This grant supports the conference "Dynamics Days US 2025", which will take place in Denver, Colorado, January 3-5, 2025. Dynamics Days is an annual international conference focused on nonlinear dynamics and its applications that has been running in the US for more than 40 years. The conference will provide a venue for young researchers to present their ideas and learn about cutting-edge results in the field. The conference will have 16 invited speakers, a similar number of contributed talks, and two poster sessions. The majority of the funds will be used to provide travel support to students, postdocs, and other individuals without other sources of support. The participation of students and young researchers from underrepresented groups will be particularly encouraged.<br/><br/>Dynamics Days is one of the premier conferences in nonlinear dynamics in the US, with more than four decades of history. During this time, it has established itself as an excellent venue for the exchange of ideas and results on nonlinear dynamics, chaos, and their applications. The conference is characterized by covering a wide variety of interdisciplinary topics, promoting the cross-fertilization of ideas across disciplines. Topics covered in the conference include networks, fluid dynamics and mixing, data-driven modeling, modeling of complex systems, nonlinear waves, machine learning applications to nonlinear dynamics, and biological systems. Attendees include researchers from physics, mathematics, engineering, and the biological sciences. The conference webpage is<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.