The workshop will allows researchers to share research ideas and discuss interesting research problems. The workshop will focus on topic areas of Trustworthy AI, Resilient Networks, and others. The workshop program will include keynote speeches, lightning talks, and round-table discussions, designed to spark innovation, deepen technical exchanges, and lay the groundwork for a shared vision of cybersecurity research. By facilitating these critical interactions, the workshop aims to advance the state of the art in cybersecurity, develop a roadmap for future research collaborations, and promote long-lasting partnerships.<br/><br/>The proposed workshop seeks support to cover the venue facility costs and the travel expenses for invited participants from U.S. institutions to attend a research workshop in Washington, D.C., on March 3-4, 2025. By enabling in-person exchanges among leading researchers, the workshop aims to foster impactful collaborations in cybersecurity research.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.