This award provides support for the 30th Southern California Geometric Analysis Seminar (SCGAS) meeting, which will be held during the Winter quarter of 2025 at the University of California - Irvine. The SCGAS is an annual two-day conference that rotates between the University of California - Irvine and the University of California - San Diego. The conference features talks given by acclaimed researchers and promotes interactions among members of the Southern California mathematics community working in the field of geometric analysis and related areas. It further seeks to introduce to graduate students and postdoctoral fellows some of the most exciting recent developments in geometric analysis. This funding award is geared towards supporting and encouraging the participation of graduate students and recent PhDs, especially women and under-represented minorities, by providing them the necessary travel support to attend the conference.<br/><br/>Geometric analysis is an important area of modern mathematics and is related to many other branches of mathematics. Using analysis as its main tool along with differential geometry, topology, and algebraic geometry as foundations, geometric analysis has solved a large number of problems in global geometry, topology, several complex variables and mathematical physics. As the success of the first 29 meetings have demonstrated, the SCGAS conference has now become an important and anticipated event for the Southern California region and has also attracted a substantial number of participants from the rest of the country each year. Indeed, it is the unique annual meeting of its kind in the Southern California area, and continues to foster interests in geometric analysis at all levels. In the years past, interactions among the participants during the conference have led to a number of new collaborations and research projects.<br/><br/>The web site for the 30th Southern California Geometric Analysis Seminar may be found at<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.