This workshop-based project aims to develop a suite of practical recommendations to mitigate the challenges of grant submission at the nation’s approximately 1700 primarily undergraduate institutions (PUIs) that grant 4-year or higher degrees. By examining in-depth the roles of campus administrations, professional organizations, and informal networks that contribute to this process, the project is uniquely positioned to identify barriers and solutions. A pilot study indicates that a few staff in each grant-active PUI perform the same core research development (RD) functions as a much larger and more specialized RD staff at large research universities. Yet, these functions are under extensive strain due to competing priorities and limited resources. <br/><br/>The project team uses recent data from small and large data collections, earlier literature, and expert consultations to develop concise background materials and agendas to better understand the nature and variations of RD among PUIs. By convening a series of regional two-day workshops, approximately 16 participants (per workshop) representative of PUI types and RD personnel, materials will be reviewed and specific ideas and priorities developed. Subsequent public webinars and related channels add to the basis for a report with national recommendations for evidence development, demonstration programs, and evaluation to promote systemic long-term enhancement of the PUI research enterprise. By crystallizing knowledge of unique aspects of PUI RD challenges, promoting strength-based rather than deficit-based modeling of PUI needs, capacities, and growth paths, and broadening the participation of currently less active segments of the PUI universe, the project will provide concrete, independent, expert suggestions on how to enhance national networks of communication and service to more effectively support PUI research activities, thus spreading research experience, knowledge, and resources to new and potentially underserved communities.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.