Artificial Intelligence (AI), Research Computing and Training (ART@SC24) is a workshop for advanced cyberinfrastructure (CI) professionals who support research computing on their campuses and conduct outreach in rural K-20 education environments. The workshop explores the benefits and risks associated with AI in academia, and share strategies to protect data privacy, security, and sovereignty. <br/><br/>ART@SC24 will convene in Atlanta, Georgia November 15-16, ahead of the Supercomputing Conference, SC24, November 17-22. This will be the sixth in a series of SC co-located workshops or events that STEM-Trek Nonprofit has hosted since 2015. This year, the workshop is teaming up with Texas A&M University High Performance Research Computing (HPRC) to explore the benefits and pitfalls of AI, and the complexities associated with AI/ML workflows. Travel grants and registration waivers will be available for a limited number. The SC24 General Chair has donated 18 full tech program registration waivers (with workshops and tutorials), a room for the meetings, and audiovisual support. Through HPRC, the grant will cover participant costs for U.S. delegates. Donations to STEM-Trek will support international delegate participation. This workshop series welcomes applications from NSF ACCESS and other Campus Champions from EPSCoR states and territories; CI professionals from rural-serving schools were especially encouraged to apply.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.