The Building Bridges: 6th EU/US Summer School on Automorphic forms and Related Topics (BB6) is held at Centre International de Rencontres Mathematiques (CIRM) in Marseille, France from September 2 - 7, 2024. CIRM provides an ideal location for such a school as it is one of the largest mathematics conference centers in the world. The BB6 summer school brings together students and early career researchers from around the world, with a particular emphasis on the US and EU. This school helps train the next generation of research mathematicians in the important field of automorphic forms, a notoriously difficult subject to begin research in as it requires a large amount of technical knowledge. This award supports some of the US-based participants at this workshop, including some instructors and organizers, and nine graduate students.<br/><br/>The BB6 summer school is composed of three classes each of which is team-taught by two instructors. Students attend lectures in the morning delivered by the course instructors. In the afternoon, students have the opportunity to work on problem sets with each other as well as ask questions of the instructors. These courses are designed by the instructors to move students quickly from the introduction of the topic to a particular research area of current interest. Students come away from the summer school with a foundational knowledge of automorphic forms as well as knowledge in three more specialized areas allowing them to move into further study or a research problem. The BB6 school website is hosted at:<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.