The objective of the 9 th International Conference on Microbial Genomes is to provide a consistent forum for investigators from different fields to interact with each other and to update the recent advances in microbial genomics. This conference will focus on (1) defining gene functions and regulatory networks using integrative, multidisciplinary approaches and (2) exploring genome sequence information to understand various biological processes. This conference will identify research gaps, problems, challenges, trends, and directions in microbial genomics. Attendees will gain an extensive appreciation of the current status and development in microbial genomics, especially functional genomics. Attendees will also gain insight into how questions in their own fields can be addressed by taking advantage of the massive genomic information already available. In addition, to train the next generation of genomic experts, this conference will establish fellowship awards to support graduate students, postdocs, and young faculty attending this conference. <br/><br/>This conference will consist of seven sessions: (1) Microbial genome diversity, evolution and microbial genome sequencing; (2) Bioinformatics and microarray-based genomic technologies; (3) Proteomics, cellular pathways and regulatory networks; (4) Functional genomics of bioremediation and carbon sequestration; (5) Functional genomics of microbial pathogens; (6) Functional genomics of model microorganisms, extremophiles and biofilms; and (7) Applied functional genomics. This conference will be held in Gatlinburg, TN, in October, 2001.