The NSF CSforAll Research Practice Partnership (RPP) program aims to provide all U.S. students with the opportunity to participate in computer science and computational thinking education in their schools at the preK-12 levels. STARS Computing Corps, a CISE Broadening Participation in Computing Alliance, in partnership with Trivium Consulting Group, will provide resources and technical support to potential Principle Investigators (PIs) in order to increase their interest and capacity for creating and submitting competitive CSforAll RPP strand grant proposals. By building connections and potential collaborations among researchers and practitioners in diverse regions with diverse backgrounds and experiences, the project has the potential to foster community and introduce new and future PIs to the broader research community. <br/><br/>The 2024 CISE CSforAll Technical Support workshops aim to increase the breadth of projects supported through the NSF CSforAll program. The goal will be realized through multi-layered outreach to researchers and/or practitioners whose past experiences, interests, and expertise make them qualified candidates to carry out successful CSforAll proposals; registration and assessment of participant project ideas, teams, and expertise; provision of diverse online workshops and sessions (that can be engaged in synchronously or asynchronously) in critical elements of successful proposal development; and one-on-one technical support in key proposal development activities.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.