This award provides support for the 3rd Annual Data Science Workshop entitled “Emerging Data Science Methods for Complex Biomedical and Cyber Data” to be held on Augusta University (AU) Riverfront campus, March 16-17, 2023. With the increasing importance of the next generation of data, we strive to help students and early career researchers develop analytical thinking, statistical reasoning, communication skills, and creativity through this 3rd Data Science Workshop. The workshop will be in the form of specific research overviews and lectures provided by leading experts in the fields of statistical learning and data sciences. At the end of each day, a panel discussion will be held, led by an expert panelist and all the speakers of the day, for assimilating the various topics presented on the day and for addressing questions and comments from the audience. The Workshop participants will learn state-of-the-art forefront data science research methods used in academia, industry, and the government sector, facilitating them to be a more successful members of the future workforce in STEM fields.<br/><br/>This award supports the expert speakers and approximately 15 undergraduate and graduate students to attend the workshop. Graduate students will either present posters or give five-minute oral presentations on their respective research closely related to the theme of this workshop. The workshop aims to empower participants with emerging statistical methods that could allow them to address the complex data, arising from various applications and, in particular, from biosciences and cyber science. The topics of the workshop include deep learning, statistical machine learning, differential privacy, Bayesian data integration and cybersecurity data modeling, among others. Detailed information about this workshop is available at<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.