This award will partially fund 12 students' attendance costs for the 15th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY). CODASPY focuses on trust, privacy and security problems from various perspectives, particularly around artificial intelligence and machine learning contexts where data and privacy are core to both the utility and the risks of these systems. The conference invites participation from a wide range of communities including corporate and academic researchers, open-source projects, standardization bodies, government, system and security administrators, and software engineers and application domain experts. Bringing this wide range of perspectives is crucial to advancing both research and practice in this area. <br/><br/>Attending CODASPY will be valuable to students' own research and professional development. Students will get an opportunity to present their research, receive feedback, and network with established researchers in these areas. Funding from this award will allow the conference to support early-stage student researchers who might not otherwise be able to attend. To that end, the conference organizers will widely advertise the availability for student travel support. Students will be selected based on the relevance of their work to the themes of CODASPY, their financial need, and their contribution toward increasing the range of institutions, topics, and student backgrounds represented at the conference.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.