The Research Data Management Education Summit brings together leading educators across domains to increase the quality of Research Data Management education. Research Data Management is a fundamental skill for today’s scientists with data central to new discoveries and the progress of science. The preservation, security, access, and reuse, of research data requires professionals equipped to facilitate the tasks to protect the investment of data collection and increase its value through better access. The Summit advances the field by reviewing existing courses and programs across disciplines and delivering a curricular roadmap focused on the most vital knowledge, skills, and abilities for Research Data Management. A more standardized education benefits all fields and society to best prepare the research data professionals who build, operate, and maintain the U.S. research cyberinfrastructure.<br/><br/>The Summit participants include leading professionals and educators training the next generation of professionals supporting Research Data Management. Research Data Management focuses on all stages of the data lifecycle, including data planning, collection, description, access, use, preservation, secure destruction where required, sharing, and reuse of research data. These research data professionals are essential as funding agencies, publishers and industry move towards more open science and increased artificial intelligence readiness for data that aligns with the FAIR and CARE Data Principles. Workshop attendees actively participate in sessions throughout a day dedicated to improving the consistency and quality of Research Data Management education. The event includes activities related to a review of existing educational materials and approaches as well as the creation of a curricular roadmap, including courses and competencies.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.