Picaboo, “Picaboo photobooks,” Picaboo website, available at http://www.picaboo.com/photo-books/classic/ Accessed on Mar. 14, 2014. |
Shutterfly, “Shutterfly photo book,” Shutterfly website, available at http://www.shutterfly.com/howto/photobook/cover.jsp Accessed on Mar. 14, 2014. |
Snapfish, “Snapfish photo book,” Snapfish website, available at http://www5.snapfish.com/photo-gift/photo-books Accessed on Mar. 14, 2014. |
Lulu, “Lulu photo books,” Lulu website, available at http://www.lulu.com/us/en/publish/photo-books Accessed on Mar. 14, 2014. |
Artscow, “Artscow photo album,” Artscow website, available at http://www.artscow.com/photo-books Accessed on Mar. 14, 2014. |
CVS Photocenter, “CVS Photocenter photobook,” CVS Photocenter website, available at http://www.cvsphoto.com/photo-books Accessed on Mar. 14, 2014. |
Digilabs, “Digilabs photo album,” Digilabs website, available at http://www.digilabspro.com/products/albums.shtml Accessed on Mar. 14, 2014. |
Blurb, “Blurb photo album,” Blurb website, available at http://www.blurb.com/create-photo-books Accessed on Mar. 14, 2014. |
Mycanvas, “MyCanvas photo album,” MyCanvas website, available at http://www.mycanvas.com/Products/Photo-Books.aspx Accessed on Mar. 14, 2014. |
Keepsy, “Keepsy photo album,” Keepsy website, available at http://www.keepsy.com/book/start Accessed on Mar. 14, 2014. |
Winkflash, “Winkflash photo album,” Winkflash website, available at http://www.winkflash.com/photo/books/ Accessed on Mar. 14, 2014. |
Yogile, “Yogile photo album,” Yogile website, available at http://www.yogile.com/ Accessed on Mar. 14, 2014. |
Moleskine, “Moleskine Photo albums,” website, available at http://moleskine.milkbooks.com/catalog/photo-albums.aspx Accessed on Mar. 15, 2014. |
Walgreens, “Walgreens photo,” website, available at http://photo.walgreens.com/walgreens/photobookdetails/product=collagebook Accessed on Mar. 15, 2014. |
Costco, “Costco photo center,” website, available at http://www.costcophotocenter.com/Shop/Photobooks#/ Accessed on Mar. 15, 2014. |
Artifact Uprising, “Artifact uprising photo,” website, available at http://www.artifactuprising.com/site/home Accessed on Mar. 15, 2014. |
Kindred, “Kindred photo booklets,” website, available at http://www.kindredprints.com/ Accessed on Mar. 15, 2014. |
Pinhole Press, “Pinhole press photo album,” website available at https://pinholepress.com/category/photo-books/ Accessed on Mar. 15, 2014. |
Impressed, “Impressed App,” website available at http://www.impressedapp.com/#0 Accessed on Mar. 15, 2014. |
Artkive, “Artkive App,” website available at http://www.artkiveapp.com/ Accessed on Mar. 15, 2014. |
Photos in a Booth, “Photos in a booth album,” available at: http://www.photosinabooth.com.au/photostrip-layout-options/photostrip-50pg-glorious-leather-drymount.aspx Accessed on Mar. 15, 2014. |
Redtree Albums, “Red tree photo albums,” available at https://www.redtreealbums.com/albums/redtree-photo-album Accessed on Mar. 15, 2014. |
Enjoybook, “Enjoy book,” website available at http://enjoybook.ru/ Accessed on Apr. 1, 2014. |
Interactive Memories, Inc., “Mosaic,” website available at http://heymosaic.com/ Accessed on Apr. 4, 2014. Interactive Memories, Inc. is the owner of the “Mosaic” business name and the owner of heymosaic.com domain which features the Mosaic photobook. |
Tyndell, “Tyndell photographic packaging,” available at https://www.tyndellphotographic.com/product/albums/album-box/39-2 Accessed on Mar. 20, 2014. |
Interactive Memories, Inc., “Montage,” website available at http://www.montagebook.com/ Accessed on Nov. 22, 2014. Interactive Memories, Inc. is the owner of the “Montage” business name and the owner of montagebook.com domain which features the Montage photobook. |