Computer programming language statement building and information tool


  • Patent Grant
  • 6311323
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Tuesday, September 7, 1999
    25 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, October 30, 2001
    22 years ago
An intelligent real time tool to assist a computer programmer during the writing and/or maintenance of a computer program. The tool generates assist windows that contain program related information that the programmer can use to construct a programming language statement and/or to obtain real time information about a programming language statement. An assist window can be automatically displayed as determined by the tool itself, and/or manually displayed on demand in response to a user input command. An assist window displays two general categories of information including but not limited to selection menu information based on a partial compilation of all programming language statements, and informational displays based on a partial compilation and a reverse parse of an immediate programming language statement. The statement generating tool assist windows are non-intrusive to programmer input and can be ignored by the programmer by merely continuing to type an immediate programming language statement without interacting with the assist windows that are proximate the programming language statement being constructed by the programmer.


This invention relates to the field of computer programming tools and in particular to an intelligent real time tool to assist a computer programmer during the writing, evaluation, and/or maintenance of a computer program.


Two related problems exist in the field of computer programming that include, but are not limited to, generating a computer program quickly and accurately on a first attempt, and maintaining a computer program with a minimal amount of effort once a computer program exists. The two related problems exist due to many factors that include, but are not limited to, the increasing complexity of computer programs generally, the architectural modularity of computer programs, and the increasing distribution of programmers that are contributing to a common program across campuses, countries, and even continents. Each of these factors places a premium on the efficiency of a programmer whose role is to develop and/or maintain a computer program.

It is a problem for a computer programmer to generate a computer program in a high level programming language quickly and accurately on a first attempt. To generate a large and/or complex computer program, the programmer must be able to enter computer programming language statements quickly and accurately in a traditionally manual process that is also referred to as “writing code” or “coding”. The process of entering computer programming language statements is typically done one keystroke and one statement at a time by way of a typewriter style keyboard input system that commonly accompanies most computing systems.

As a computer program evolves during the coding process, accuracy becomes a particular problem due in part to the arcane syntax of programming languages in addition to the often cryptic grammar and/or spelling that is characteristic of programmer-declared object entities in a computer program, such as variable names, parameter names, structure names, structure members, object names, object property types, and the like. Not only must references to a declared entity be spelled correctly, the declared entity must also be used in the correct context and syntax if the resulting computer program is expected to compile without errors and/or execute as intended.

Examples of commercially available and widely used programming languages include, but are not limited to, object oriented programming languages such Visual Basic or C++. Object oriented programming languages, as with most traditionally used high level programming languages, contain types of programming language statements that can be grouped into two basic categories. The basic categories include, but are not limited to, operator embedded statements and procedure calls. For example purposes only, object oriented programming language examples are the focus of the remaining discussion.

An operator embedded statement includes at least one defined object entity that is used with varying combinations of unary, binary, and/or assignment operators. An object entity is a basic building block of an object oriented programming language statement and typically includes a hierarchical object name and member name format such as the following:

<object name> <operator> <member name>

where <object name> and <member name> are discrete hierarchical segments of an object oriented programming language structure. An <operator> is a character defined by the programming language syntax that in the present example separates, delineates and/or indicates a syntactic relationship, between an object and a member of the object. Common examples of these delimiting type operator characters include the dot “.” and the pointer “→” characters, in addition to the parenthesis “( )” and the square brackets “[ ]”.

There are typically multiple objects defined in an object oriented computer program, any one of which can be used for the <object name> segment of a programming language statement. For any given object identified by <object name>, there can be multiple members and/or levels of members that can be validly used for the <member name> segment of a programming language statement. A named member is often referred to as a property or method. A valid combination of <object name> and <member name> together define an object entity that may be of any type including, but not limited to, a variable of some data type, a symbolic constant of some data type, or an array or structure or union, or any portion thereof.

Sets of <object name> and <member name> object entities can be separated by or used in conjunction with operators that can include, but are not limited to, logical, bitwise logical, relational, arithmetic, or character manipulation operators, from the well known sets of unary, binary, and assignment operators that are common among programming languages. Unary, binary, and assignment operators can include the above identified delimiter operators in addition to any one or combination of the set of characters {=−+*{circumflex over ( )}!:<>/}. One example of object entities used in an expression is the following simple assignment statement:

<object name>. <member name>=<value>

where <value> is some object entity or constant having a data type that is compatible with the object entity defined by <object name> and <member name>. Another example of object entities used in an expression can include:

<object entity 1>=<object entity 2>+<object entity 3>

However, with any of the above exemplary constructions of programming language statements, in addition to the variety of constructions not shown herein, at least one object entity must be constructed somewhere within the programming language statement. It is the construction of even one object entity that presents the opportunity for typographical errors, incorrect syntax, and other human programmer introduced problems.

Another fundamental category of programming language statement is the procedure call, also referred to as a function call. A procedure call can, but is not required to, include at least one argument in an argument list. The terms argument and argument list are often used as synonyms with and/or mixed and matched with the terms parameter and parameter list. For purposes of this discussion the terms argument and argument list are used. An argument is another type of object entity in a programming language. The basic format of a procedure call typically includes a procedure name followed by a comma-separated argument list within parentheses as follows:

<procedure name>(<argument 1>, . . . , <argument n>)

The argument list may include mandatory or optional arguments or no arguments at all. If no arguments exist the paretheses may be present but empty or the parentheses may not exist at all. An argument can be an individual object entity or an expression as discussed above with embedded operators, or the argument can itself be a procedure call or an object having a selection of members to choose from. A common requirement of nested procedure calls is that the return value of the lowest level nested call must be returned so that a value exists for the argument that is the procedure call.

However, regardless of the number of arguments or the type of argument in an argument list for a given procedure call, each argument must resolve to a value of a specific type that is compatible with the argument definition. Further, each value for each argument must be located in a specific position in an argument list to avoid errors. It is the procedure name and the type, order, and mandatory or optional nature of arguments for the procedure that present numerous opportunities for typographical errors, incorrect syntax, and other human programmer introduced problems.

The difficulty in writing programming language statements is that the programmer must remember the statement syntax in addition to the spelling of and selection of the member names that correspond to the named object. Even if the same programmer is declaring and later referencing an object or member name, it can be easy to forget the exact spellings when there are hundreds of objects and members named in a complex program. This problem is even more pronounced where one programmer names an object and another programmer is expected to remember the cryptic name definition in an environment where the two programmers may not even know each other and may even be in different countries. Thus, in either case if a programmer can not remember either the syntax, spelling, or selection options that are necessary to complete a given programming language statement, then the programmer must stop and either look up the information in an on-line help system, printed manual pages, or consult a helpful co-worker who may know the answer. However, the result of having to stop to look up information is disruptive and very inefficient.

One solution to the above stated program generating problem is to simply enter programming language statements as rapidly as possible with little concern for precision of syntax, spelling, or selection options. Once some number of programming language statements have been entered, the program can be compiled to use the compiler as a filter to flag syntax, spelling, and option errors or incompatibilities. The programmer can then make an error correcting pass through the computer program to correct each error flagged by the compiler and repeat the error filtering process as many times as is necessary until the program is complete. However, this error filtering approach is extremely inefficient and has the potential to introduce large quantities of errors that can be difficult to distinguish in an overwhelming cascade of compiler errors. Further, some errors may escape the compiler altogether, only to be discovered as run time errors or logic errors.

It is also a problem for a computer programmer to maintain a computer program, or portion thereof, that was written by another programmer or was written by the same programmer long enough ago that specific details may have been forgotten. This is a particular problem in large and/or complex programs. In either case it is necessary for the maintaining computer programmer to become quickly familiar with all aspects of the maintained program. This means that the programmer must look up all structures, names, argument lists, choices, variables, and declared constants that are used in the body of a program which can take hours or days of searching depending on the complexity of a program and availability of information. Thus, working through unfamiliar computer programs can be a difficult and time consuming task.

Existing programming language coding techniques rely on a programmer's attention-to-detail, ongoing access to reference materials, peer code reviews, and other inefficient methods, none of which lend themselves to generating and/or maintaining large amounts of complex programming language code with any level of efficiency and accuracy. For these reasons, there exists a long felt need for a programming tool to assist the programmer in writing and/or maintaining a computer program accurately and efficiently. Such a solution has heretofore not been known prior to the disclosure set forth and claimed below.


The above identified problems are solved and an advancement made in he programming tool field by the computer programming language statement building and information tool of the present invention. The present invention generates assist windows that contain program related information for use by a programmer to construct a programming language statement and/or to obtain real time information about a programming language statement. Constructing a programming language statement is a process referred to as statement building. The assist windows can be automatically displayed as determined by the tool itself. Alternatively, and/or in combination with the automatic features, a programmer can manually request that an assist window be displayed on demand. The automatic display feature can be enabled and disabled independent of and without inhibiting the manually requested assist window display feature of the present invention.

An assist window displays two general categories of information including, but not limited to, selection menu information, and informational display. One important feature of the statement generating tool is that assist windows are non-intrusive and can be ignored by the programmer by merely continuing to type an immediate programming language statement at a present character position cursor location without interacting with the assist windows. The assist windows continue to appear, disappear, and/or update in a location proximate to but out of the way of the present character position cursor location so long as the automatic assist window display feature is enabled.

Selection menu information in an assist window includes any finite list of previously declared entities and/or entity types that can validly be included at the present character position cursor location in a programming language statement. A selection menu includes at least one menu item. The set of the at least one menu item in a given selection menu is defined by the portion of the programming language statement that immediately precedes the present character position cursor location. A menu item being displayed in a selection menu can be accepted by the programmer in a manner that results in the selected menu item being automatically inserted into the immediate programming language statement at the present character position cursor location without the programmer having to type any or all of the characters of the selected menu item. Thus, a selection menu assist window supplies information about a programming language statement and the ability to build all or part of a programming language statement in a manner that the programmer can use or ignore individally or in combination according to the programmer's immediate needs.

The content of an informational display assist window can include, but is not limited to, a map of the argument list options for a procedure call that is identified by the present character position cursor location, specific values associated with defined constants in a programming language statement, and general programming language statement help information. For example, an argument list for a procedure call can include a highlighted argument that indicates the present character position cursor location within the argument list. The argument list may also include individual font, typeface, or additional characters to distinguish between mandatory and optional arguments within an argument list. The informational display assist window displays procedure call arguments in argument list order accompanied by any options that may exist for each argument in the list. An individual argument that requires or will accept a previously defined entry, may be selected from an overlapping selection menu as previously disclosed. Specific argument information can include, but is not limited to, a name, type, selectable value, and/or default value.

The information provided within any of the above identified assist windows supplies the programmer with just enough information to complete the immediate segment of a programming language statement without having to enter additional characters to complete of the programming language statement, and without having to pause and consult notes or manual pages, or to recall details, to decide what segment of the programming language statement is required next. The result is increased programmer productivity due to the accuracy and speed in which programming language statement can be produced on a first attempt. This advantage is realized for a single programmer who is generating all modules or objects of a computer program alone, and more particularly when multiple programmers are each separately generating a few modules or objects in a very large and/or complex software system where one programmer has no idea of the spelling or selection of named entities defined by another programmer.

Automated assist windows appear based on a determination of the possible choices that exist in view of the programming language statement characters and/or identifiers immediately preceding the character position cursor. A continuous high-level compilation occurs as each character in each line of programming language code is entered so that symbols, labels, and names can be instantly resolved for the immediate programming language statement whether the defined entity being referred to is a local program definition or a global library definition. Alternatively, manually invoked assist windows appear on demand based on a user request. The information displayed in an assist window is determined by first parsing the programming language string proximate to the present character position cursor. From the tokens of the parsed programming language string, the system then determines the type of programming language statement that exists, and any information that might be displayed about the immediate programming language statement. In the preferred embodiment the parsing is done as a reverse parse, however, any parsing technique can be used.

The statement generating and information tool is operable in any computing environment in the range of environments from a personal computer to a workstation and mainframe, provided that the computing environment supports a programming language compiler either directly or by way of a network connection. In a typical embodiment the computing environment is a general purpose personal computer having a windows based operating system and programming language compiler running on a typical processor that is operatively attached to input/output devices including but not limited to a display screen, keyboard, and mouse.


FIG. 1

illustrates a block diagram of an exemplary computing environment in which the present invention can be implemented;

FIGS. 2-6

illustrate a stepwise progression of selection menu assist windows in screen display form;

FIGS. 7-9

illustrate a stepwise progression of informational display assist windows in screen display form;

FIG. 10

illustrates an overview of the assist window operational steps in flow diagram form;

FIG. 11

illustrates an overview of the automated assist window operational steps in flow diagram form;

FIG. 12

illustrates details of a commit key operation in the context of the automated assist window operational steps in flow diagram form; and

FIGS. 13A and 13B

illustrate an overview of the manually requested assist window operational steps in flow diagram form.


Exemplary Computing Environment—

FIG. 1

FIG. 1

illustrates a block diagram example of a general purpose computer system


that is suitable for use with the present invention. However, the present invention is operable in any of the several computing environments that can include a variety of hardware, operating systems, and program modules that are all commercially available in the industry. Program modules include, but are not limited to, routines, programs, components, data structures, and the like that perform particular tasks and/or implement particular abstract data types. Moreover, persons skilled in the art appreciate that the invention can be practiced with other computer system configurations including, but not limited to, hand-held devices, network computers, multiprocessor based systems, microprocessor-based or other general purpose or proprietary programmable consumer electronics, minicomputers, mainframes, and the like. The present invention may also be practiced in distributed computing environments where tasks are performed by remote processing devices that are linked through communications networks. In a distributed computing environment, program modules may be located in and/or executed from local and/or remote memory storage devices.

The present invention and any other necessary programmed instructions and/or commands are executable on processor


. Processor


stores and/or retrieves programmed instructions and/or data from memory devices that can include, but are not limited to, Random Access Memory (RAM)


and Read Only Memory (ROM)


by way of memory bus


. Another accessible memory device includes non-volatile memory device


by way of local bus


. User input to computer system


is entered by way of keyboard


and/or pointing device


. Human readable output from computer system


can be viewed on display


or in printed form on local printer


. Alternatively, computer system


is accessible by remote users for purposes that can include debugging, input, output and/or generating human readable displays in printed and/or display screen output form, or any other output form, by way of a Local Area Network (LAN) or Wide Area Network (WAN)



Selection Menu Assist Windows—

FIGS. 2-6

FIGS. 2-6

illustrate a stepwise progression of display screen snapshots for an operator embedded programming language statement that is being constructed by a programmer using a typical object oriented programming language. The type of assist window most commonly used to facilitate the construction of an operator embedded programming language statement is called a selection menu assist window. The examples discussed and/or referred to in this document are generic object oriented programming language statements. However, the present invention can be implemented within the structure of any programming language and no limitation is intended or implied by the object oriented examples herein.

A selection menu assist window itself, as with any type of assist window, is the visual user interface component that makes the present invention particularly useful to a programmer who is generating, modifying, or reviewing a computer program. A selection menu is a drop-down style window that is a common window user interface feature. A drop-down window is also known as a pop-up menu or pop-up window, and typically includes standard window features such as overflow text slide-bars, default selection highlighting, random pointing device menu manipulation and selection control, and keyboard directional arrow key menu manipulation and enter key selection control.

A selection menu assist window displays a finite list of syntactically valid menu items that are based on previously defined object entities. Each menu item in a given selection menu assist window is also only applicable to the immediate section of the programming language statement that is proximate the character position cursor on the programmer's display screen. Choosing from the finite list of menu items saves the programmer from having to independently recall the list of valid possibilities that can be used to complete an immediate section of a programming language statement. Choosing from the finite list of menu items also saves the programmer from having to manually enter each keystroke of an immediate section of a programming language statement and minimizes the chances that the programmer might inadvertently enter a typographical error into a programming language statement.

A menu item from a selection menu assist window is used to build part of a programming language statement if the menu item has been selected and committed. A menu item is said to have been selected if menu item for use in the immediate programming language statement by way of a windows based screen pointing device such as a mouse for example, or by positioning a present menu item indicator bar such as a highlight bar over the desired menu item using keyboard directional keys. Accepting a highlighted selection, also known as committing, is accomplished by engaging any one of a set of predefined commit keys such as a {Space} or {Enter} key, or the dot “.” character. The set of predefined commit keys includes any character that functions as a delimiter in a programming language statement and is programming language specific. Common delimiter type commit keys can include, but are not limited to, {Enter}, {Space} and any one of the set of {.=,( )+−*{circumflex over ( )}<>:!}. In the context of the present invention, a commit key serves no commit function at all if the selected menu item is not also highlighted. The assist window can be removed from view on the display screen by pressing the {Escape} key or by moving the character position cursor.

A menu item in a selection menu can also be entered into a programming language statement by anticipation typing a sufficient number of characters to uniquely correspond to only one menu item. When enough characters are entered for an exact match, the corresponding menu item is automatically used to replace the immediate section of the programming language statement when a commit key is entered. Regardless of the type of entities listed in the selection menu, a selection menu assist window is displayed in a preferred embodiment proximate to the present character position cursor location. The contents of a selection menu assist window is determined by reverse parsing and/or continuous partial compiling of the existing program and that portion of the programming language statement fragment that precedes the character position cursor.

FIG. 2

illustrates an example of a programming language edit display window


as it might appear at time T


on the display screen of a personal computer. For purposes of this example, assume that a programmer is writing a computer program comprised of programming-language statements


that, among other things, define an object having the name mytext as a standard TextBox type supported by the programming language. The object of the present discussion is the programming language statement


that begins with the member name mytext


. The operational purpose of programming language statement


is to change the font of the object mytext


into underlined text.

FIG. 2

illustrates the time when the programmer has typed the characters mytext


in the programming language statement


so that the character position cursor


is at the character position following the last character of mytext



FIG. 3

illustrates the programming language edit display window



FIG. 2

at a new time T


. At time T


the programmer has typed the member access separator character


, in the present case the dot “.” character, following the last character of the object name mytext. In response to typing the member access separator character


, the statement building tool of the present invention determines the set of menu items that correspond to the object type mytext and a selection menu assist window


is displayed proximate the present character position cursor


. The selection menu assist window


contains a set of menu items




, any one of which can be validly included in the present programming language statement at the immediate location of character position cursor


. Each of the set of menu items




has a member type, such as a property member type, a method member type, or a constant member type. The member type for a given menu item is identified by a bitmap that is adjacent to the menu item. For menu item


for example, there exists a bitmap


and a member name


of Alignment. The member type for each of the set of menu items




in the

FIG. 3

example are all a property type. The member name


is the present menu item as identified by the present menu item indicator. The present menu item indicator notes the present menu item from among the set of visible menu items




by a broken line enclosure.

The programmer can scroll through the set of menu items




using either the standard keyboard directional keys {Up}, {Down}, {Page Up}, and {Page Down}, or by using the window scroll buttons




and/or scroll bars


. Note that the selection menu assist window


is only large enough to display the set of menu items




and that the purpose of the scroll feature is because at least one more menu item might exist outside the immediate view of the present window and the menu items must be scrolled up or down to see any out-of-view menu items. Committing one of the set of menu items




is accomplished by pressing the {Control-Enter} or {Tab} keyboard keys when the desired menu item is highlighted, or by double clicking the desired menu item using the selection button on a screen pointing device. In either case, the selected menu item is inserted into the programming language statement


from the present location of the character position cursor


. Any text between the last delimiter and the character position cursor is replaced by the menu item.

FIG. 4

illustrates a second set of previously out-of-view menu items




at a time T


within selection menu window


. The previously out-of-view menu items




are revealed by either the traditional scrolling methods as previously disclosed, or by anticipation typing as disclosed below. Anticipation typing is useful in the situation where the programmer knows the name or at least the first character of the desired menu item and causes the desired menu item to “scroll” into view by typing at least the first character of the desired menu item.

Starting from

FIG. 3

, the programmer can view the set of menu items




in selection menu assist window


. Without moving from the traditional touch typing hand position, the programmer can enter the character “f”


at the present character position cursor location


, which results in an automatic search of the complete set of menu items








to locate the first menu item in the alphabetic list that begins with the character “f”


otherwise no scrolling occurs.

FIG. 4

illustrates the result of the automatic search.

The highlighted menu item


is the first menu item in the complete set of menu items that begins with the character “f”


. Although there are other menu items




that begin with the same character, only the first in the list is highlighted. The highlighted menu item


is the selected menu item that can be committed as previously disclosed by pressing a commit key such as the {Ctrl-Enter} or {Tab} key or any other designated commit key. If the commit key is a delimiter character, then the commit key is included as part of the programming language statement in addition to committing the menu item. A non-delimiter commit key is not included as part of the programming language statement. A selected menu item can also be committed by double clicking the select key on a mouse while the directional screen pointer is pointing to the desired menu item. The set of designated commit keys can vary from programming language to programming language and can include, but is not limited to, any keyboard key or combination of keys. Commit keys can also be special characters. For example, commit keys in a Visual Basic programming language can include the {Enter} and {Space} keys in addition to any one of the characters in the set of delimiter type commit keys such as {.=,( )+−*{circumflex over ( )}<>:! and .}. Pressing a delimiter type commit key when a menu item is not highlighted does not select the menu item. In other words, the input focus of a selection menu assist window


is only active when a menu item is highlighted. For this reason, the programmer can proceed to “type through” the presence of the selection menu assist window


without taking advantage of or experiencing interference from an assist window. A lowlighted menu item is one that is outlined or otherwise distinguished from ordinary text to indicate a present menu item, but not a selected or committed menu item. A highlighted menu item is a selected menu item that is significantly distinguished from the hue or intensity of a lowlighted item.

If the highlighted menu item


is not the desired menu item, the programmer has the choice of either scrolling through the menu items near the highlighted menu item


, or the programmer can type additional characters at the character position cursor


until a sufficient number of characters exist to force the statement building tool to automatically select the desired match. Once a menu item is selected, the selected menu item is inserted into the programming language statement


, replacing any anticipation typed characters that exist at the character position cursor


. The selection menu assist window


then disappears from the programming language edit window


. Alternatively, the selection menu assist window


can be removed from he programming language edit window


at any time by pressing the {Escape} keyboard key or by horizontally moving the character position cursor.

If the statement building tool does not identify an exact menu item match from the anticipation typed characters input by the programmer, then the resulting narrowed list of menu items assist the programmer in quickly identifying and selecting the desired menu item by way of the scrolling and selection methods previously disclosed. However, the best alphabetic match can be committed by pressing the {Ctrl-Enter} or {Tab} keyboard keys. For example, if the programmer had typed the characters fontbl as the anticipation typing characters in programming language statement



FIG. 4

, the selection menu assist window


would scroll to and lowlight select menu item


FontBold as the present menu item having the best available alphabetic match. The present menu item


can then be committed by pressing a non-delimiter commit key such as the {Tab} keyboard key. A delimiter type commit key can not be used because the present menu item is a lowlight selection and a commit by way of a delimiter character requires a highlight selected menu item. Requiring the highlighted selection requirement facilitates the programmer's ability to type-through any assist window.

FIG. 5

continues the present example at a time T


by assuming that the programmer has used the delimiter commit key dot “.”,


to accept the menu item Font


into programming language statement


. Thus at time T


, the statement building tool automatically determines by way of continuous partial compiling, that the incomplete programming language statement mytext.font is an object of the Font type and that a second selection menu assist window


is required to display a new set of menu items




that correspond to the previously defined Font type object. The programmer can select one of the set of menu items




in a manner as previously disclosed in the text accompanying FIG.



FIG. 6

illustrates that Underline


was committed as part of programming language statement


by using the delimiter commit key equal “=”


. Once the programming language statement


is completed up to the location of the present character position cursor (FIG.


), the statement building tool once again automatically determines by continous partial compiling that the incomplete programming language statement mytext.font.underline=resolves to a Boolean data type and that a third selection menu assist window


is required to display the list of valid menu items




for this data type. In the present case the only Boolean choices that can be used to complete the programming language statement


are either true


or false


. The desired menu item




can be committed as part of programming language statement


in the manner previously disclosed in the text accompanying

FIGS. 4-5


Without using the statement building tool to help generate a complete programming language statement such as mytext.Font.Underline=True, the most efficient programmer can only complete the statement by accurately typing at least about 26 keystrokes while remembering the selection, order, and syntax of the available property types. However, using the statement building tool to help generate a complete programming language statement such as mytext.Font.Underline=True, a programmer need only type at or about 12 keystrokes and remember or otherwise look up almost none of the selection, order, and/or syntax of the available property types needed to complete the programming language statement. Not only are fewer keystrokes required, the programmer can selectively use whichever of the unobtrusive assist windows containing real time reminders relevant to each keystroke to quickly further the immediate programming language statement toward error free completion.

The statement building tool can be customized by the programmer to include any type and/or scope of program information that would be useful to the programmer. Typically, it is most desirable to limit the type and/or scope of program information that the statement building tool includes in any one assist window so that the programmer is not overwhelmed with information. For example, the types of program information that can be included in any one assist window include, but are not limited to, global variables, global functions, and global constants that may each be used from any procedure or module in a multi-module program. In addition, there are variables, functions, and/or constants that are only available or local to a given program procedure or module. Depending on the scope of the program being completed by the programmer, the programmer might want to limit the available assist window information to certain combinations of global, local, and/or sub-local variables, functions, and/or defined constants. Additional-assist window information might include, but not be limited to, local or global structure or label names, conditional compilation constants within #IF and #Elself structures, lists of classes with implementable interfaces, event names, the subset of all types having event interfaces, the subset of all types themselves, and/or the names and/or types that are used to qualify a type.

Informational Display Assist Windows—

FIGS. 7-9

FIGS. 7-9

illustrate an exemplary progression of an informational display assist window as it would appear during construction of a procedure call argument list. Other miscellaneous types of program information can be displayed by informational display assist windows as is disclosed in the text accompanying

FIGS. 7-9


FIG. 7

illustrates an edit display screen


that contains numerous programming language statements




, and


at a time T


. The programming language statements


declare an enumerated Enum type of property or method MyColor having three members including blue, green, and red. Programming language statement


declares a procedure of type MyProc having three arguments




that comprise an argument list. The first argument


is a mandatory argument String, the second argument


is a mandatory argument MyColor, and the third argument


is an optional argument Integer as noted by the square bracket enclosure. The optional argument Integer includes a default value of



The programming language statements


are the body of a procedure called MainProc that begins at programming language statement


. In response to the programmer typing MyProc as the first characters of programming language statement


the statement building tool automatically identifies MyProc as a previously declared procedure call. In response to identifying the procedure being called, the statement building tool generates an informational display assist window


containing the corresponding argument list for the called procedure. In addition, the statement building tool of the present invention highlights the argument that corresponds to the present position of the character position cursor


within the argument list.

In the

FIG. 7

example, the first argument


in informational display assist window


is highlighted so that the programmer is automatically reminded of the type, order, and details of the argument within the argument list. Displaying the entire argument list, the present argument in highlighted form, and the details of each argument all within a single assist window is key to assisting the programmer toward quickly and accurately completing a procedure call type programming language statement. Displaying the argument list and highlighting the present argument eliminates the need for the programmer to look up or remember the order, type, syntax, or substantive details of any argument. In alternative embodiments an optional argument can be noted by a distinguishing color or font type or any other distinguishing indicia other than square bracket enclosures.

FIG. 8

illustrates procedure call


at time T


with a first argument value Smith


already in place. Note that in the present example the first argument


is a string type and because no previously declared values exist for this argument, the programmer must have manually typed the desired character string Smith. Pressing the Comma “,”


commit key following the value Smith causes an update in the informational display assist window


so that the second argument


is highlighted to indicate the present location of the character position cursor


within the argument list. Because the second argument


is a defined type comprised of three color members, a selection menu assist window


is generated and overlaid on the informational display assist window


. The selection menu assist window


contains three menu items




that the programmer can choose from to complete programming language statement


in a manner as previously disclosed in the text accompanying

FIGS. 2-6

. The selection menu assist window


is designed to disappear once a menu item is committed or the Escape key is pressed.

FIG. 9

illustrates a time T


where the second argument value blue


has been committed by using the Comma “,”


commit key. The result of committing a value for the second argument


is that the assist window


is updated so indicate that the third argument


corresponds to the present location of the character position cursor within the argument list being constructed in the procedure call


. The third argument


is optional as indicated by the square brackets in the present example. A value for an optional argument can be committed or ignored as determined by the programmer. In the present example, because the third argument


has a default value “2”, ignoring or failing to provide a value will result in the default value of “2” being used. However, if an alternative value is manually entered as in the present example where the value “5” is entered as the argument value


, then the manually entered value is used in the procedure call


. When values for each argument in procedure call


are present at a time T


, the informational display assist window



Note that not only can a selection menu assist window overlay an informational display assist window as illustrated in

FIG. 8

, a second informational display assist window can overlay a first informational display assist window if one of the arguments in the first procedure call is itself a procedure call. As a value or menu item is committed or otherwise entered for each level of nested calls, the last active assist window is replaced with the next level of assist window. The number of nesting levels and/or combinations of assist windows are limited only by the programming language itself.

Another general use of an informational display assist window is when a programmer returns to a previously completed programming language statement and places the character position cursor somewhere within the programming language statement. By manually requesting information about the object entity on which the character position cursor rests, the statement building tool will display any information that is relevant to that point in the programming language statement. For example, if it is desirable for a programmer to review the value of a defined constant that is being used in a given programming language statement, then all the programmer must do is place the character position cursor within the characters of the defined constant and the constant's defined name and value are be displayed in an informational display assist window. The statement building tool can determine the value of the defined constant by partial compilation. The statement building tool can determine that the object is a defined constant by reverse parsing the programming language statement.

Another use of an informational display assist window is to manually request a display of the menu items for an object entity within a programming language statement. A new menu item can be committed if desired to modify the programming language statement.

Operational Steps—

FIGS. 10-13

FIGS. 10-13

illustrate the operational steps in flow diagram form for the statement generating and statement information tool. Specifically,

FIG. 10

illustrates the statement generating tool overview in flow diagram form.

FIG. 11

illustrates details of the automatic statement generating operational steps in flow diagram form.

FIG. 12

illustrates details of commit key operational steps in flow diagram form.

FIG. 13

illustrates details of manually requested assist window displays in flow diagram form.


FIG. 10

overview starts at step


and proceeds to step


where the statement building tool initializes a programming language editing tool for use by the programmer. The programming language editing tool is a windows based application that has a multitude of user customizable operational options that each have a default setting if not modified by the user. The threshold option is whether the statement building tool's automatic operation feature is enabled or disabled. The operational options can include, but are not limited to, running the statement building tool with the automatic mode enabled or disabled, and defining custom hot-key combinations for manual statement building tool requests.

The automatic and manual features of the statement generating tool are accessed from branch point


way of branches




respectively. Both the automatic and manual features can be activated and/or inactivated at any time by entering available hot-key or menu selection commands. Further, the automatic and manual features are not mutually exclusive and can therefore be used independently from each other or simultaneously with each other.

On the automatic feature branch


, if it is determined at decision step


that the automatic statement building features are inactive, then no automatic statement building activities will occur and processing continues at step


. Alternatively, if it is determined at decision step


that automatic statement building features are activated, then the automatic features begin their continuous statement building processes at step


. Details of the automatic statement building operational steps are disclosed in the text accompanying FIG.



If at decision step


it is determined that it is desirable to inactivate the automatic features of the statement generating tool then the automatic features of the statement generating tool quit operating at step



Alternatively, if it is determined at decision step


that the automatic features of the statement generating tool will continue operating, then the automatic statement building tool remains active and processing continues at step



On the manual feature branch


, if it is determined at decision step


that no manual statement building features are requested by the user, then processing continues at step


without any action taken. Alternatively, if it is determined at decision step


that manual statement building features are requested, then the requested manual feature is activated at step


. Details of the manual statement building operational steps are disclosed in the text accompanying FIG.



If at decision step


it is determined that no additional manual statement building requests exist, then the manual features of the statement generating tool quit operating at step


. Alternatively, if it is determined at decision step


that additional manual statement generating tool requests exist, then manual statement building tool request processing continues at step



FIG. 11

illustrates the details of the automatic statement building operational steps from step


of FIG.


. Processing begins at step


and proceeds to step


where the automatic statement generating tool features are initialized and the tool begins a continuous symbol-level compilation of programming language statements that already exist and/or are being entered in real time. A symbol-level compilation is a high level compilation that resolves symbols, labels, aliases, and the like, but does not compile the programming language statements to the extent of generating machine executable object code. The purpose of a continuous-symbol-level compilation is to facilitate the real time availability of a set of object entities and/or other program related information that is based on previously defined programming language statements, global symbols, accessible libraries, and/or other linked modules.

At step


, the statement generating tool waits for and reads the next character or command that is input by the user. A character includes any alphabetic, numeric, or special character that is part of a programming language statement. A command may be a character that is entered in a specific contextual situation, an administrative or window manipulation command, or a substantive feature command. Processing the input commands and/or character input comprise the remainder of the

FIG. 11

operational steps.

If it is determined at decision step


that a substantive statement generating tool feature command has been entered, then processing continues at step


. A substantive statement generating tool feature command is a programmer initiated request for a statement generating tool feature that can include, but is not limited to, a manually requested or on-demand assist window for a randomly selected programming language statement. Manual requests for statement generating tool features can be entered by way of a hot-key or command menu input. Hot-key commands can include any character or keystroke combination such as for example, {Ctrl-J}, {Ctrl-Shift-J}, {Ctrl-I}, {Ctrl-Shift-I}, and {Ctrl-Space}. The operational details of manual statement generating tool feature requests are disclosed in the text accompanying FIG.


. Once step


processing is complete, processing continues at step


as previously disclosed. Alternatively, if it is determined at decision step


that the input received in step


is not a substantive statement generating tool command, then processing continues at step



If it is determined at decision step


that the input received in step



is an administrative or window manipulation command, then processing continues to step


where the command is interpreted and executed. At step


the subject assist window and/or programming language editor window is refreshed as needed in response to executing the command, and processing continues at step



as previously disclosed. Examples of administrative or window manipulation commands can include, but are not limited to, window navigation keys such as {Up}, {Down}, {Page up}, {PageDown}, {Ctrl-PageUp}, {Ctrl-PageDown}, and {Escape}. Alternatively, if it is determined at decision step


that the input received at step


is not an administrative or window manipulation command, then processing continues to step



If it is determined at decision step


that the input received in step


is a commit key, then processing continues to step


where the commit key is appropriately processed. After step


, processing continues at step


. Operational details of processing commit keys and the commit scenarios, are disclosed in the text accompanying FIG.


. Alternatively, if it is determined at decision step


that the input received in step


is not a commit key, then processing continues at step



If it is determined at decision step


that the input received in step


is a non-character text editing command, then processing continues to step


. A non-character text editing command can include, but is not limited to, {Cut}, {Copy}, {Paste}, {Undo}, {Redo}, {Delete}, and {Backspace}, for example. Alternatively, if it is determined at decision step


that the input received in step


is any other substantive input character, then processing continues at step


. At step


the substantive input character is passed to the programming language editor where the character is added to the present programming language statement at the present character position cursor location.

If it is determined at decision step


that a presently displayed assist window requires modification in view of the character most recently input at step


or that a new assist window is required in view of the character most recently input at step


, then processing continues at step


where the appropriate assist window modification and/or assist window generating is executed in a manner as disclosed in text accompanying FIG.


. Examples of assist window updates can include, but are not limited to, removing an assist window, or scrolling a menu item list in a menu selection assist window in view of a new character that further alphabetically identifies an object entity being typed by the programmer. Examples of the need for a new assist window can include, but are not limited to, where no assist window was possible based on input information preceding the present input character, or where a replaced assist window is now appropriate. Note that certain of the substantive input characters that are processed at decision step


will force an automatic attempt by the statement building tool to modify or generate an assist window in the same manner as if the programmer had manually requested a statement generating tool feature by way of a command as identified in decision step


. Thus whether responding to a manual or automatic command input, the statement generating tool executes substantially the same internal steps toward the end of modifying or generating an appropriate assist window. The set of automatic trigger characters that can force the automatic updating or generating of an assist window are typically programming language dependent and can be similar to or a subset of the set of commit keys previously discussed. The set of automatic trigger characters can include, but are not limited to the set of {Space,=.( )+−*/<>}. Alternatively, if no modifications or new assist windows are required, then processing continues at step



If it is determined at decision step


that automatic statement generating tool processing should continue, then processing continues at step


where the system waits for another input character. Alternatively, if it is determined at decision step


that no further automatic statement generating tool processing should continue, then processing continues at step



FIG. 12

illustrates the operational steps


for committing an item from an assist window. The operational steps


begin at step


and are the details of step


from FIG.


. At step


the selected menu item is committed. Committing a menu item results in replacing the word segment proximate the character position cursor with the selected menu item from the assist window and the assist window is removed. If it is determined at decision step


that the input character from step



FIG. 11

is a non-delimiter type commit key for a present assist window item that was not a selected item, then processing continues at step


. Examples of a non-delimiter type commit key can include, but are not limited to, {Tab}, and {Ctrl-Enter}. An example of a present assist window item that is not also a selected item, is a lowlighted or broken-outline menu item in a menu selection assist window that is not highlighted. A highlighted menu item indicates that the menu item is not only the present menu item but also the selected menu item. At step


, the commit key that precipitated the immediate commit operation is discarded because it is not the type of character that is added to the programming language statement itself. Processing then continues at step



Alternatively, if it is determined at decision step


that the input character from step



FIG. 11

is a delimiter type commit key, then processing continues at step


. Examples of a delimiter type commit key can be programming language dependent and include, not be limited to, {{Space} {Enter},( )+−*/=<>!{circumflex over ( )}.}. An example of a present assist window item that is also a selected item, is a highlighted menu item in a menu selection assist window. A highlighted menu item indicates that the menu item is not only the present menu item but also the selected menu item. At step


, the commit key itself is inserted into the programming language statement immediately following the previously inserted assist window item of step



If it is determined at decision step


that new information exists that is relevant to the next segment of the programming language statement, then processing continues at step


where the new information is displayed in an update to a presently displayed assist window or in a newly generated assist window. Alternatively, if it is determined at decision step


that no new information exists that is relevant to the next segment of the programming language statement, then processing continues at step


where the presently displayed assist window is removed. In either case, processing continues at step


by returning to step


of FIG.



FIG. 13

illustrates the operational steps


for processing a manual assist window request. The operational steps


begin at step


and are the details of step


from FIG.


and step


of FIG.


. The assist window processing disclosed in text and

FIG. 13

is substantially similar for the automatic assist window processing as for the manually requested assist window processing. At step


, the type of processing required to satisfy the automated needs or the request made by the programmer identified by the hotkey combination used or other menu command selection. The type of processing required is directed to the appropriate processing steps at branch point


by way of branches






, and



The operational steps on branch


process informational menu assist window requests. In particular, branch


processes the type of request that generates information relevant to a specific argument in a procedure call argument list. At step


the programming language statement identified by the present location of the character position cursor is parsed into tokens. Any parsing technique can be used to identify the tokens in the programming language statement, however, in a preferred embodiment a reverse parsing technique is preferred. Specifically, the end of the word at the present character position cursor location is identified and referred to as the extended insertion point. The beginning of the programming language statement is identified at the opposite end of the programming language statement from the extended insertion point. All characters beyond the extended insertion point are ignored. Each segment of the programming language statement and each delimiter therebetween, are parsed into tokens. In the preferred embodiment, the order of the resulting token list is then reversed for further processing.

The token representing the procedure identifier for the programming language statement is located at step


by examining each token in the token list. If it is determined at decision step


that the procedure identification token is not a symbol that can be resolved, then processing continues at step


. Alternatively, if it is determined at decision step


that the procedure identification token is a symbol that can be resolved, then processing continues at step



At step


, the present argument token that is identified by the present character position cursor is located. If it is determined at decision step


that the present argument token is a symbol or other object entity that can be resolved, the processing continues at step


. At step


, context of the present argument token is determined by invoking the compiler to bind against the set of known symbols and/or object entities, and an assist window is generated to display the information relevant to the present argument token. The assist window may be a selection menu assist window or informational menu assist window as appropriate. Processing then continues at step


. Alternatively, if it is determined at decision step


that the present argument token is not a symbol or other object entity that can be resolved, then processing continues at step


because a default informational menu assist window that contains the procedure call argument list is all that can be displayed.

The operational steps on branch


illustrate the steps for processing a manually requested procedure call argument list. The steps are substantially similar to the steps of branch


. However, the primary purpose of the branch


steps is to generate a complete argument list regardless of the present location of the character position cursor within the programming language statement. Specifically, at step


the programming language statement identified by the present location of the character position cursor is parsed into tokens. Central to the parsing of step


is that not all procedure calls conveniently include parenthesis around the argument list as in call procedure-name (arg1, arg2). A procedure call can also take the form of procedure-name arg1, arg2. For this reason, each token must be parsed and individually evaluated to accurately identify the procedure and its argument list.

The token representing the procedure identifier for the programming language statement is located at step


by examining each token in the token list. If it is determined at decision step


that the procedure 15 identification token is not a symbol that can be resolved, then processing continues at step


. Alternatively, if it is determined at decision step


that the procedure identification token is a symbol that can be resolved, then processing continues at step



At step


, the present argument token that is identified by the present character position cursor is located. The information obtained in steps




provide the procedure call name, the argument list, and the present argument that is highlighted to correspond with the present location of the character position cursor within the programming language statement. At step


, the compiler is invoked to bind against the set of known symbols and/or object entities for the argument list and an assist window is generated to display the information relevant to the procedure call and the present argument. Processing then continues at step



The operational steps on branch


illustrate the steps for processing a manual request for an assist window that contains assignment information. Assignment symbol information includes, but is not limited to, symbols or constant lists that can validly follow the assignment symbol itself or any other arithmetic operator for example. At step


the nearest operator is located that immediately precedes the present location of the character position cursor.

At step


, the object and member name token combination is identified that immediately precede the operator identified in step


. If it is determined at decision step


that the token combination is not a symbol that can be resolved, then processing continues at step


. Alternatively, if it is determined at decision step


that the token combination is a symbol that can be resolved, then processing continues at step


. The type of object and the return type of each member in the series is determined at step



If it is determined at decision step


that the data type of the last property or method is an enumerated type, then the list of members of this enumerated type is generated and displayed in an assist window at step


. Processing continues at step


. Alternatively, if it is determined at decision step


that the data type of the last property or method is not an enumerated type or other type that can be resolved based on presently available information, then processing continues to step


. At step


, a menu of possible choices is generated and displayed in a selection menu assist window. Processing then continues at step



The operational steps of branch


illustrate the process of generating a member list resulting from a manual request. At step


, the programming language statement is parsed as previously disclosed. At step


, the compiler is invoked to bind the entire expression excluding the last identifier of the expression. At step


, a member list is assembled in view of the context of the remaining expression that includes the list of member functions and variables of the returned symbol. The generated list is displayed in a selection menu assist window. Note that the last identifier in the expression which was ignored for binding purposes, is identified in the assist window as the initial selection of the displayed member list. Processing then continues at step



Global lists and other miscellaneous lists are generated in a manner similar to the above argument lists, constant lists, and/or member lists as appropriate and in view of the symbol information that is available to the compiler at the time the request is made. For example, a reference to the symbol VBA in normal programming language code shows all callable procedures and all constants defined in the VBA library. However, the reference As VBA shows all types of defined in the VBA library. The resolved symbol appears similar but a different category of information is pulled from the symbol lists maintained by the compiler to satisfy both requests.


The present invention generates automatically and/or manually invoked assist windows that contain information applicable to a programming language statement that is proximate to the present location of the character position cursor. The assist window information can be used to complete at least one portion of a programming language statement being constructed by the programmer. The assist window information can also be used by the programmer to obtain help that is relevant to the immediate portion of the programming language statement by supplying information relevant to the present location of the character position cursor in the immediate programming language statement. Although specific embodiments are disclosed herein, it is expected that persons skilled in the art can and will design alternative assist window systems that are within the scope of the following claims either literally or under the Doctrine of Equivalents.

  • 1. A computer-readable medium containing computer-executable instructions to perform a method for assisting a computer programmer in real-time to modify a present programming language statement of a computer program, the method comprising:enabling a programming language editor having a character position cursor and a randomly positionable pointer; partially compiling available ones of a plurality of programming language statements in said computer program; defining a finite set of programming language statement information that is relevant to at least one segment of the present programming language statement from among said plurality of programming language statements that is proximate to said character position which allows modification of the programming language statement; automatically generating a passive assist window that contains said finite set of programming language statement information in a location proximate to said character position cursor that does not obstruct the current view of said programming language statement; modifying the present programming language statement based at least in part on the selected programming language statement information; and automatically removing the passive assist window when the programming language statement has been amended.
  • 2. The computer-readable medium of claim 1, wherein the generating step is automatically performed in response to a change in the current program statement.
  • 3. The computer-readable medium of claim 1, wherein the generating step is performed in response to a real-time request by the computer programmer.
  • 4. The computer-readable medium of claim 1 wherein the displayed one or more passive assist windows include at least a selection menu assist window or an informational display assist window.
  • 5. The computer-readable medium of claim 1, having further computer-executable instructions for:generating an informational display assist window based on an argument list; distinguishing a mandatory argument from an optional argument within the argument list; and highlighting a present argument within the argument list that corresponds to a present location within the present programming language statement.
  • 6. The computer-readable medium of claim 1, the step of generating the set of programming language statement information includes having further computer-readable instructions for:generating an argument list for the present programming language statement; and identifying an argument type for at least one argument in the argument list selected from at least one of a group comprised of: a mandatory argument and an optional argument.
  • 7. The computer-readable medium of claim 6, having further computer-executable instructions for:reverse parsing the present programming language statement into a plurality of tokens that each represent an individual component selected from at least one of a group comprised of: an object entity segment and a delimiter, in response to a real time request by the computer programmer; distinguishing the plurality of tokens between a procedure call token and any argument token in the argument list; and binding the argument list.
  • 8. The computer-readable medium of claim 1, wherein the generating step includes displaying a selectable list of items for modifying the present programming language statement.
  • 9. The computer-readable medium of claim 8, wherein the selectable list of items are displayed in a selection menu assist window; and having further computer-executable instructions for enabling window control features for the selection menu assist window.
  • 10. The computer-readable medium of claim 8, having further computer-executable instructions for replacing at least a portion of the present programming language statement with one of the list items in response to an input command by the computer programmer.
  • 11. A system for passively assisting a user in real-time to modify a programming language statement, the system comprising:a programming language editor having a character position cursor and a randomly positionable pointer; means for partially compiling, in an automatic manner, available ones of a plurality of programming language statements in the computer program; means for automatically generating an assist window that contains a set of programming language statement information in a location proximate to the character position cursor, the assist window being selected from a group consisting of a selection menu assist window and an informational display assist window; means for automatically receiving a selection by the user from the set of programming language statement information; and means for modifying a present programming language statement based at least in part on the selected programming language statement information.
  • 12. The system of claim 11, wherein the means for generating includes:means for identifying a desired menu item from the selection menu assist window; and means for replacing a segment of the present programming language statement at a present location of the character position cursor with the desired menu item in response to the means for identifying.
  • 13. The system of claim 11 further comprising a means for displaying information in an informational display assist window, the information being related to at least one segment of the present programming language statement and selected from a group consisting of a symbol definition, a defined constant, a procedure call map, and an enumerated list.
  • 14. The system of claim 11, wherein the contents of the assist window are automatically updated in response to a change in the current program statement.
  • 15. The system of claim 11, including: means for specifying the present programming language statement and means for generating the assist window on a selected one of the plurality of programming language statements in response to a request by the user.
  • 16. A real-time method for assisting a user to modify a programming language statement in a computer program, the real-time method comprising:enabling a programming language editor having a character position cursor; automatically determining an identity of input to the programming language editor by the user; identifying a present programming language statement and at least one segment of the present programming language statement based on a location of the character position cursor; automatically resolving symbolic portions of available ones of a plurality of programming language statements by means of a reverse parse evaluation into a partial program compilation that generates identifiable tokens for each of the at least one segment therein in response to the input being an on-demand request by the user; determining a finite set of information related to the present programming language statement and the at least one segment of the present programming language statement based on the automatically generated partial program compilation; automatically generating an assist window of the finite set of information; receiving a representation of a selection by the computer programmer from the finite set of information; modifying the present programming language statement based at least in part on the selected information; enabling execution of an editing task in response to the input being a programming language editor command; enabling a first type of commit of an identified menu item from a selection menu assist window in response to the input being a commit key, wherein the step of enabling a first type of commit includes: identifying the commit key as a non-delimiter type commit key; and discarding the commit key; enabling a second type of commit of an identified menu item from a selection menu assist window in response to the input being a commit key, wherein the second type of commit includes: identifying the commit key as a delimiter type commit key; and inserting the commit key after the identified menu item in the present programming language statement; and adding to the present programming language statement at a location of the character position cursor in response to the input being a non-commit key type input character.
  • 17. The method of claim 16, including the steps of:determining an identity of input to the programming language editor by the user; enabling a reverse parse evaluation of the present programming language statement into identifiable tokens for each of the at least one segment therein in response to the input being an on-demand request by the user; enabling execution of a editing task in response to the input being a programming language editor command; enabling a first type of commit of an identified menu item from a selection menu assist window in response to the input being a commit key, wherein the step of enabling a first type of commit includes: identifying the commit key as a non-delimiter type commit key; and discarding the commit key; enabling a second type of commit of an identified menu item from a selection menu assist window in response to the input being a commit key, wherein the second type of commit includes: identifying the commit key as a delimiter type commit key; and inserting the commit key after the identified menu item in the present programming language statement; and adding to the present programming language statement at a location of the character position cursor in response to the input being anon-commit key type input character.
  • 18. A computer-readable medium having computer-executable instructions for performing the steps recited in claim 17.
  • 19. An apparatus for supplementing an incomplete computer programming statement, comprising;a display device automatically displaying an incomplete computer programming statement, the display device further displaying automatically, proximate to the display of the incomplete computer programming statement, a dynamic list of one or more textual programming entities; an input device that receives user input selecting one of the textual programmatic entities displayed by the display device; and a processor for automatically modifying the incomplete computer programming statement by adding to the incomplete programming statement the selected textual programmatic entity.
  • 20. A method in a computer system for supplementing an incomplete computer programming statement, the method comprising the steps of:(a) automatically displaying the incomplete computer programming statement; (b) proximate to the display of an incomplete computer programming statement, displaying a dynamic list of one or more textual programmatic entities; (c) receiving a user input selection of one of the displayed textual programmatic entities; and (d) adding the selected textural programmatic entities to the displayed statement.
  • 21. The method of claim 20, further comprising the step of:(e) receiving user input entering the incomplete programming statement, and wherein step (b) is performed in response to step (e).
  • 22. The method of claim 20, further comprising the step of:(e) receiving user input specifying a supplement command, and wherein step (b) is performed in response to step (e).
  • 23. The method of claim 22 wherein step (e) includes the step of receiving the keystroke combination {Ctrl-Space}.
  • 24. The method of claim 20 wherein step (b) displays textual programmatic entities that can validly be included in a partial statement.
  • 25. The method of claim 24 wherein the partial statement includes an object identifier, and step (b) displays members of an object identified by an object identifier.
  • 26. The method of claim 24 wherein the partial statement includes a portion of a symbol, and wherein step (b) displays complete symbols in which the portion of a symbol is contained.
  • 27. The method of claim 24 wherein the partial statement is a partial assignment statement identifying a variable to which a value is to be assigned, and wherein the identified variable has a type, and wherein the type has possible values, and wherein step (b) displays possible values of the type.
  • 28. The method of claim 24 wherein the partial statement is a partial function call statement identifying a function, and wherein the identified function has one or more parameters, and wherein step (b) displays parameters of the identified function.
  • 29. A computer-readable medium whose contents cause a computer system to supplement a computer programming statement by performing the steps of:(a) automatically displaying the computer programming statement; (b) proximate to the display of an incomplete computer programming statement, displaying a dynamic list of one or more textual programmatic entities; (c) receiving a user input selection of one or more of the displayed textual programmatic entities; and (d) adding the selected textual programmatic entities to the displayed statement.
  • 30. The computer-readable medium of claim 29 wherein the contents of the computer-readable medium further cause the computer system to perform the step of:(e) receiving user input entering the programming statement, and wherein step (b) is performed in response to step (e).
  • 31. The computer-readable medium of claim 29 wherein the contents of the computer-readable medium further cause the computer system to perform the step of:(e) displaying in conjunction with the statement a position indicator indicating a position within the incomplete statement, and wherein step (b) displays textual programmatic entities that can validly be included in the statement at the position indicated by the position indicator.
  • 32. The computer-readable medium of claim 29 wherein the statement includes an object identifier, and wherein step (b) displays members of an object identified by the object identifier.
  • 33. A computer-readable medium of claim 29 wherein the statement includes a portion of a symbol, and wherein step (b) displays complete symbols in which the portion of a symbol is contained.
  • 34. The computer-readable medium of claim 29 wherein the statement is an assignment statement identifying a variable to which a value is to be assigned, and wherein the identified variable has a type, and wherein the type has possible values, and wherein the step (b) displays possible values of the type.
  • 35. The computer-readable medium of claim 29 wherein the statement is a function call statement identifying a function, and wherein the identified function has one or more parameters, and wherein step (b) displays parameters of the identified function.
  • 36. The computer-readable medium of claim 29 wherein the contents of the computer-readable medium further cause the computer system to perform the step of:(e) receiving user input specifying a supplement command, and wherein step (b) is performed in response to step (e).
  • 37. The computer-readable medium of claim 36 wherein step (e) includes the step of receiving the keystroke combination {Ctrl-Space}.
Parent Case Info

This is a continuation of application Ser. No. 08/863,822, filed on May 27, 1997, now U.S. Pat. 6,026,233.

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