This is a proposal for support of US participation in a forthcoming international workshop on stochastic partial differential equations, "Stochastic PDEs in Seoul 2024", scheduled to be held in Korea Institute for Advanced Studies (KIAS, S. Korea) on August 12-16, 2024. The organizers are Professors Nam-Gyu Kang (KIAS, S. Korea), Kunwoo Kim (POSTECH, S. Korea), Davar Khoshnevisan (University of Utah, U.S.A.), and Carl Mueller (University of Rochester, U.S.A.). This 5-day workshop intends to bring together leading researchers and highly promising early career mathematicians from across the globe to exchange ideas on some of the cutting-edge questions and topics in Stochastic Partial Differential Equations, a central topic in modern probability theory. <br/><br/>The organizers anticipate approximately 20 plenary speakers, and additional participants to take part in discussions on and around the main theme of the workshop. The workshop will be structured so that, in addition to sharing latest developments in their research, participants will have ample opportunities to closely interact, with the ultimate aim of generating new ideas. The principal speakers are expected to come from across the globe, and be leading figures in scientific areas within the scope of the workshop. Nearly half of the speakers are expected to represent the United States, and they are expected to be at various career stages. This proposal is designed to make it possible so that those speakers and some of their graduate-student trainees and postdoctoral scholars can attend and participate. Conference URL:<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.