Computational Geometry is the theory of algorithms for geometric problems. Since many of the computations associated with both real and simulated physical systems are geometric in nature, research in computational geometry has been fueled by applications in numerous fields, such as computer graphics, geometric modeling, molecular biology, sensor networks, engineering design, robotics, machine learning, machine vision, data mining, and statistics, to mention just a few. All of these areas are at the forefront of current research activity in computational geometry. The Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry is a two-day meeting of researchers, mostly junior. It is a no-fee meeting whose reach can be thus larger than the major conferences. The Fall Workshop in Computational Geometry series was originally established in 1991 and has since then been held almost every fall. <br/><br/>This award will support around 30 US-based students attending the 31st Annual Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry, November 15-16, 2024, at Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.