This award represents partial support by NSF for the Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering (PMSE) Division Centennial symposia at the Spring 2024 American Chemical Society (ACS) Meeting, which will take place in New Orleans, LA on March 17-21, 2024. This PMSE Centennial event is part of the PMSE Centennial year celebration in 2024. NSF funding will enable the participation of graduate and undergraduate students and postdoctoral researchers in the Centennial symposia and poster sessions.<br/><br/>According to the project description, the following symposia are planned: (a) Celebration of Success and New Frontiers in Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering highlight research advances and new directions in PMSE and honor the contributions of PMSE researchers; (b) Panel Discussion on the Future of Plastics to explore future research directions in the fields of Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering; (c) Future Leaders of PMSE to honor graduate students and postdoctoral researchers who have made significant contributions to their respective fields and are selected as PMSE Future Leaders; and (d) Poster Awards presented to graduate and undergraduate students and early career researchers. Presented topics will include polymer sustainability, biologically inspired polymers, biomaterials, smart and stimuli-responsive polymers, additive manufacturing, particle encapsulation, nanofabrication, quantum computing, porous polymers, charged polymers, ion-conducting polymers, and advances in polymer physics and chemistry. These topics are forward-looking and important in terms of fundamental opportunities in the polymer field and of societal relevance.<br/><br/>The PMSE Centennial symposia will provide early career researchers including graduate and undergraduate students and postdoctoral researchers the opportunity to present their cutting-edge research in polymeric materials and highlight new frontiers for the field. The event organizers and presenters cover a broad spectrum of forefront expertise in the polymer materials field as well as diversity (gender, minority status, career stage, academic/industrial/government lab). The activities planned for these symposia will facilitate the interactions between early career researchers and leaders in the field of polymeric materials. To reach out to a diverse community of polymer researchers, the Centennial events are proposed to be advertised through various platforms, and contacting listservs that reach a broad spectrum of universities. In addition, the PI is planning to use the Academic and Research Leadership Network, networks associated with MRSEC, STC, and ERC centers, and the PREM partnership to advertise the events.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.