The purpose of this project is to organize and host the 2025 Principal Investigators Meeting for National Science Foundation (NSF) Community Infrastructure for Research in CISE (CIRC) and also for Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) awardees in NSF's Computer & Network Systems Division (CNS) in Raleigh, North Carolina. The meeting is expected to be held for two days starting March 10th, 2025. It will involve participants, including Principal Investigators (PIs), NSF Program Directors, and the organizing team. <br/><br/>The 2-day program will include a keynote, presentations by the PIs of featured projects, panel discussions, poster presentation, a reception, and “office hours” with Program Directors. The meeting will be where PIs, Program Directors, and others meet to present and exchange information about projects supported by the NSF’s CIRC and CNS's MRI Programs, discuss research infrastructure opportunities and challenges, and explore new ideas and partnerships for future work. It is also an opportunity for the academic community to interact with government agencies interested in research infrastructure developments and advancements. The Meeting series has played a major role in growing the community across a broad range of sectors and technologies, as well as in performing outreach to parties who have an interest in learning about the program and participating as future proposers, transition partners, or sponsors.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.