This award supports the University of North Carolina Greensboro Regional Mathematics and Statistics Conference (RMSC) which will be held at the University of North Carolina Greensboro on November 10th-11th 2023. Subsequent RMSC conferences supported by this award will be held in November 2024 and 2025. RMSC is a conference, free to all participants, which provides a venue for students at all levels to present and learn about research in the field of mathematics and statistics. This conference series has been hosted by UNCG since 2005. <br/><br/>Each RMSC conference consists of a plenary talk by an established researcher, presentations by undergraduate and graduate students on their research, and a professional development panel. Interactions between undergraduate students, graduate students and faculty will play a vital role in supporting student research and the training of a new generation of mathematicians and statisticians. The conference has an established tradition of attracting student researchers and their mentors from institutions in North Carolina and neighboring states, and through the support of the NSF we expect to support a large number of attendees from underrepresented minorities.<br/><br/>The conference website is:<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.