The Computer Visualizations for Teaching Mathematics project is a three-year effort initiated by the California State University at Northridge to help secondary school teachers incorporate a visual emphasis in the teaching of pre-algebra through precalculus. The project will serve teachers from the Los Angeles area. Two cadres of 40 teachers will participate in a two-year project, with overlap in the second summer and the second and third academic years. Teachers will be involved in a three-week summer institute and a series of academic year followup activities, including monthly meetings and a winter institute; a week-long followup is included in the second summer. The project will introduce teachers to three different experimental programs ( the Alhambra High School IBM Network for Mathematics and Science Project, the W.M. Keck Curriculum Project, and the Ohio State Enhancing Mathematics Through Technology program.) Participants' administrators will attend a portion of the program. Schools will contribute released time and calculators for their participants. Other cost sharing is provided by the University, the Los Angeles Unified School District, the Keck Foundation, IBM, and Texas Instruments. Cost sharing is provided as approximately 40% of the NSF award.