This award supports the international conference "Combinatorics, Computing, Group Theory, and Applications" (CCGTA), organized by Florida Atlantic University (FAU), held in Deerfield Beach, Florida, August 14 - 21, 2022. Many modern communication systems depend on mathematical ideas and algorithms. Group theory and combinatorics are fundamental to these systems, with applications in coding theory (safe transmission of data), cryptography (security of data), signal processing, and related areas. The meeting features participation of leading researchers in these fields from the USA, Europe, Israel, South Africa, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Asia. The conference aims to enhance academic partnerships among different parts of the world, contributing to the competitiveness and national security of the United States and enhancing infrastructure for research and education. <br/><br/>The primary goal of CCGTA is to promote state-of-the-art research, collaboration, and scientific discourse on algebraic combinatorics with a focus on group theory and its applications. The meeting's first objective is to initiate innovative cross disciplinary research ideas and set the stage for new research collaboration and new inventions. The second objective is to unveil new areas of research within these key areas that have value for the economy and the continuing upgrading of undergraduate and postgraduate programs. The third objective is to provide students with opportunity to participate in a world forum, to have first-hand interaction with experts in the field, and to advance their research. These objectives will be achieved by inviting experts in algebraic combinatorics, computational group theory, coding theory, quantum information theory, and other demanding related areas such as computer security. There will be three invited expository talks every day for the benefit of graduate and undergraduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and other interested audiences. The young researchers will be given the opportunity to give presentations on their recent work. Special effort will be made to ensure diversity by identifying one day of presentations given by successful women with established reputation in STEM disciplines. This knowledge will be disseminated to the larger mathematical community by publishing Proceedings of the talks. More information can be found on the conference web page:<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.