The International Conference on Continuous Optimization (ICCOPT) is a premier event for optimization experts, crucial for solving complex problems in engineering, economics, business, and other domains. The conference is thus a valuable forum for graduate students in this discipline to present their work, receive feedback from other researchers working on similar or related topics, and to make professional acquaintances within the discipline. This award supports the participation of US-based students in ICCOPT 2025, held at the University of Southern California, July 19-24, 2025. Participation at this conference will enhance the research experiences for students and provide increased opportunities for new collaborations.<br/><br/>Students form an integral part of the conference, whose first two days, known as the Summer School, cover contemporary and cutting-edge topics in optimization as presented by leading experts in the field and which are often not found in traditional textbooks. The conference also promotes the interaction between academia and industry, which benefits students through greater employment prospects upon graduation and/or better anchoring of academic research themes to industrial relevance. Funds offered through this award will support the attendance at the 2025 ICCOPT by students enrolled in a graduate or undergraduate program in the United States and whose papers have been accepted for presentation.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.