The Southeastern-Atlantic Regional Conference on Differential Equations (SEARCDE) will take place November 18-19, 2023, at Florida A&M University (FAMU) in Tallahassee, Florida. The annual conference was initiated by scientific members of the Department of Mathematics at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in 1981. Over the years, it has been hosted at various institutions in the southeastern and mid-Atlantic regions, serving as a traditional platform for junior and senior researchers, as well as advanced undergraduate and graduate students, to convene. The conference's primary focus is to facilitate the sharing of the latest research findings, explore emerging trends and challenges in the field of differential equations and related applied sciences. The 41st SEARCDE conference is of particular significance as it signifies a collaboration between FAMU and the nearby Florida State University, promoting their faculty members' internal research activities. By fostering this collaboration, the 41st SEARCDE strives to continue its tradition of being a scientific platform that fosters the exchange of innovative ideas, facilitates research network expansion, and drives the entire scientific community forward. Furthermore, the conference offers an enriching experience to all participants, with a special focus on encouraging representation from members of underrepresented groups. <br/><br/>Differential equations are of utmost importance in addressing a wide range of real-world challenges, spanning from climate modeling to drug development and control systems. With its focus on tackling these trending issues, the 41st SEARCDE conference has organized three impactful plenary talks centered around the themes of (1) Inverse problems for partial differential equations, (2) Control theory in fluid dynamics and material science, and (3) Approximation theory for differential equations and/or partial differential equations. Complementing these talks, the conference will also feature stimulating invited and contributed presentations that explore diverse topics in differential equations and mathematical modeling, encompassing analytical, numerical, and experimental perspectives. Examples include (1) Sensitivity and perturbation analysis of differential equations in models of biology and physical oceanography, (2) Analysis of semi- and/or fully discrete schemes for evolutionary systems, and (3) Parameter estimation for models in immuno-eco-epidemiology. Taking place at FAMU, a renowned historically black university, the 41st SEARCDE conference is committed not only to showcasing scientific contributions but also to fostering diversity and inclusion, with the ultimate goal of increasing representation of STEM minorities in the Southeastern-Atlantic region. By providing a platform for experts and juniors to exchange knowledge and insights, the conference endeavors to advance research in differential equations and empower a broader community to tackle real-world challenges through innovative techniques. Further information about the 41st conference can be found at<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.