The 28th Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB 2024) serves as a dynamic platform for computational, mathematical, and biological sciences. Originating in 1997, the RECOMB conference provides a scientific platform for theoretical breakthroughs in computational biology, with practical applications in molecular biology and medicine. The 2024 RECOMB conference will be held from April 29th to May 2nd in Boston, Massachusetts. Travel, registration, and accommodation expenses will be provided to US-based students to attend the meeting. Emphasis will be given to participants presenting a paper or poster, underrepresented groups or those experiencing financial hardship. This conference will provide a valuable educational and research experience for these participants, enabling students to share their work and interact with the larger community. <br/><br/>RECOMB 24 will be a conference-style event with keynote addresses, peer-reviewed research paper presentations, special sessions and poster displays. Participants will be immersed in the latest advancements in computational biology, which is a rapidly growing industry spanning pharmaceuticals, agriculture, environment, consumer products, biotechnology, software, hardware, and other services. There is a growing demand for skilled computational biologists and RECOMB provides an annual meeting where students are exposed to the latest developments and research methodologies. The funding will provide support to 10 US-based students. The selection process will be overseen by the RECOMB conference chairs based on submitted letters of application. Members of underrepresented groups will be especially encouraged to apply.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.