D. Sydney, "Why Compressors Fail Mechanically," Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration News, .sctn..sctn.1-6 (1991) No month available. |
A. Lucas, "Report Airs Concerns About Fluorinated Compounds," Chemical Week (Feb. 8, 1995), p. 12. |
B.D. Greig, "Formulated Polyol Ester Lubricants For Use With HFC 134a," Proceedings of the International CFC and Halon Alternatives Conference, (Sep. 1992) Washington, D.C., pp. 135-145. |
Metals Handbook, Desk Edition, American Society for Metals (1991), pp. 6.64, 7.37 No month available. |
Komatsuzaki and Izuka, "Ester Oils As Lubricant For HFC-134a Refrigerator In Domestic Appliance," Proceedings of the International CFC and Halon Alternatives Conference, (Sep. 1992), Washington, D.C., p. 189. |
K.E. Davis and J.N. Vinci, "Effect of Additives in Synthetic Ester Lubricants Used With HFC-134a Refrigerant," Proceedings of the International CFC and Halon Alternatives Conference, (Sep. 1992) Washington, D.C., p. 125. |