Chemical Abstracts, vol. 68, 1969, pp. 7696, 79692n. |
A Paper Entitled "Oil-Resistant Rubbers from 2-Methyl Vinyl Pyridine," James E. Pritchard and Milton H. Opheim, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 1954, vol. 46, pp. 2242-2245. |
A Paper Entitled "Butadiene-2-methyl-5-vinylpyridine Rubbers for General Purpose Use," H. E. Railsbach and C. C. Baird, Industrial Engineering Chemistry, 1957, vol. 49, pp. 1043-1050. |
A Paper Entitled "Pyridinium High Polymers-A New Class of Oil-Resistant Synthetic Rubbers," W. B. Reynold, J. E. Pritchard, M. H. Opheim, and G. Kruas, Proceedings of the Third Rubber Technology Conf., 1956, pp. 226-240. |