This award supports the next three events in the Annual Graduate Student Conference series in Algebra, Geometry, and Topology (GTA Philadelphia). The next conference will be held on May 31-June 2, 2024 at Temple University. The conference will bring together over 80 graduate students at all levels and from a variety of backgrounds and universities, along with four distinguished plenary speakers that work at the interface of algebra, geometry, and topology. Supplementing lectures by faculty and students, the conference features a professional development panel focused on career building and social responsibility. The conference provides a rare opportunity for a large number of early career mathematicians with similar research interests to come together and develop mathematical relationships. In addition, it strongly supports interactions between graduate students from different schools, different backgrounds, and different research areas.<br/><br/>The large majority of lectures will be given by graduate students, supplying them with opportunities to practice presenting their research ideas and interests to fellow students. The conference strives to include a wide range of topics and a broad diversity of speakers. In addition, talks by distinguished plenary speakers will provide insights into how different parts of algebra, geometry, and topology are connected, open research questions of interest, and recent techniques used in groundbreaking work in these fields. For further information, see<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.