirable for electrochemical applications (electrodes, sensors, actuators), adsorption of molecules (hydrogen storage, ion adsorption for batteries) and catalysis application.
      • The polymers can be of the conductive type to improve the electric properties of the fibre.
    • Mineral particles: composite nanotube/mineral particle fibres.
      • The particles can be alumina, silica, titanium dioxide, calcium carbonate. These particles can grant the fibres, as in traditional composites, improved mechanical properties, reduced permeability to certain molecules, improved temperature resistance.
    • Metal or metal oxide particles: composite nanotube/metal or metal oxide particle fibres.
      • The particles can, in particular, be magnetic iron or cobalt-based nanoparticles in order to make the fibre magnetic.
      • The particles can also be metal nanoparticles designed to catalyse a chemical reaction or nanotube growth by CVD inside the fibre.
    • Capsules of active molecules: composite nanotube/encapsulated product fibres
      • There currently exist numerous colloidal encapsulation technologies for protection and controlled release of active molecules (drugs, perfumes, bactericides, pesticides, etc.). Colloidal capsules can be included inside nanotube fibres by this method, thereby granting them specific functions such as, for example, gloves containing bactericidal capsules. Such products exist today for protecting the user when the glove is cut by an infected object (blade, syringe). When cut, the glove releases a bactericide that acts immediately in order to protect the user against a possible infection. Highly persistent nanotube fibres are precisely promising systems for their use in the protective clothing textile fabrics. Such functions therefore constitute an additional advantage for this field of application. Another example can be given with perfume capsules. Such capsules are more effective inside the fibre than on the surface, since their retention time is considerably increased. Finally, a further example relates to particles of organic products that can melt at temperatures near room temperature (capsules of certain waxes). Due to their enthalpy, the capsules tend to cool the fibre when the outside temperature rises. Such textiles were developed by NASA during the 1990s. They enable the production of clothes that limit the feeling of heat when a person moves from a cold place to a warm place. In the opposite manner, when the capsules solidify they heat up and reduce the feeling of cold when a person moves from a warm place to a cold place. On the contrary, as in the case of perfume capsules, it is not ideal to deposit such capsules on the surface of fibres, since the particles degrade through friction or when washing. It would be much more efficient for the longevity of the system for the particles to be inside the fibre.

  • 1-11. (canceled)
  • 12. Composite fibers comprising carbon nanotubes, at least one other type of particles provided in colloidal form and intimately and evenly mixed with the carbon nanotubes wherein the particles are evenly dispersed throughout the whole body of the fibers.
  • 13. The fibers according to claim 12, wherein the particles are particles of polymers, mineral particles, metal particles, metal oxide particles, drops of emulsion and/or capsules of active molecules.
  • 14. The fibers according to claim 13, wherein the polymers are at least one selected from the group consisting of electrically conductive polymers, electrically insulating particles, thermosetting polymers and thermoplastic polymers.
  • 15. The fibers according to claim 14, wherein polymers are at least one selected from the group consisting of cellulose, phenolic resins and PAN.
  • 16. The fibers according to claim 13, wherein the mineral particles are at least one selected from the group consisting of alumina, silica, titanium dioxide, calcium carbonate, silica carbide, tungsten sulphide, boron nitride and clay platelets.
  • 17. The fibers according to claim 13, wherein the metal particles and the metal oxide particles are at least one selected from the group consisting of platinum, palladium, iron and cobalt based magnetic particles.
  • 18. The fibers according to claim 13, wherein the drops of emulsion are liquid monomers of a substance that polymerize in solid form.
  • 19. The fibers according to claim 13, wherein the active molecules are drugs, perfumes, bactericides or pesticides.
  • 20. The fibers according to claim 12, obtained by: dispersing the colloidal particles with the nanotubes in a solvent, optionally with a surface-active agent, andinjecting a dispersion solution thus obtained through at least one orifice opening into a flow of an external solution with a viscosity that is higher than that of the dispersion, the viscosities being measured with the same conditions of temperature and pressure to cause an aggregation of the particles and the nanotubes in fibers or ribbons by destabilizing the dispersions of particles and a possible alignment of the particles and the nanotubes.
  • 21. A method of obtaining fibers according to claim 12, comprising: dispersing the colloidal particles with the nanotubes in a solvent, optionally with help of a surface-active agent, andinjecting a dispersion solution thus obtained through at least one orifice opening into a flow of an external solution with a viscosity that is higher than that of the dispersion, the viscosities being measured with the same conditions of temperature and pressure to cause an aggregation of the particles and nanotubes in fibers or ribbons by destabilizing the dispersions of particles and a possible alignment of the particles and the nanotubes.
  • 22. Microelectrodes, sensors, mechanical actuators, high-performance fibers, textiles or catalysis supports comprising fibers according to claim 12.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
0411604 Oct 2004 FR national
PCT Information
Filing Document Filing Date Country Kind 371c Date
PCT/FR05/02680 10/26/2005 WO 00 8/14/2007