Building Research Innovation at Community Colleges - Research Data Management (BRICCs-RDM) is a unique workshop that leverages the growing BRICCs community to understand how RDM can be used to advance CI-enabled scientific use-cases in academic research. The workshop will work to identify clear strategies to ensure support and access from all stakeholder communities who produce and consume data on CI resources.<br/><br/>Ensuring equitable access to research Cyberinfrastructure (CI) is critical to scientific discovery. The richness of the CI landscape has given researchers opportunities to incorporate computational approaches in their research workflows in their own unique ways. While fields of science like drug design have focused on speeding numerical simulations using GPUs, others like economic forecasting rely on artificial intelligence approaches to consolidate data from documents to build models. Much like computing, research data too is produced and consumed in different ways by researchers. While fields like astrophysics and large visual models (LVMs) have large community data sets, others like social sciences may have smaller but equally valuable data sets. To support these seemingly divergent approaches, research data management practices that can support sophisticated advanced CI technologies are needed. The CI community needs to go beyond supporting container-based workflows for scientific reproducibility, and address the increasingly complex data-management challenges faced by researchers. Researchers should be able to store and share data in ways that will foster innovation and support technological advances. Data repositories and CI-adjacent storage need to ensure that the data is Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR). Care should be taken to ensure that these advances support the needs of different scientific domains. Toward this, the community needs to identify the challenges, gaps, and opportunities that can inform RDM practices in research computing efforts at the campus, regional, and national levels.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.