This grant award will support the participation of eleven U.S. students, postdocs and/or early-career scientists in an international conference at the interface of genomics and geomicrobiology. It will enable vital networking for the participants, opportunities for initiating new collaborative research with international colleagues, and the advancement of research and discovery by U.S. scientists. The conference will include scientists from many countries, including the USA, Europe and China. The topics will address areas of basic scientific research, as well as the role of archeal microorganisms in diverse microbial communities and their contributions to human health and agriculture.<br/><br/>This gathering of a group of world experts at the second International Conference on Geo-Omics of Archaea, to be held in Shenzhen, China from November 7-9, 2024. The grant will help advance U.S. efforts in conducting research into fundamental questions related to the biology, physiology, diversity, biogeochemistry, ecology and evolution of Archaea. Participants will also be invited to participate in one or more synthesis manuscripts describing key advancements in areas of Archaeal biology. To maximize impact on broadening participation and development of science excellence in the U.S., funding support: (1) members of underrepresented groups in science; (2) graduate students and/or postdocs; and (3) early-career Assistant Professors.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.