This project supports a five-day international conference at the Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) in Kochi, India, from December 27 to December 31, 2024. The conference serves as the official annual meeting of the International Indian Statistical Association (IISA). The conference provides its members a unique opportunity to meet and exchange ideas among researchers, and students with a broad focus on theoretical, methodological, and applied research across various scientific domains. Attendees can expect captivating plenary sessions, special invited talks, panel discussions, and a diverse array of invited and contributed sessions. IISA and CUSAT are the primary organizers of the conference. <br/><br/>The conference's main objective is to bring together well-established and emerging young researchers from around the world who are actively pursuing theoretical and methodological research in statistics, data science, and their applications in various allied fields. It aims to provide a forum for leading experts and young researchers to discuss recent progress in statistical theory and data science. The conference offers a vibrant agenda, including student paper competitions, insightful presentations, and awards, complemented by enriching workshops and the esteemed Early Career Award in Statistics and Data Science (ECASDS). It strives to maintain a healthy presence of women and minorities in all these categories and of young researchers (within five years of their doctoral degrees) in invited sessions. The meeting is primarily self-funded, with revenue primarily coming from registration. The revenue generated from the registration fee will be mainly used to cover the cost of the conference. The requested budget will cover registration, partial airfare, and lodging for 20 students and 8 junior researchers to support the participation of students studying at US institutions and US-based junior researchers in the 2024 IISA conference. The official website provides details on different activities planned during the conference.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.