At the Annual meeting of the GRC in Panama the group endorsed a Statement of Principles (SOP) on Research Ethics, Integrity, and Culture in the Context of Rapid Results Research following a year-long series of discussions at each of the regional meetings on the topic. The discussions and break out groups at the Annual Meeting in Panama were productive and well-received and generated widespread interest in continuing these conversations. This proposal furthers these efforts and will fund a workshop adjacent to the upcoming America’s Regional Meeting in Uruguay in 2022. Workshop participants would develop a model for exchange of best practices on Research Integrity that is specific to the Americas but that could be modified for use in other regions. This effort will both continue ongoing discussions and provide an important contribution to other bilateral and multilateral conversations about research security and research integrity taking place across the world. A particular focus will be how to support responsible internationalization of research that attends specifically to research integrity and security considerations.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.