This proposal aims to organize the NSF SWIFT program PI meeting in 2024. NSF SWIFT program PI meeting takes place on May 13-14, 2024 as a part of the second Spectrum Week in Arlington, Virginia. Organized by NSF-supported SpectrumX, the second Spectrum Week co-locates multiple spectrum-related events. The meeting creates an environment for SWIFT PIs to disseminate the results of their projects to various spectrum stakeholders. The societal impacts of SWIFT projects and future challenges facing spectrum and wireless communication research are discussed. One focus of the meeting is to better facilitate artifact (datasets, code, software)<br/>sharing that will accelerate research results to be transferred into products that could impact<br/>the society and will foster reproducibility.<br/><br/>The meeting brings together PIs of the SWIFT program. The main goals of the meeting are to provide a venue for PIs to share their project results, discuss wireless and spectrum research challenges, and create an environment to identify future spectrum and wireless communication-related open research issues. In addition, the meeting will provide perspectives from various spectrum stakeholders through invited speeches and panels. The participants have the chance to disseminate their project results to various spectrum stakeholders. Through invited speeches and panels, the meeting provides a venue for spectrum stakeholders to inform the teams about major spectrum challenges from various perspectives.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.