This project is a collaboration between Baylor University, Virginia Tech, New York Institute of Technology, and Colorado State University to conduct undergraduate workshops on electromagnetic spectrum science and engineering in summer 2025 at each of the four campuses. With great challenges created by wireless spectrum congestion and the ongoing emergence of new technologies, policies, and spectrum sharing approaches, a nationwide effort is needed to develop the future spectrum workforce. This need was emphasized by the 2023 National Spectrum Strategy, of which one pillar is Expanded Spectrum Expertise and Elevated National Awareness. This project supports workforce development, providing funds for a four-day residential workshop, the “Spectrum Sizzle,” on each campus. In the Spectrum Sizzle, undergraduate students participate in hands-on activities related to spectrum policy, communication systems, radar systems, passive systems, and circuits. Additionally, there are panel sessions discussing spectrum careers and graduate school, as well as fun events (such as a campus transmitter hunt). Participating students are recruited from the region surrounding each host location, not just the host campus. The first two Spectrum Sizzle events were held at Baylor University in summer 2023 and summer 2024, beginning with 15 students in 2023 and expanding to 40 students with a waiting list of over 100 in 2024. Coordinated through the Baylor-led SMART Hub organization (Hub for Spectrum Management with Adaptive and Reconfigurable Technology), workshops will be held at four campuses in summer 2025, spread around the country so more students can participate. Organizers intentionally recruit students from Minority Serving Institutions, and a significant goal of implementing these Sizzle events is to develop workforce developers who will multiply spectrum outreach to undergraduate students and others across the country.<br/> <br/>Each Spectrum Sizzle Undergraduate Spectrum Workshop will be scheduled over three and a half days during Summer 2025 and will host approximately 30-40 students (150-160 total across four workshops supported by the award). Planned lecture and laboratory topics include a Mock FCC Proceeding in which participants argue and then adjudicate a spectrum case involving interference; a module on Communications Systems Coexistence in which participants use spectrum analyzers and learn about modulation techniques; a module on Radar System Testing including operating and understanding a homemade radar system; a module on Passive Systems/Spectrum Analysis including lectures on scientific systems and laboratory work to measure different frequency bands; and a module on Filter Circuits including design and measurement of a filter that meets a specification.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.