A class of computational problems exists that cannot be solved with presently available computers efficiently in a reasonable amount of time, because the time required to solve such problems increases exponentially with the number of variables in the problem. This class is referred to as problems of nondeterministic polynomial time (NP). It would be beneficial in many fields of study to have a computer capable of solving NP problems in a realistic amount of time.
In one aspect, a computational machine includes an optical device configured to receive energy from an optical energy source and generate a number N1 of optical signals, and a number N2 of coupling devices, each of which controllably couples a plurality of the number N1 optical signals. The coupling devices are individually controlled to simulate a computational problem. In another aspect, a computational machine includes a number N1 of parametric oscillators and a number N2 of coupling devices, each of which controllably couples a plurality of the number N1 of parametric oscillators together. The coupling devices are individually controlled to simulate a computational problem.
A computational machine as described in this disclosure finds absolute or approximate solutions for computational problems, including nondeterministic polynomial time computational problems. Among other solutions, the computational machine finds solutions for computational problems in the complexity class of “nondeterministic polynomial time,” known as “NP” in computational complexity theory, and further finds solutions for NP problems for which no polynomial-time technique is available. A subset of NP problems is NP-complete problems. An NP problem may be mapped to an NP-complete problem with a polynomial time algorithm.
One example of an NP-complete problem is the Ising problem. The Ising problem is to find a lowest-energy configuration, or ground state, for the Ising model. An Ising model represents N sites in a magnetic structure, where a site represents a magnetic dipole, each site is coupled to a number of other sites, and each site has a spin state of either +1 or −1. As the number of sites N and the number of couplings between the sites increases, the complexity of finding the ground states of the model increases exponentially, representing an NP-complete problem.
The computational machine described in this disclosure provides solutions for NP problems. The NP-complete Ising problem is used as a non-limiting example in this disclosure by way of illustration. The computational machine provides solutions for other NP and NP-complete problems also. For example, another NP-complete problem that may be solved using the computational machine is the MAX-CUT problem from graph theory. Other problems include analyses of large social networks, and combinatorial optimization problems.
An Ising problem is explained as including a number N of sites and a matrix J of coupling terms between sites. At approximately N=30, the computational complexity of the problem exceeds the capability of existing supercomputers to find all solutions for all problems in finite time. The computational machine of this disclosure, however, is able to provide a solution for the Ising problem in which N is orders of magnitude greater than N=30. In one embodiment, optical parametric oscillators (OPOs) operating at degeneracy are used to simulate the spins in the Ising model. When pumped by a strong source, a degenerate OPO takes one of two phase states corresponding to spin +1 or −1 in the Ising model. A network of N substantially identical OPOs with mutual coupling are pumped with the same source to simulate an Ising spin system. On introducing the pump, after a transient period, the computational machine converges to one of the ground states and stays in it. The phase state selection process depends on the vacuum fluctuations and mutual coupling of the OPOs. In some implementations, the pump is pulsed at a constant amplitude, in other implementations the pump output is gradually increased, and in yet further implementations, the pump is controlled in other ways.
The computational machine includes a number N1 of degenerate OPOs and a number N2 of configurable couplings used for coupling the optical fields between OPOs. The configurable couplings may be configured to be off, or configured to be on. Turning the couplings on and off may be performed gradually or abruptly. When configured to be on, the configuration may provide any phase or amplitude depending on the coupling matrix (J) of the Ising problem. The computational machine as configured for the Ising problem uses a number M1 of the N1 degenerate OPOs and configures a number M2 of the couplings to be on in a certain state. For some of the Ising problems, each of the M2 couplings are configured to be in the same state. For other problems, the couplings may be configured to be in different states.
When uncoupled, each degenerate OPO produces an output that randomly has either zero phase or π phase. When coupled, the network of OPO1, OPO2, and OPO3 settles into a ground state with non-random outputs, where each output 111, 116, 121, respectively, is at either zero phase or pi phase. Each OPO output is combined with a phase reference 112, 117, or 122, and the result is captured at a photodetector. The OPO outputs 111, 116, 121 represent the Ising model in a ground state. For example, a zero phase may represent a −1 spin state, and a π phase may represent a +1 spin state in the Ising model. Each time the system of
Three pulses of a pulse train with period P equal to one-third of the resonator cavity round-trip time may propagate through triplet OPO 205 of
Generally, to implement a network of a number R of OPOs, for a pulsed pump, the round-trip time of the resonator cavity may be increased so as to be R times the repetition period TR of the pump pulses. Correspondingly, a number R−1 of modulators and delay lines may be used to control amplitude and phase of coupling between OPOs. The network of OPOs can be achieved using commercially available mode locked lasers and optical elements. For one example, a commercial Ti:S mode locked laser with a 1 GHz repetition rate can be used to pump a degenerate OPO with a cavity length of about 6 meters (N=20). Telecom fiber delay lines, modulators, and other optical devices can be used to implement the OPO-based Ising machine. The number of sites N may be increased by increasing the OPO cavity length and/or using a higher repetition rate mode-locked laser.
A computational machine in accordance with this disclosure may be implemented using optical fiber technologies, such as fiber technologies developed for telecommunications applications. For example, to accommodate 100 femto-second (fs) pulses separated by 1 picosecond (ps), a 1 microsecond (μs) long OPO (approximately 200 meters of fiber) can implement 106 OPOs. The couplings can be realized with fibers and controlled by optical Kerr shutters.
A computational machine in accordance with this disclosure may be implemented using miniaturized OPOs, which can be implemented in Planar Lightwave Circuits (PLCs) or using micro and nano resonators.
Having described a computational machine for solving NP problems, a theoretical basis for using the computational machine to solve the Ising problem is next described.
The Ising problem is to find the ground states of the Ising Hamiltonian H (equation (1)) of a magnetic system consisting of N spins, where each spin σj takes either +1 or −1, and Jjl denotes the coupling between the j-th and the l-th spin.
Knowledge of the ground state spin configurations is useful for studying the properties of spin glasses, and helps in solving various combinatorial optimization problems. However, the Ising problem is in the NP-hard category in computational complexity. Many attempts have been undertaken to tackle the believed to be intractable problems by utilizing some analogies with natural systems. For example, a simulated annealing technique mimics the thermal annealing procedure in metallurgy; or alternatively a quantum annealing technique uses the quantum tunneling process. A variant of quantum annealing is quantum adiabatic computation according to the quantum adiabatic theorem. (A comparison of the techniques is presented below with respect to
Degenerate OPOs are open dissipative systems that experience second order phase transition at the oscillation threshold. Because of the phase-sensitive amplification, a degenerate OPO could oscillate with a phase of either 0 or π with respect to the pump phase for amplitudes above the threshold. The phase is random, affected by the quantum noise associated in optical parametric down conversion during the oscillation build-up. Therefore, a degenerate OPO naturally represents a binary digit specified by its output phase. Based on this property, a degenerate OPO system may be utilized as an Ising machine. The phase of each degenerate OPO is identified as an Ising spin, with its amplitude and phase determined by the strength and the sign of the Ising coupling between relevant spins. In the following, a theoretical investigation of the system using a set of classical equations is provided.
A degenerate OPO includes a second order nonlinear crystal placed in an optical cavity. Under the drive of a coherent external pump Fp at frequency ωp, a pump field is excited inside the cavity. Due to the second order susceptibility of the nonlinear crystal, a signal field at frequency ωs is generated from the pump field such that ωp=2ωs. When Fp is classical and its phase is locked to φp=0, then the Hamiltonian H of a degenerate OPO is given by the following equations:
Here, H0 represents the energies of the signal and the pump fields inside the cavity, where âs†, âs are the creation and annihilation operators for the signal field and âp\, âp are the counterparts for the pump field. The first term in Hint describes the nonlinear coupling between the signal and the pump fields, where κ is the parametric gain due to the second order susceptibility of the nonlinear crystal; the second term shows the excitation of the internal pump field by the external pump. Hirr denotes the irreversible interaction between cavity fields and the reservoir, where {circumflex over (B)}s, {circumflex over (B)}p are reservoir operators, and γs, γp are the signal and the pump photon decay rates, respectively, in the cavity.
Dynamic Analysis
Consider the signal and the pump operators in the rotating frame by defining Âs=âseiω
Here, {circumflex over (f)}s, {circumflex over (f)}p are the time dependent noise operators to the signal and the pump fields, respectively.
Possible solution outputs from the network can be obtained by solving the c-number Langevin equations with the signal field of each degenerate OPO starting from the vacuum state. However, the existence of quantum noise inputs in these equations makes the computational cost of this technique relatively expensive. An alternative technique ignores the quantum noise terms and replaces them with a random initial condition. In this way, the differential equations to be dealt with switch from stochastic ones to deterministic ones, which considerably improves the efficiency of the numerical simulation. These two techniques provide very similar results in terms of the success probability of the network in finding a correct answer, when the random initial amplitude of the degenerate OPOs is selected to be the same order of magnitude as the quantum noise strength of the network.
A classical description of the system can be obtained by treating each operator A as a complex number Ã. If the optical cavity is singly resonant with the signal field, γs<<γp, then
follows by the adiabatic approximation. Under the above assumptions, and neglecting the noise terms, the dynamics of a degenerate OPO is governed by equation (8A), where Ãs is the complex amplitude of the signal field and Â*s is its complex conjugate.
Equation 8A simplifies calculation by neglecting the noise term, as described above. Alternatively, noise terms may be added to equation (8A), as shown in equation (8B).
The classical dynamic equations for a system of N coupled degenerate OPOs can be obtained by further including the mutual coupling among the degenerate OPOs. Suppose that the signal amplitude Ãj of the j-th degenerate OPO couples to that of the l-th degenerate OPO by ½ ξjl, then the behavior of the network can be described by a set of N nonlinear differential equations, as shown in (9A) neglecting noise, or in (9B) with a noise term.
The system can also be equivalently described by the dynamics of the real number in-phase components Cj and the quadrature components Sj of the complex amplitudes Ãj. To facilitate the analysis, normalized dynamic equations for the in-phase and quadrature components are utilized (e.g., equations (10), (11)), where
is unitless time,
is normalized pump rate,
is threshold pump flux, and cj=Cj/As, sj=Sj/As are normalized in-phase and quadrature components.
is the signal amplitude of a single degenerate OPO when p=2.
The above equations indicate that the dynamics of the system are influenced by the values of p and ξjl.
Steady State Analysis
For a single degenerate OPO pumped above the threshold, equations (8A), (8B) implies that its quadrature component at the steady state is 0 so that its phase is either 0 or π. If all of the N coupled degenerate OPOs also have the same property, a corresponding spin configuration can be obtained by assigning σj=+1 to the j-th degenerate OPO if cj>0 or σj=−1 if cj<0. Due to the mutual coupling of the degenerate OPOs, appropriate relations between the normalized pump rate p and the coupling strength ξjl are specified to identify each degenerate OPO as an Ising spin at the steady state. In the following, the threshold of the coupled degenerate OPO network and a sufficient condition to guarantee that all the quadrature components of the degenerate OPOs are 0 at the steady state are derived.
Oscillation Threshold
The in-phase and the quadrature components of N coupled degenerate OPOs satisfy equations (12), (13) at the steady state.
A trivial steady state of the system is cj=sj=0, ∀j ∈{1, 2, . . . , N}. To exclude the possibility that the system approaches this steady state, the largest eigenvalue of the corresponding Jacobian matrix (14) has to be positive. IN is the N×N identity matrix, and G is as in (15).
For any hermitian matrix A, let λmin(A) and λmax(A) be its smallest and the largest eigenvalues, respectively. Then, when ξjl=ξlj, j, l ∈{1, 2, . . . , N}, the condition λmax(J0)>0 yields
λmin(G)<p−1 (16)
which gives a lower bound for the normalized pump rate p to excite the oscillation of the network given the mutual coupling ξjl. Since Tr(G)=0, then λmin(G)<0. This suggests that the threshold of the network is smaller than the threshold of its individual components due to the mutual coupling, which shows connections to the self-ignition effect in neural networks.
Quadrature Components
Equation (17) is equation (13), in which the j-th quadrature component is multiplied by sj, and summed over all the equations.
where aj=1+p+cj2, j ∈{1, 2, . . . , N}. The last two terms of equation (17) are in the quadratic form of the matrix, as in (18).
If Q is positive-definite, then sj=0, ∀j ∈{1, 2, . . . , N} is the solution to equations (12), (13). More importantly, this solution can also be approached by the system starting from certain initial conditions. Since the dynamics of the in-phase components are primarily affected by the square of the quadrature components, the local behavior of the in-phase and the quadrature components can be separated. The corresponding Jacobian matrix for the quadrature components is Js=Q, thus steady states with all quadrature components being 0 are stable.
The smallest eigenvalue of Q is still unknown without solving equations (12), (13) to obtain the steady state values of in-phase components. However, a lower bound could be evaluated when Q is hermitian. Q is decomposed as the sum of two hermitian matrices D and G, where D is shown in (19).
From Weyl's theorem, the eigenvalues λ(Q) are bounded by
Since λmin(G)<0, a sufficient condition for Q to be positive-definite is as shown in (21).
The conditions in equation (16) and equation (21) establish guidelines for choosing the appropriate combination of the normalized pump rate p and the coupling strength ξjl to allow each degenerate OPO to represent a binary digit in the network. Yet, it is noteworthy that because of the sufficient nature of equation (21), there are exceptions to these conditions.
Overall Photon Decay Rate
The term p−(cj2+sj2) in equations (10), (11) denotes the saturated gain for the j-th degenerate OPO. At the steady state, the total saturated gain of the whole network equals to the overall photon decay rate Γ such that:
It is expected that the N coupled degenerate OPO network would oscillate in the mode with minimum Γ photon decay rate due to the gain saturation effect.
Suppose that the quadrature components are 0 for all of the degenerate OPOs. When the degenerate OPOs are merely weakly coupled to each other, the in-phase component cj that satisfies equations (12), (13) can be expressed in the formal expansion shown in (23) according to the perturbation theory.
cj=cj(0)+∈cj(1)+∈2cj(2)+ . . . (23)
where ∈=max1≦j,l≦N|ξjl|. Each term cj(n)), n≧0 in (22) can be obtained by substituting the above expansion to equations (12), (13) and setting the coefficient of the ∈n term to be 0. The 0-th order term cj(0)=±√{square root over (p−1)} is the signal amplitude of the j-th degenerate OPO at above the threshold when there is no mutual coupling. The validity of the above expansion for cj indicates that the mutual coupling terms are weak enough to change the phase of the signal field so that σj=sgn(cj(0)) is the Ising spin value that the j-th degenerate OPO represents. The overall photon decay rate is, then, as shown in (24).
The upper bound is evaluated for the case when coupling of the same strength exists between any two of the degenerate OPOs. Therefore, the phase configuration of the network with minimum Γ corresponds to the ground state of the Ising Hamiltonian for sufficiently weak mutual coupling.
To examine the above-mentioned gain principle, the dynamic behavior of two coupled degenerate OPOs was studied. Under the requirement in equation (21), the quadrature components of the system are 0 at steady states. The relative simplicity of the system makes possible the analytic solution for the in-phase components and the investigation of linear stability of these steady states. Some results are summarized in Table 1.
In Table 1, note that ξ is the coupling strength between the two degenerate OPOs, and NA means the corresponding steady state does not exist.
When the system has one and only one stable steady state, this steady state is approachable from any initial state due to the noise associated in the oscillation build-up. When
two degenerate OPOs would have the same amplitude and phase at the steady state; whereas when
they would have the same amplitude but opposite phases. Based upon the spin assignment to each of the degenerate OPOs discussed in the steady state analysis section above, the steady states of the system are exactly mapped onto the ground states of the Ising Hamiltonian.
The critical point at which the system might evolve to an excited state of the Ising Hamiltonian is
according to Table 1. In the limit that no coupling exists, since each degenerate OPO can choose either 0 or π phase independently, the ground states and the excited states are equally likely. Hence, when |ξ| becomes smaller, the success probability of the system finding a ground state of two coupled spins is expected to asymptotically approach to 0.5.
Evaluation Using NP-Hard MAX-CUT Problem, N=3
The performance of coupled degenerate OPO networks as Ising machines can be evaluated on a restricted set of instances in the Ising model. In these instances, each spin couples to three others with anti-ferromagnetic coupling of identical strength ξ . Finding the ground state of these instances is equivalent to findING the maximum cut on unweighted cubic graphs. The MAX-CUT problem is one of the early known NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems. For a graph G=(V, E), where V and E are the sets of nodes and edges, a cut S is a subset of V. Assign σj=+1 to the j-th node if it is in S and σj=−1 if not. When the weight of the edge connecting the j-th and the l-th node is −ξjl, the weight of cut S is given by ω(s) as shown in (25).
Hence, the Ising Hamiltonian in the above equation is minimized when the weight of cut S is maximized. Meanwhile, the MAX-CUT problem restricted to unweighted cubic graphs is still NP-hard. Scaling all the edge weights by the same positive factor does not change the nature of the problem. Hence, even under the restrictions on the number of couplings with other spins and the strength of the coupling, as long as ξ<0, computationally hard instances in the Ising model are still included. Therefore, the ability of the system FOR solving instances in the restricted set provides an appropriate benchmark for its performance as an Ising machine.
The spin configurations of the Ising model with N spins are obtained from the steady states of the corresponding coupled degenerate OPO network by solving the classical dynamic equations (10), (11) under different initial conditions. The initial normalized amplitudes of the degenerate OPOs are set to be 10−5, whereas the initial phases are randomly chosen as N different numbers to simulate the quantum noise associated with the parametric spontaneous down conversion during the oscillation build-up. In a realistic experimental setup, a portion of the signal from one degenerate OPO can be injected to the others. Set the coupling strength ξ=−0.1 to represent a 26 dB loss. For an instance of the Ising model in the restricted set, the hermitian matrix G in equation (15) is the product of −ξ and the adjacency matrix of the associated cubic graph G′. Since the absolute values of the eigenvalues of G′ are upper bounded by 3, the condition in equation (15) is satisfied for any normalized pump rate p>1. Set p=1.1 to guarantee the above threshold oscillation of the network required in equation (16). Then, for the choice of p and ξ, every approached steady state of the system can be mapped onto a spin configuration of the Ising model.
The number of instances of the Ising model in the restricted set is equal to the number of cubic graphs. Table 2 lists the total number of cubic graphs with order N=4 to 20. Due to the small input size of the instances, the ground states of the Ising Hamiltonian in equation (1) can be obtained by examining all the possible combinations by brute force. Then, the success probability of solving equations (10), (11) to find the ground states of the Ising Hamiltonian can be evaluated.
Since all simulations reach to the steady state in 200 normalized time, the trend of the computation time for the system to find the ground states of the Ising Hamiltonian can be estimated using the worst-case success probability q. The number of iterations required to boost the success probability for all instances better than (1−∈)>q is given by (26).
In summary, the above theoretical investigation and numerical simulation demonstrate the potential for implementing the NP-hard Ising model on a coupled degenerate OPO network. Two properties of the network are: the binary output phase of each degenerate OPO makes it possible to represent an Ising spin; and the minimum gain principle is that the oscillation mode of the system is likely to be the one with minimum overall photon decay rate at the steady state. Under weak mutual coupling among the degenerate OPOs, it has been shown that the mode with minimum overall photon decay rate corresponds to the ground spin configuration of the Ising model. For arbitrary coupling strength, preliminary numerical simulations on instances in the Ising model that are equivalent to NP-hard MAX-CUT problems have demonstrated promising results for utilizing the system as an Ising machine.
The results further show the possibility of a new classical heuristic technique which solves the NP-hard Ising model using a set of nonlinear differential equations.
Additional Experimental and Simulation Results
The following includes additional description and results, both experimental and simulation. A portion of the additional description is summarized or restated from above, providing context for the reported results.
The Ising model is a mathematical abstraction of spin glasses composed of frustrated spins which possess peculiar properties such as spin freezing, cusp in magnetic susceptibility, remanence, and hysteresis. The Ising model also serves as a cost function for various combinatorial optimization problems in biology, medicine, wireless communications, artificial intelligence, and social network. These problems are commonly believed to be intractable in computer science, and so far no efficient classical and quantum technique is known for solving them. This disclosure describes a novel computing machine based on non-equilibrium phase transition exhibited by a coherent network of degenerate OPOs, which is efficient in solving Ising problems and other computationally difficult problems. When the network is gradually pumped from below to above the oscillation threshold, it oscillates either in one of the ground states of the Ising Hamiltonian which have the minimum photon loss rate, or in low excess energy excited states which have slightly higher photon loss rates. The network may be realized in one implementation in a single OPO ring cavity with multiple trains of pulses (e.g., femtosecond pulses) and configurable mutual couplings; spins are represented with above-threshold binary phases of the OPO pulses. The smallest nondeterministic polynomial time (NP)-hard Ising problem was programmed on the machine, and in 1000 runs of the machine no computational error was detected.
Many important combinatorial optimization problems belong to the NP-hard or NP-complete classes, and solving them efficiently has been beyond the reach of classical and computational machines. Simulated annealing and various approximate techniques, as well as quantum annealing and adiabatic quantum computation, have been studied for solving NP problems. However, as these computations are limited in their ability, the quest for an efficient computing machine to solve large-scale NP-hard problems has continued. A coherent network of time-division-multiplexed degenerate OPOs provides such an efficient computing machine.
As described above in equation (1), reproduced here, the Hamiltonian H of an Ising model with N spins and without an external field is given by:
where Jij is the coupling between the ith and jth spins, and σi and σj representing the z-projections of the spins, the eigenvalues of which are either +1 or −1. To implement an artificial Ising spin system, elements with binary degrees of freedom and configurable couplings are used.
Degenerate OPOs are suitable to represent Ising spins because of binary phase operation above threshold. or |π
), which are exploited to represent an Ising spin (σi). The couplings between the spins (Jij) are realized by mutual injections of the signal fields of the ith and ith OPOs. The resulting OPO network has a phase-state dependent photon decay rate corresponding to the energy landscape of the original Ising Hamiltonian; different spin configurations (phase states) have different total photon losses in the network, which is illustrated in
The search for the ground states is conducted by gradually raising the gain via increasing the pump field. As the parametric gain approaches the lowest possible loss, the network goes through the OPO phase transition, and as a result it is expected to oscillate in one of the exact or approximate ground states. Further increase in the pump pins the gain to the threshold value and thus erroneous oscillation in the excited states continues to be suppressed. The computational power of the OPO network resides in the transition from below to above the oscillation threshold. Although the below or above-threshold behavior of an OPO network can be simulated on a classical computer, no efficient technique is yet known for comprehensive simulation of the phase transition point. This disclosure describes a numerical model using c-number Langevin equations, which are compatible with fundamental quantum mechanical master equations or Fokker-Planck equations, and the simulation results promise effectiveness of OPO networks in solving relatively large MAX-CUT problems and other difficult problems.
For an experiment, time-division-multiplexing was used, in which a single ring resonator 1110 simulates many Ising spins simultaneously, free from mismatch and phase decoherence noise.
In this experimental setup, the output was sent to a one-bit delay Michelson interferometer 1130 to measure the phase states of the 4-OPO system, as shown in
The 4-OPO system in the experimental setup was pumped with a femtosecond mode locked laser with a central wavelength of 1045 nm, at a repetition period of 4 ns. The pump field was gradually increased from below the oscillation threshold to about two times the oscillation threshold over a time of approximately 180 μs, while the cavity photon lifetime is approximately 60 ns.
Having in-phase (or out-of-phase) couplings among the adjacent OPOs corresponds to ferromagnetic (or antiferromagnetic) couplings in an Ising spin ring with the expected outcome of aligned (or anti-aligned) spins. In the experiment, the shortest delay line was set to in-phase (or out-of-phase) coupling, and the other delay lines blocked. For the in-phase case, the OPOs operated at the same phase states, whereas for the out-of-phase case, the OPOs operated in alternating states. ) or |ππππ
) phase states, confirming that in-phase coupling between OPOn and OPOn+1 leads to all OPOs oscillating in the same phase state. When the phase of delay 1 is around 180°, such that the field of OPOn is shifted by π and injected to OPOn+1, the output intensity remains at 0 level, meaning that the OPOs are either in |0π0π
or |π0π0
). As indicated in
The experimental setup was used to implement an NP-hard MAX-CUT problem, which is mapped to an Ising problem and corresponds to a frustrated Ising spin system. The problem is to find a subset of vertices in a cubic graph, in which all vertices have three edges, such that the number of edges between the subset and its complementary subset is maximized. For a cubic graph with 4 vertices, which has 6 edges, any subset choice with two vertices is an answer of the MAX-CUT problem (or MAX-2-SAT problem), and any other subset choice is not. To program this problem on the OPO Ising machine, the mutual couplings between the OPOs were set to out-of-phase (i.e. Jij<0). The total photon decay rate of the network is lowest for the answers of the MAX-CUT problem corresponding to two OPOs in |0 and two OPOs in |π
, hence upon each gradual pumping the 4-OPO network is expected to oscillate in such a phase state. The phases of the three delays were locked to π using the residual pump interference signal at the transmission port of the input couplers. A plot of the interferometer output is shown in
When a fast detector was used at the interferometer output with all of the couplings blocked, one of the four possible pulse patterns was detected after the 4-OPO system was turned on, as shown in
To verify that the OPO network is capable of solving the NP-hard MAX-CUT problem, the histogram of the OPO states is measured for the case of all the delays locked to the phase of pi for 1000 trials. The OPO network represents the MAX-CUT problem for a 4-vertex graph, and it only oscillates in the phase states corresponding to the answers of this problem. The result is depicted in
In ) and |ππππ
, because the pulse trains of the interferometer output are the same for such phase states. No time reference is used in the measurements, and only the pattern of the pulses are used to infer the phase states: the measured entries for |0π00
, |00π0
, |000π
, and |π000
are the same and equal to the number of measured [1100] patterns divided by 4. Likewise, the entries for |0ππ0
and |00ππ
are the number of [1010] patterns divided by 2.
Thus, a coherent network of time-division-multiplexed degenerate OPOs is capable of solving the NP-hard MAX-CUT problem for N=4. The practical scalability enabled by multi-pulse operation in a long fiber-based ring cavity, simple mapping of the OPO bi-stable phase states to the Ising spin, and intriguing quantum phase transition at the threshold can make the OPO network suitable for obtaining approximate solutions for large-scale NP-hard Ising problems with reasonable accuracy and speed. Time division multiplexing enables increasing the size of the network by increasing the cavity round-trip time (Tcavity=NTR), and implementing N−1 delay lines, with each delay corresponding to one coupling at a given time slot. To program a large-scale machine to arbitrary Ising problems, intensity modulators are used to turn on and off each delay, and phase modulators used to choose either in-phase or out-of-phase couplings. Exploiting optical fiber technologies and planar light wave circuits can enable implementation of compact large Ising machines.
The computational concept of this disclosure is compared with classical and quantum annealing techniques in the illustration in
In contrast, the OPO-based Ising machine searches for the ground state in an upward direction. The total energy (i.e., the ordinate in
To simulate a network of N degenerate OPOs, the quantum mechanical Fokker-Planck equation (Q-FPE) for a single OPO using the generalized P-representation is used as a starting point, as shown in equation (27).
Here as=αs/As and bs=βs/As are the normalized eigenvalues for the off-diagonal coherent-state expansion, |αsβs|, of the density matrix, γs and γp are the signal and pump photon decay rates, As=(γpγs/2κ2)1/2 is the oscillation field amplitude at a normalized pump rate p=Fp/Fth=2, t=(γs/2)τ is the normalized time, Fp is the pump field amplitude, Fth=γpγs/4κ is the threshold pump amplitude. The average amplitudes of in-phase and quadrature-phase components of the signal wave are derived by equations (28), (29).
/2 (28)
/2i (29)
Equation (27) can be cast into the c-number Langevin equation (C-LGE) for the in-phase and quadrature-phase components of the signal field via the Kramers-Moyal expansion, as shown in equations (30), (31).
In equations (30), (31), c=½(as+bs), s=(½i)(as−bs), and dW1 and dW2 are two independent Gaussian noise processes which represent the incident vacuum fluctuations at signal frequency ωs and pump frequency ωp, respectively.
The equivalence of the Q-FPE (equation (7)) and C-LGE (equations (30), (31)) can be confirmed by comparing the squeezing and anti-squeezing characteristics of the two quadrature components using equations (32), (33) for the Q-FPE and equations (34), (35) for C-LGE.ΔAs12
2 (32)
2 (33)
2 (34)
2) (35)
The degrees of squeezing and anti-squeezing obtained by the two Q-FPE and C-LGE techniques completely agree at a pump rate across the threshold (p=1).
The Q-FPE and C-LGE for an injection-locked laser oscillator can be extended to the mutually coupled degenerate OPOs using equation (27) or equations (30), (31). The resulting C-LGEs for a network of degenerate OPOs are given by equations (36), (37).
Here, cj and sj are the normalized amplitudes of two quadrature components of the j-th OPO, which corresponds to c and s in equations (30), (31).
Performance of the proposed network of degenerate OPOs as an Ising machine was tested against the NP-hard MAX-CUT problems on cubic graphs for N=4 to N=20 and on random graphs for N=800 to N=20000. For a graph with N vertices, the 2N C-LGEs are solved by the Dormand-Prince method as the differential equation solver, in which adaptive integration strength is introduced by evaluating the local truncation error.
Table 3 summarizes performance of the OPO network in solving MAX-CUT problems on cubic graphs. Here, qmin denotes the worst-case success probabilities at a fixed pump rate p=1.1 and coupling coefficient ξ=−0.1, popt denotes the optimal pump rate for each worst-case instance, at which the optimum success probability qopt is achieved under the same coupling coefficient ξ=−0.1. The success probability at the optimum pump rate for the worst instance is independent of the graph order and ranges from approximately 0.7-1.0.
The performance of the OPO network in solving the MAX-CUT problems has also been examined on 71 benchmark instances of the so-called G-set graphs when p=1.1 and ξ=−0.1. These instances are randomly constructed by a machine-independent Rinaldi graph generator, with the number of vertices ranging from 800 to 20000, edge density from 0.02% to 6%, and geometry from random, almost planar to toroidal. The outcomes of running the OPO network 100 times for sample G-set graphs are summarized in Table 4. In Table 4, V is the number of vertices in the graph, E is the number of edges, USDP is the optimal solution to the semidefinite relaxation of the MAX-CUT problem, and T is the average computation time of the OPO network normalized to the cavity photon lifetime. To make comparisons with the Goemans-Williamson algorithm, every cut value O generated from the network is normalized according to (O+Eneg)/(USDP+Eneg), where Eneg≧0 is the number of negative edges. Omax and Oavg are the best and the average values in 100 runs, respectively.
It can be seen that both the best and average outputs of the OPO network are about 2-6% better than the 0.878-performance guarantee of the celebrated Goemans-Williamson algorithm based on semidefinite programming (SDP). Since the differences between the best and the average values are within 1% for most of the instances, reasonable performance is expected for the OPO network even in a single run, which makes the OPO network favorable for applications when response time is the utmost priority. In addition, there is further room to improve the performance, for example by applying local improvement to the raw outcomes of the OPO network and operating the OPO network under optimum pump rate of p and coupling strength of ξ.
The average computational time of the OPO network in solving the MAX-CUT problem on the worst-case cubic and G-set graphs is displayed in
Measurement of Phase States
For the 4-OPO system (
Experimental Setup
A system similar to the one shown in
A 1-mm long, Brewster-cut, MgO:PPLN crystal has a poling period of 31.254 μm, which is designed to provide degenerate parametric gain for a pump at 1035 nm with type 0 phase matching (e→e+e) at 373 K temperature. The crystal operates at room temperature in the OPO, and even though the phase matching condition is not optimal for the pump (centered at 1045 nm), degenerate operation is achieved by length tuning of the cavity.
Input and output coupling of the signal are achieved with 2-μm thick nitrocellulose pellicles to avoid dispersion in the cavity and etalon effects. In
The pump is a free-running mode-locked Yb-doped fiber laser (Menlo Systems Orange) producing approximately 80 fs pulses centered at 1045 nm with a repetition rate of 250 MHz, and maximum average power of >1 W. The filter is a long pass filter at 1850 nm on a Ge substrate to eliminate the pump and transmit the signal.
Gradual pumping is achieved by the chopper, as it causes a rise time (10-90% power) of 180 μs for introducing the pump. The cavity photon lifetime for the signal is estimated to be 60 ns, and the network is pumped approximately 2.2 times above threshold.
Five feedback servo controllers were used to stabilize the length of the cavity, the phase of the delay lines, and the arm-length difference of the interferometer. The controllers are based on a “dither-and-lock” scheme, where a slight modulation (less than 10 nm amplitude at a frequency between 5 and 20 kHz) is applied to a fast PZT, and the error signal is generated electronically by mixing the detector output and the modulated signal. Identical electronic circuits are used with a controller 3-dB bandwidth of 10 Hz.
For the delay lines, the interference of the pump at the other port of the input couplers is used as the input of the controller, and the controller locks the length to achieve destructive interference on the detector, which results in constructive interference on the other port that enters the cavity. The arm length difference of the interferometer is also locked similarly. No phase stabilization is required for the path from the OPO to the interferometer since all the OPO pulses experience the same path and phase change.
The servo controllers used in the experiment suffice for implementation of the Ising machine, and no stabilization on the pump is required. Slow changes (within the response time of the controller) in the carrier-envelop offset frequency (fCEOp) and repetition rate (fR) of the pump do not affect the operation of the Ising machine. Smooth changes in fR of the pump is intrinsically transferred to the signal since signal pulses are generated from pump pulses. However, the effects of changes in fCEOp on the Ising machine require taking into account the intrinsic phase locking of the degenerate OPO as well as the role of servo controllers.
The primary task of the servo controller of the OPO is to maximize the output power by matching the roundtrip phase in the resonator to the pulse to pulse phase slip of the pump (Δφp). The pulse to pulse phase slip is related to fCEOp by
Assuming the carrier fields for the pump and the signal pulses are defined as exp(jωpt+φp) and exp(jωst+φs), respectively, the phase-sensitive gain dictates φp as shown in equation (39).
φp=2φs+π/2 (39)
Therefore, if the carrier phase of the pump changes by Δφp from one pulse to next, for a single OPO (Tcavity=TR), the pulse to pulse phase slip of the signal is given in equation (40).
Δφs=Δφp/2 (40)
This means that the phase slip of the signal pulses is locked to the phase slip of the pump with a factor of half, which consequently means the fCEO of the pump and signal are locked; the servo loop provides feedback to the cavity to follow this phase slip and maximize the output power. A similar behavior also happens for a doubly-resonant OPO operating away from degeneracy, with a different ratio between the fCEO of the pump and signal.
For N OPOs in the cavity (i.e., Tcavity=NTR), when all OPOs are in the same phase state, the pulse to pulse phase slip in the pump transfers to the OPO to OPO phase slip by a factor of half Changing phase state from one OPO to another simply means adding it to the phase slip. When a delay line is locked to the top of the interference fringe of the pump pulses, the phase change provided by the delay line at the pump wavelength compensates the pulse to pulse phase slip of pump (i.e., φD (ωp)=Δφp). At the signal wavelength, because ωs=ωp/2 this phase change in the delay line is half (i.e., φD (ωs)=φD (ωp)/2), which means that the servo controller compensates the OPO to OPO phase slip resulting from the fCEOp.
Locking a delay line to top of the fringe of pump pulses corresponds to having either 0 or π phase change for the signal. This is also true for the interferometer. In the experiments, for all the servo controllers, it was possible to precisely tune the length from one fringe to the next. This provided the ability to try different configurations and find the desired coupling phases.
When no output coupler is used in the cavity, the OPO has a threshold of 6 mW of pump average power. With all the output and input couplers in the cavity, the threshold reaches 135 mW. Oscillation at degeneracy and away from degeneracy can be achieved depending on the cavity length. The OPO is pumped with 290 mW and the main output of the OPO has 15 mW of average power at degeneracy centered at 2090 nm with the spectrum shown in
With the network configured to the MAX-CUT problem, the phase of the delays was scanned one by one, and the results shown in
Time division multiplexing facilitates scalability of the OPO network, and it benefits from intrinsically identical nodes in the network. It is also worth noting that for an Ising problem with N sites, the number of possible couplings (Jij) is N2−N. However, in the time-division-multiplexed network only N−1 delay lines are required for realizing these couplings, which means that the physical size of the machine scales linearly with N.
A network of N OPOs can be realized in a single ring resonator with a round-trip time of Tcavity=NTR (TR is the pulse-to-pulse interval), and constructing N−1 delay lines. A fiber-based implementation of such a machine is illustrated in
Similar to the 4-OPO network, each delay line provides a delay of equal to an integer multiple of the repetition period (mTR), and is responsible for multiple of the Ising coupling terms in the form of J(i)(i+m). In one delay line, each of these couplings happens at one time slot, and one can use electro-optic phase and amplitude modulators (EOM) to synchronously switch the delay on and off depending on whether the corresponding coupling term is zero or not. This can be extended to synchronously controlling the phases and strengths of the couplings through the delay lines, and hence programming any arbitrary Ising problem on the machine.
Thus has been described an optical computing machine scalable to solve complex computing problems. The computing machine uses time division multiplexing of optical pulses, in a network of OPOs implemented in an optical cavity or in optical fibers (or a combination of an optical cavity and optical fibers). The pump energy may be of constant amplitude, or may be of increasing amplitude starting below an oscillation threshold. Optical couplers are used to couple the OPOs together through delay components. The couplers may be introduced abruptly or gradually, and may be introduced before or after pumping begins. The phase states of the OPOs are measured, and the phase states alone or in combination indicate a solution to a computational problem. The measurement may be performed below or above the oscillation threshold (i.e., a quantum or a classical measurement, respectively.)
In the embodiments described in this disclosure, reference has been made to various types of system control, such as pump control, optical coupling control, and mirror control. For example, the pump frequency, ramp rate, amplitude, gain and other parameters may be controlled, and the optical coupling devices may be controlled to be on or off, and for abrupt or gradual change between on and off. Additionally, reflective surfaces in an optical cavity or in an interferometer may be controlled to set or fine-tune path length or configuration. Control of the optical couplings and control of the reflective surfaces may be individual, in banks, or all together. By way of example, optical coupling devices may be controlled individually, or as a group. Control of these various devices may be performed by one or more computing devices, as indicated in
An embodiment of the disclosure relates to a non-transitory computer-readable storage medium having computer code thereon for performing various computer-implemented operations. The term “computer-readable storage medium” is used herein to include any medium that is capable of storing or encoding a sequence of instructions or computer codes for performing the operations, methodologies, and techniques described herein. The media and computer code may be those specially designed and constructed for the purposes of the disclosure, or they may be of the kind well known and available to those having skill in the computer software arts. Examples of computer-readable storage media include, but are not limited to: magnetic media such as hard disks, floppy disks, and magnetic tape; optical media such as CD-ROMs and holographic devices; magneto-optical media such as optical disks; and hardware devices that are specially configured to store and execute program code, such as ASICs, programmable logic devices (PLDs), and ROM and RAM devices.
Examples of computer code include machine code, such as produced by a compiler, and files containing higher-level code that are executed by a computer using an interpreter or a compiler. For example, an embodiment of the disclosure may be implemented using Java, C++, or other object-oriented programming language and development tools. Additional examples of computer code include encrypted code and compressed code. Moreover, an embodiment of the disclosure may be downloaded as a computer program product, which may be transferred from a remote computer (e.g., a server computer) to a requesting computer (e.g., a client computer or a different server computer) via a transmission channel. Another embodiment of the disclosure may be implemented in hardwired circuitry in place of, or in combination with, machine-executable software instructions.
While certain conditions and criteria are specified herein, it should be understood that these conditions and criteria apply to some embodiments of the disclosure, and that these conditions and criteria can be relaxed or otherwise modified for other embodiments of the disclosure.
As used herein, the singular terms “a,” “an,” and “the” include plural referents unless the context clearly dictates otherwise. Thus, for example, reference to an object can include multiple objects unless the context clearly dictates otherwise.
As used herein, the terms “substantially”, “approximately” and “about” are used to describe and account for small variations. When used in conjunction with an event or circumstance, the terms can refer to instances in which the event or circumstance occurs precisely as well as instances in which the event or circumstance occurs to a close approximation. For example, the terms can refer to less than or equal to ±10%, such as less than or equal to ±5%, less than or equal to ±4%, less than or equal to ±3%, less than or equal to ±2%, less than or equal to ±1%, less than or equal to ±0.5%, less than or equal to ±0.1%, or less than or equal to ±0.05%.
While the invention has been described with reference to the specific embodiments thereof, it should be understood by those skilled in the art that various changes may be made and equivalents may be substituted without departing from the true spirit and scope of the invention as defined by the appended claim(s). In addition, many modifications may be made to adapt a particular situation, material, composition of matter, method, operation or operations, to the objective, spirit and scope of the invention. All such modifications are intended to be within the scope of the claim(s) appended hereto. In particular, while certain methods may have been described with reference to particular operations performed in a particular order, it will be understood that these operations may be combined, sub-divided, or re-ordered to form an equivalent method without departing from the teachings of the invention. Accordingly, unless specifically indicated herein, the order and grouping of the operations is not a limitation of the invention.
This application is a national stage entry of International Application No. PCT/US2014/046025 filed Jul. 9, 2014, which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application 61/844,322 filed Jul. 9, 2013 to Marandi et al., titled “Quantum Computing Using Coupled Parametric Oscillators,” the contents of which are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind |
PCT/US2014/046025 | 7/9/2014 | WO | 00 |
Publishing Document | Publishing Date | Country | Kind |
WO2015/006494 | 1/15/2015 | WO | A |
Number | Name | Date | Kind |
20060239695 | Sayyah | Oct 2006 | A1 |
20090135860 | Maleki et al. | May 2009 | A1 |
20100321765 | Caprara | Dec 2010 | A1 |
20110194172 | Esteban Martin et al. | Aug 2011 | A1 |
20120194893 | Maleki | Aug 2012 | A1 |
20130162952 | Lippey et al. | Jun 2013 | A1 |
20140016168 | Marandi et al. | Jan 2014 | A1 |
20140218717 | Zhang | Aug 2014 | A1 |
20140270786 | Poddar | Sep 2014 | A1 |
20150002920 | Shi | Jan 2015 | A1 |
20160243261 | Min | Aug 2016 | A1 |
Entry |
International Search Report for International Application No. PCT/US2014/046025 dated Oct. 27, 2014, 3 pages. |
Written Opinion of the International Searching Authority (ISA/KR) for International Application No. PCT/US2014/046025 dated Oct. 27, 2014, 6 pages. |
Number | Date | Country | |
20160162798 A1 | Jun 2016 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
61844322 | Jul 2013 | US |