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Chemical Abstract, No 12064007, PASCAL No. 95-0263947; Oats: Chemistry. Technology and Potential Uses in the Cosmetic Industry; Paton, D.; Bresciani, S.; Nam Fong Han; Hart, J.; Journal: Cosmetics and Toiletries; 1995, 110(3) 63-70 (5 p.). |
Chemical Abstract, No. 00911864, PASCAL No. 76-0006664; Therapeutischer erfahrungsbericht mit der avena-reihe (Resultats therapeutiques obtenus avec les produits avena); Kurner H. Ankermann & Co. G.M.B.H., Friesoythe, Journal: Z. Hautkrankh, 1975, 50 (15) 631-635. |
Chemical Abstract, No. 001371746: WPI Acc No. 75-21383W/13; Patent Assignee: Quaker Oats Co.; Priority Data (CC No. Date): US 398651 (730919); US 565695 (750407). |
Chemical Abstract, No. 010545082; WPI Acc No. 96-042035/05; Patent Assignee: Clarins; Priority Data (CC No. Date); FR 946837 (940603). |
Chemical Abstract, No. 010338357; WPI Acc. No. 95-240445/31; Patent Assignee: Nurture Inc; Priority Data (CC No Date); US 172485 (931223). |
Chemical Abstract, No. 010002632; WPI Acc. No. 94-270343/33; Patent Assignee: (Kono) Konovalov II; Priority Data (CC No Date); SU 5016466 (911228). |
Chemical Abstract, No. 009708838; WPI Acc. No. 93-402391/50; Patent Assignee: (AERO=) Aerozol sci prodn assoc; (stal=) stalgen agric firm; Priority Data (CC No Data); SU 4868052 (900921). |
Chemical Abstract, No. 00362016; Derwent Accession No.: 73-35329; A New Natural Ingredient for Cosmetic Formulators; Assignee: Quaker-Oats (Cleveland Ohio USA); Journal: Drug Cosmet. Ind., 113, No. 3, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 1973. |
Chemical Abstract, No. 124298400; CA: 124 (22)298400u; Formulating personal care products with hydrolyzed oat protein; Author(s): Longcar, Clifford; Journal: Household Pers. Prod. Ind.; Date: 1996, vol.: 33; No.: 3; pp. 85-87. |
Chemical Abstract, No. 124269972; CA: 124(20)269972(b); Hair and Scalp Conditioners Containing Oat Extract and Hydroxy Acids, Inventor (Author) Onitsuka, Satoshi; Dubowoj, Polina; Assignee: Kao Corporation GMBH; Patent: Germany; DE 19515609 C1; Date: Mar. 28, 1996. |
Chemical Abstract, No. 123152610; CA: 123(12)152610v; Oat Oil Compositions with Useful Dermatological Properties; Inventor (Author); Potter, Richard; Castro, James M.; Moffatt, Lori C.; Assignee: Nurture, Inc., Patent: PCT International; WO 9517162 A1; Date: Jun. 29, 1995; pp. 36 pp. |
Chemical Abstract, No. 94109095; CA: 94(14)109095b; The Water Oat Extracts as Skin Cosmetics; Assignee: Onodera, Hiroshi; Patent: Japan Kokai Tokkyo Koho JP 80164613; Date: Dec. 22, 1980. |
Chemical Abstract, No. 88197417; CA: 88(26)197417n; Cosmetic Ingredients; Author(s): Miller, Aaron; Location: Kalar Lab., Chicago, Ill.; Journal: Soaps, Deterg. Toiletries Rev., Date: 1977; vol.: 7; No.: 9; pp. 21-25. |
Chemical Abstract, No. 80030602; CA: 80(6)30602s; New Natural Ingredient for Cosmetic Formulators; Author(s): Coe, John; Juliano, Angelo; Journal: Drug Cosmet. Ind.; Date: 1973; vol.: 113; No.: 3; pp.: 48, 50, 52, 54, 56. |
Chemical Abstract, No. 0458058; This Cosmetic Company Really Knows its Oats, Business Week, Feb. 22, 1993; p. 91; No. 3306. |
Chemical Abstract, No. 0083399002; WPI Acc No: 90-286003/38; Cosmetic Acerola extract—obtd. by washing with water, removing ppte. decolouring and filtering; Patent Assignee: (NICH-) Nichirei KK; Priority Data (CC No. Date): JP 8916185 (Jan. 27, 1989). |
Chemical Abstract, No. 007353231; WPI Acc No.: 87-3502237/50; Two-part skin anti-ageing cosmetic compsn.—contg, active principle hidering skin ageing due to formation and action of free radicals; Patent Assignee: (Cour) Courtin O; (Clar-) Clarins; Priority Data: (CC No Date): FR 8788 (870000); FR 8416038 (Oct. 19, 1984). |
Chemical Abstract, No. 108226675; CA: 108(26)226675j; Cosmetic containing antioxidants to delay the aging of skin; Application: FR 8788 (Jan. 7, 1987). |
Oats; Chemistry, Technology and Potential Uses in the Cosmetic Industry, High purity oat derivatives show potential as plant-based conditioning ingredients for skin-and hair-care; David Paton and Sandra Bresciani; Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Saskatoon, SK, Canada; Nam Fong Han, Canamino, Inc., Ottawa, ON, Canada; Janice Hart. Canamino Inc., Long Island, NY, USA; Cosmetics & Toiletries Magazine, vol. 110, Mar. 1995, pp. 63-70. |
Photocopy of front and back of product container, Vaseline® Brand Intensive Care® Lotion. |
Hydroxy Acids and Skin Aging by Walter P. Smith, Walter Smith Consultants, Soap Cosmetics Chemical Specialties, Sep. 1993, vol. 69, No. 9, pp. 54-58 and 76. |